• june.7,1942

    pvt first class.miller. day 6

    Listen up ladies we will be marching into battle at 0700 hours i want those thing you call guns ready to fire.I will tell you the truth no all of us will make it back.Infact alot of us will die i may even but im am not scared.

    june.8,1942 0700 hours.Load into the truck people were leaving.

    i arrived in the battle field so far its just boom boom boom bombs screaming and gunfire.BOOM! all i hear for a second is a ringing noise then i hear screaming to my left.I look there is my partner laying on the ground with his left leg gone no where in site.I crawl over to comfor him try to make him feel better.I feel a very sharp pain in my shoulder and pass out.I wake up in a hospital bed not feeling the greatest but atleast no more pain.Ibegin to look around for the man with no leg.A doctor walks over greats me and says "I know who your looking for im srry he died from the shock and intense pain".I looked at him with an awed face he said "Im sorry there was nothing we could do".i asked him when i would be better he said in a couple of monthes i just stared at the sealing.I kept telling my self atleast no more battle.I said that to yself sevrel times before i felt better.In some way i wanted to go back i wasnt used to allthe quiet.

    eventually 2 months passed and i was back in battle i wasnt exactlly happy but i got to see my pals.i wondered if this war would ever end.Or if hitler would ever die but i knew that wouldnt happen unless we invaded and took berlin.We knew there had been attemps all of witch failed badly.all i knew was it was going to be awhile.