• THUMP-THUMP you hear your heart beating fast. Trying to keep up your speed. Your soo hungry you havent eaten in over 12 hours. You've been running all day and so you pounce and land on your prey, tearing it with your teeth. Day by day you walk the surfaces of the Earth, coming and going from woods and forests. But, when it comes to cities you transform to a human not wanting to get caught. Knowing that the little bor wasnt going to fill you up, you smell the air for animals in the area but all you can smell is the blood on your nose. You hear something but without turning around, point your ears in that direction. But, at the last mintue you turn around to find a small rabbit not to big but not to skinny, thinking it just might fill you up.

    by the way its about a wolf
    named dusk http://sum02.deviantart.com/art/Dusk-154228755
    i drew this picture this is what dusk looks like if you just wanted to know

    Dusk is lying on the ground thinking way he is soo alone, and then he remebers. Hateis had come to the forest of the souls and destroyed his pack which contained his friends and family, now its only Dusk and his sister Dawn.
    But she parted ways with Dusk a long time ago and Dusk is trying to find her. His goal is to join the moon goddess colony, find his sister and defeat Hateis. Still lying under the tree Dusk trys to remeber his sisters face scrimaging pictures together in his head trying to put it together but he hasnt seen her in soo long he forgot her face. Angerly he gets up and looks around to see what direction he needs to go in, South East. Walking at first then running thinking "I'm not going to get anywhere lying around."