• The rabbits stomach growled. His face red with embaressment, but no one was around to make fun of his flaw, not even a singing bird to watch over him or sing a song for the boy. He was alone. No one was there for him. The rabbit had run away and when he tried to go back home he realised he had gotten lost.
    Poor rabbit.
    Stupid rabbit.
    Lonely rabbit.
    Selfish rabbit.
    Scared rabbit.
    He looked around him, trying to find something that he had seen when he first ran here. But, nothing looked similar to him, he had never seen any of these trees or plants before. He was lost.
    Stupid rabbit.
    It would be dark soon and then the mean and hungry animals would come out. They would find him and eat him. They would chop him up and put him in their soup. They would cut him open and eat his entestines, while the rabbit, himself, was starving. He had not eaten since he had run away, which was three days ago. He had never gone without food this long before, so this was horrific and terribly painful to him.
    How would the rabbit find his way out in time?
    The past few days the rabbit had been hiding out in a cave for shelter, but he thought he recognized a few trees and followed the path, but only ended up getting lost again. Sending him deeper into the forest.
    The rabbit sobbed and looked around himself again.
    No one would save him. He was wolf and mountain lion food. It didn't matter which species found him first, he was dead.
    Lonely rabbit.
    The sound of someone coming up behind him made the rabbit gasp. He looked around him, trying to find a place to hide. He saw a large tree and ran behind it, then began to calm and tame his breathing so the animal wouldn't hear him or smell his breath.
    A wolf who had been making his runs around his territory came uppon the rabbits old standing place. He felt the scent of something edable tickle his nose. He sniffed the air, his ears perking up in curiousity.
    A breaze whirled by, picking up the rabbits scent and whisking it in front of the wolves already flarring nostrils.
    The rabbit swallowed hard, his heart beating hard against his chest.
    The wolf growled and turned to the tree.
    The rabbit jumped and felt his heart kick his ribs.
    The wolf barred his teeth. "Rabbit." He said as his mouth watered and his stomach growled.
    The rabbit peeped around the tree and saw the wolf, his eyes filled rage.
    The wolf took a step towards the rabbit.
    The rabbit, who was smart enough to know what to do when something's trying to attack you, ran for it. His legs moving fast under his feet.
    But, the wolf had been hunting long enough to know exactly how to get that little rabbit. The wolf swung his paw, knocking the rabbit off his feet.
    The rabbit fell and landed on his face. Grass stained his cheek and leaves tangled in the poor boys hair.
    The wolf growled and stood tall over his meal. He growled at the rabbit, daring him to run again, if he was brave enough that is.
    The rabbit began to shake in fear of losing his life, he curled up into a ball, holding his knees tightly to his chest.
    The wolves stomach roared, ordering him to take his next meal back to the den right away and eat him up.
    The rabbit looked up at the wolf with pleading eyes. "Please, don't eat me. I just got lost. I want to go home."
    The wolf put his foot on the rabbits head, crushing it into the dirt. "Shut up." He ordered.
    The rabbit sobbed. "I'm sorry."
    'Sorry? Why is he sorry?' The wolf thought narrowing his eyes at the rabbit. 'Why would someone apologize to the person who was going to end up eating you the same day they first met you? Isn't he mad at me for trying to hurt him. All animals I come across start screaming and cursing at me. So, what was wrong with this one? Was he sick?' The wolf thought leaning down and sniffing his food. 'No. He's not sick... So, what's wrong with him?'
    The rabbit looked back up at the predator. "Please... I just want to go home."
    The wolf growled, pushing his foot into the rabbits head again. "Shut up!"
    I'm sure your feeling terrible for the rabbit, like you want to suddenly come into the story lines and beat the stuffing out of this wolf, but then that would cause problems in the story and there would be no point in continuing. So I apologize.
    The rabbit cried out in pain and dug his nails into the dirt.
    The wolf felt his heart race in exciment to the cry and got on his knees, straddling the rabbit. He grabbed the rabbit by his hair and pulled his head up, the rabbit bending his back to keep the wolf from ripping his hair out. The wolf leaned down and sniffed the bunnies throat, his mouth watering in hunger.
    The rabbit suddenly became over whelmed with an odd calm. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.
    The wolf licked the skin he was about to dig his teeth into. 'He smells like pain.'
    The rabbit let the breath out slowly, feeling his body relax just like his mind had. 'He's hungry, like I am. So, since he probably needs food more than I do, I'll let him eat me. I won't put up a fuss, I'll make it easy for him.'
    The wolf could suddenly no longer smell pain, but instead all he could smell was relaxation. It smelt like a calm night after a long day of rain, it smelt like the feeling after pulling a thorn out of your finger, it smelt like a day filled with doing your favorite things and at the end of the day feeling satisfied with everything you did, relief and joy.
    The rabbit could feel his hunger bite into his sides and gut, but as long as he was saving someone else from this pain he was fine with it. 'He's just as hungry as I am.' He thinks.
    The wolf blinked and pulled away, his eyes confused. 'What's wrong with this rabbit? Not putting up a right anymore? Is he giving up that easily? Why? Does he have nothing to live for?' The wolf asks himself.
    The bunny felt the wolf pull away and looked up at him, his eyes just as calm as his body. "What's wrong?"
    The wolf blinked. "Why...?"
    The closed his eyes. "I understand. Your hungry like I am, so I thought I might as well help someone out since I wasn't going to find food for myself anyway. So, go ahead."
    The wolf was baffled. For two reasons:
    1 ~ The rabbit was giving his life to the wolf for nothing in return.
    2 ~ He wasn't scared of the horrific wolf at all.
    The wolf growled and dug his nails into the rabbits shoulders. "Why would you do that? Are you sick or something?" The wolf demanded.
    Now your probably asking, 'Why is the wolf treating him so badly?' Well, the wolf always treated his food this way, he thought, since it was going to die anyway, why treat it like royalty, that will just make dying and leaving this world more difficult for the food. So he treated the food like... well, food. That way the animal would never want to come back to this world.
    The rabbit shook his head. "No. I'm perfectly healthy. I would never let you eat me if I was sick. That would be just cruel. You would get sick too." He said looking into the wolves eyes.
    The wolf was baffled even more. "But... why? Most animals would fight for their lives. Your just giving yourself to me."
    The rabbit shrugged. "Like I said before, you need food more than I do."
    The wolf blinked. "What the h*** is wrong with you?" The wolf asked digging his long nails into the rabbits shoulders.
    The rabbit winced. "Ouch! I'm sorry!"
    The wolf dug into the rabbits shoulders even farther. "That too! Why are you saying 'Sorry'!?"
    The bunny cringed under the power of the wolves voice. "I'm sorry! I won't say that anymore!"
    The wolf growled. "You bast***! You said it again!"
    The rabbit sobbed and covered the back of his head with his hands. "I'm sorry!"
    The wolf sighed and became uninterested in the rabbit, he stood up and turned away. "I'm leaving."
    The rabbit sat up and held his shoulders as they throbbed in pain from his nails, blood starting to ooze out of the wounds. "Your not going to eat me?"
    The wolf walked in the direction he had come from. "No."
    "But... why?"
    "Your an annoying peice of s***." He rasped.
    The rabbit sniffled. "Oh... Well... can you lead me to the entrance of the woods so I can go home? I don't want to be outside again tonight." He begged.
    The wolf kept on walking, not answering.
    The rabbit stood up, his legs shaking from all the shock he had been through. "Please! Just... lead me to the entrance, or the exit. I don't care. I just want to go home." He said getting control of his voice.
    The wolf stopped. "What will you do for me if I take you to the entrance?"
    The rabbit sniffled, thinking hard. "I... could keep your den clean and do a few arrens for you."
    The wolf sighed. 'Why am I doing this? I'm supposed to be dragging him back to my den to eat him, not have him clean my things and do my chores.'
    The rabbit smiled. "Thank you, sir! I promise I'll do a good job!"
    The wolf started walking towards his den. "Yeah... Whatever."
    The group of lonesome animals walked next to each other the whole way in silence. The wolf had a blank stare on his face, while the rabbit was smiling. They were completely different, but so similar in the same time. Anyone that saw the group walking with each other would have probably thought they were losing their mind. A sight like this was bound to be one in billion if ever seen. So good like trying.
    The rabbit walked inside the den behind the wolf, the door closing quietly behind him. The scent of blood filled his nose. He pinched his nostrals together and grimaced.
    This scent to the wolf was more welcoming than a hug from a loved one. This wolf wasn't a pack person, he was a loner. He had been kicked out for challenging the alpha years ago. So he scented his own territory and lived on his own. But the land he had was empty when it came to food. Not even many birds came to this land.
    The rabbit looked around and saw bowls with bones and rib cages stacked on top of them all over the room, which was the living room. The bunnies heart was racing, those bones could have just equally have been his in just a few hours. But, for some unknown reason, the wolf hadn't eaten him or dragged him here to be butchered. He had made a deal with him instead.
    The wolf sat down on the couch and sighed contently. "Start cleaning. I want the living room done by tommorow morning, and if you wake me up with the slightest noise the deals off."
    The rabbit nodded. "S-sure..." He wasn't so sure he could finish the whole room by dawn, but he had to at least try. If he didn't he would never be able to go home and he would starve out in the forest with even more regrets.
    The wolf grined, revealing his fang like kenin teeth. "You better hury. Less then ten hours till dawn."
    The rabbit smiled, feeling courage and determination over whelme him, making him want to get this done in less then eight hours, so the wolf would be impressed with him. "Right."