• "And so after the car crash, I was never the same person," Jane wrapped up her story with a yawn. Kevin nodded, "So he died? And you ran away, basically, but under certain circumstances." She nodded, "Yup." He looked up at the night sky, "Wow... Well, I guess that really sucks. At least you have me now." She sighed, "No one could replace him." Kevin looked down at her. They were lying in the grass, her head resting on his chest.
    "What if he could come back?" Kevin suddenly asked. She froze.
    "That's way too unnatural, it wouldn't be the same," she whispered. Kevin sighed, "So bringing people back from the dead is suddenly unnatural. Hello? Are you atheist or something?" She blushed, "Why do you ask?" Kevin rolled his eyes, "Jesus Christ came back from the dead." She snorted, "Yeah. And Rumplestilskin and I had a nice conversation the other day. I am atheist."
    "You dare say that to a fallen angel?" kevin asked.
    "I do," she said boldly, "You can't hurt me."
    "Can't I?"
    Silence. "You wouldn't," she corrected herself, "hurt me." Kevin still didn't say anything. "Would you?" she asked. Finally, he sighed, "Not intentionally." Jane relaxed a bit and Kevin shook his head, "The vampires are beginning to target me again." No reply. He went on talking, "I didn't think so at first, but after the other day... Why would they send that particular vampire unless they were targeting me?" Still no reply. "And who would want to target me? Do you think I'm being paranoid?" No reply.
    "She's asleep," said Jesse, who had been watching secretly from a tree. Kevin sighed, "I suppose she is." "You aren't being paranoid," Jesse smiled, "You're being Kevin." Kevin snorted gently, "Which means 'paranoid' in your book." Jesse chuckled, "Well, at least you can get a girl. If I had a girl, I would be paranoid." Kevin rolled his eyes, "You say that as if she's an object. Her name is Jane. And don't act all innocent, I know you were hoping you'd find us making out or something." "You change the subject a lot," Jesse commented. Kevin ran a hand through his hair, "Yeah, well, I have to be able to while I'm here. Humans are too curious; too inquisitive."
    "I agree all too much," said Arial, appearing from behind a tree, "Its not what you think. I was coming here hoping I would find you two making out." Kevin rolled his eyes. Everyone seemed to contradict their very beings with the things they say. "What do you want, Arial?" Kevin groaned. She smiled, "Jane looks so cute when she sleeps." A little growl escaped Kevin's lips. Arial just smiled under her hood. "Felix scares her," Arial changed the subject. Kevin's eyes widened and his muscles locked in place and all he could do was try very hard to breathe. Finally, he asked, "They met...? You let him? You let her? What did he do?!" Arial laughed a little, "Darling, Felix didn't do a thing. He just merely... observed." Kevin shook his head and clenched his fists, closing his eyes. He just shook with anger. "One hundred, ninety nine," he began counting backwards from one hundred. When he was done, Arial was gone and Jesse stood smirking, "Well, that was interesting. Usually she leaves as soon as you don't respond. This time she waited for you to calm down and then she left." "She wanted to watch and see if I would snap with Jane around. She drains me, Jesse. Both of them." Jesse frowned, "Arial and Jane?" Kevin nodded, "Yeah. Arial just drains me of patience and such. Jane... She drains me in a more physical way. When we were in the elevator, I couldn't do things. I couldn't change when I got angry. I still can't." "That's why you got so banged up. God, you know what that means? You can't fight around her. You can't protect her," Jesse scowled, "That must be frustrating. Why did you count then? You can't change, there was no point in trying to calm yourself." Kevin chuckled, "Jesse, you don't understand what the word anger means. It isn't something useless that you can throw around and leave. If you can't calm yourself once, you're doomed to be angry for the rest of your life in one way or another. You just don't get it." Jesse just smiled, "I got the good traits of my father."

    Jane opened her eyes to the dust particles floating in the air above her head. She was in a hospital bed, but she wasn't at the hospital. Sitting up, she remembered her dream and her conversation with Kevin. She shivered. What a night. "Are you cold?" Kevin asked curiously, "Why did you shiver?" She jumped, not noticing Kevin watching her from across the room or Anne watching from the doorway. She smiled, "No, I was just..." She looked down and raised an eyebrow, "These are not the clothes I fell asleep in." Anne giggled, "That's okay. We're all girls here. Well, not Kevin, but still. He didn't change you. Besides, these are your new clothes!" "Just these?" Jane asked. Anne nodded, "You don't have to wash them. They're angel-made. Besides, how did you know? They look exactly the same." Jane shrugged, "They smell different." Anne whipped out a notebook and scribbled something, shouting, "One point for Jesse!" There was an excited "WHOO!" from outside. Jane stood and walked out of the room and straight into a kitchen. How odd. There was Jesse, smirking, and Owen just smiling simply at a table. Kevin and Anne followed her. Anne expained, "This is Kevin's apartment." Jane nodded. A hamster rolled around in a ball on the floor while a cat chased it. A dog lazily yawned and fell asleep in the corner of the room, which was really big for an apartment. "Are we in the city?" Jane asked. Kevin shook his head. Jesse looked up at her, "See, we made a bet about you, Kevin and I." Kevin raised an eyebrow at him. Jane didn't seem too offended, "On?" "Whether you were part vampire or something else entirely. I think you're like me. Kevin doesn't know what you are, but he doesn't think you're a vampire. Anne is keeping score of how many traits you have that clash and agree with vampire traits. You smelled the angel-fabric when we had tried desperately to make it smell exactly the same." Jane nodded, "Okay. So... What are the scores?" Anne pulled out the notebook, "Three to one." "What were the points for?" Jane asked. Kevin spoke, "The lonely one was sleeping. Jesse can't sleep, and he's a half vampire. The other three were for the smell of your clothes, and your being attracted to me." "That's two things, not three," Jane pointed out. Jesse grinned, "The third is his attraction to you." Kevin scowled and mumbled under his breath, "I shouldn't have told him anything about that..." Jane asked, "Shouldn't have told who what?" Anne shouted, "Another point for Jesse! Good hearing!" "Is it bad if I'm a vampire?" Jane asked suddenly. Kevin looked suddenly distressed, "No! There will just be... limitations for you and for me... if we ever had a relationship." Jane looked genuinely confused, "I thought we have a relationship." Kevin smiled a little, "I mean... something a little different. Besides, I haven't asked you out directly yet." "No matter, you are dating," Anne said cheerfully. Jesse laughed at them, "You guys! Go ahead and tell her!" "No! She isn't a vampire so it doesn't matter!" Kevin retorted childishly. Jesse frowned, "That really upsets you doesn't it?" "Yes, it does," Kevin sighed, "I have enough strain with women as it is. My charge is being yelled at again. I have a headache." Jesse rolled his eyes, "That woman ought to take her medicine." "Who?" Jane asked, desperate to be in the conversation. Kevin sat up, "I have to go. Jane, do you want to meet my charge?" Jane smiled, "Why not?" Jesse laughed, "Why would you want to?" Kevin answered, "Jane is more important to me than my charge. She should know about my job, and the other important people in my life." "Then let's go!" Jane stood. Kevin smiled nervously, "Just don't go overboard, okay?" Jane agreed cheerfully, "Of course!"