• The wind blows through the trees, all around me are weird creatures. I look up and i see water, and when i look down i see the sky. In this world it's crazy, you never know which way to go. don't get lost you will never find your way back... I hear a roarrr, so i look to the side. Out of no where a huge beast came. i fought with an injured hand half blind from the brightness of the sun. I know where the beast is going to lung, so i block before it strikes. I can't keep this up for much longer, Just then i hear an even huger roar than thatof the beasts... The beast runs leaving me weary and alone. the uside down woods are silent, all the cratures fled. I hear something... heavy footsteps, i know where it is going to come out. and just as the huge dragon comes i strike. one blow is not enough, it only left it injured. i strike again, but this time it is ready. as it closes in for my throat i raise my sword... and the head falls.