• Its been ten years since the solar incident but its because of that, that he became so famous. "Hey Nick cook us up something nice" shouted a customer. "Yeah, Yeah I know the drill." Since Nick was eight he had been one of the best chefs around his home town. When he turned fourteen he bought a little stand and started his business now he's number 2 in all the town. "Move punk" shouted another customer. "You chef, I want to hire you t my crew. Your second to none in this town-" "No!" Nick stated while beating out some doe. "I work for no one." Feeling something on his head he looked up to see a pistol. "Like you have a choice chef." Staring he went back to work as the man holding the gun fell backwards out cold. "Sorry but I'm busy. Alright lets get business going!" Every one shouted as the bandit boss was carried out. Outside a man asked "How did Nick do that while cooking?" The other man replied "Didn't you know? He was born with some strange power and also he ate a Devil Fruit!"