• Chapter One
    Temple of the Realms

    As long Rose could remember, she could see things that others could not. Rose saw fairies, goblins, ghosts and many other creatures. But as soon she moved to a little house by the woods, everything changed. She would always take walk in the woods everyday. When she walked in the woods, she could shapeshift in to animals of many types. Even creatures that were beleived to not exist. But when she left the woods, she change back to normal. When she needed to get away from the frustrations of life, the woods where she escape to. She would shapeshift to a bird to soar the skys. To cool of in the creeks and ponds, she shapeshifted into a fish. If she needed to run a long distance, she shapeshifted into to a wolf. But on one autunm day, her life was turned upside down.
    This day started out just like any other day. It was a sunny day with warm weather and a slight wind. She took her regural walk through the woods. After entering the woods, she shapeshifted into a sparrow and started her flight. She flew for sometime before landing by a creek. She cooled off by the creek before starting walking around. The final leaves on the trees were falling to the ground. She could hear the rustle of the wildlife preparing for winter's coming. Then she noticed the three little fairies dancing around the trees. There were two girls and a boy. The older of the two girls had long black hair tied back into a ponytail. She wore a deep blue dress in the shape of a bell. The younger of the two girls had short brown hair with a circlet of throns in her hair. She wore a crimson red dress in the shape of a rose. The boy was the oldest of the three fairies. He had cropped sand blonde hair. He wore a suit made of leaves. The brother noticed her presence first. He signled to his sisters about her presence. They flew over to examine her. They examined her from head to toe."I don't want to harm you. I'm just passing by." she said calmly to the fairies. The younger sister grabbed a piece of her hair and started to lead her down the path. The place she lead her to was amazing. She had lead her to a set of old temple ruins in the forest. The temple had a set of stairs the lead up to the top of the temple. The little fairy lead her up the stairs to the top of the temple. At the top, there was a huge room with five gems laying on a stone table. She looked around to see that there was five pedestal were each of the five corners of the room. On the stone table was a message,"To open the gate to the different realms, match the gems to the five points of the star."
    "Match the gems to the five pointed star? How in the world am I suppose to do that?" She looked around the room to see if she can find a clue."Damn. What am I going to do?" The little fairy tugged at her hair and pointed at the floor. When she looked down she saw the lines on the floor that made a star. She flew over to one of the pedestals and showed a picture on it. The picture on the pedestal was in the shape of fire."Okay. How does that help?" She flew over to the gems and pointed at the red gem. She picked up the red gem and placed on the pedestal with the picture of fire. The gem started to glow brightly when she set it down."WAH!!! Okay I guess I have to the pictures to the gems." She picked up the blue and walked to the pedestal on the opposite side of the room. She saw the picture was of water and placed the the blue gem on it. The gem glowed as bright as the other one."Okay that's two. Now the other three." She picked up the clear gem and walked over to another pedestal in the front of the room. The picture on the pedestal showed wind. She placed the gem on the pedestal and the gem started to glow."Three down, two to go." She picked up the brown gem and walked to the other pedestal in the front of the room. The picture on it was in the shape of a rock. She placed the gem on the pedestal glowed brightly as she set it down."Only one left to go.'"She picked up the final gem, it was a golden gem. She walked back to to the final pedestal in the back of the room. The picture on the final pedestal was a strange shape, the shape of a ghost. As she placed the gem down, it glowed the brightest of them all. The ground begin to shake as the gem glowed brighter and brighter. Then suddenly, the gems stop glowing and a door opened behind the final pedestal. The litte fairy flew past her and through the door. She followed the fairy through the doors and down a set of stairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she saw some kind of portal on the other side of the small room. The little fairy flew over to the portal and beckoned her over. Rose walked over to the portal and she saw a message written in the stone of the portal."Portals to the Realms."
    "Portal to the Realms? What in the world is that?" Rose took her hand and reached through the portal. As she pushed her hand through, it dissapeared as it went through. She quickly pulled her hand back."Okay. Time to go home." But before she was able to turn around, something pushed her threw the portal. The last thing she saw was a bright flash of light before she blacked out.