• I feel the wind on my face.My neck feels so cold for the wind but it feels like its hot too.
    The sharp rocks sinking into my soft skinned feet.And still i ran faster. My heart racing.
    I 'm going to make it! My eyes watered,not from the wind smashing onto my sweating face,
    but from a joy that deserted me long ago.

    The thorns did not stop me,not this time,this time i let them grab and poke my skin.I
    still did not stop.My bare feet brought me to the end of the forest. A field lay ahead of me,
    green tall thin grasses dancing in the wind. I realized something, I had stopped. I could not
    move forward anymore.My legs would not budge. My knees trembled and so I fell to the
    ground. I shivered in the frozen wind, now. They were going to find me now. And where
    would I be?

    Dead.Or worse, in a cage. I forced myself to get up. My bones seemed to prod out of
    my pale skin. My wavy brown hair reached the end of my lower back. My bushy tail
    twitched back and forth. I knew they were coming,finally. I struggled forward.
    A new resolve hit me. I ran towards the middle of the field. I felt the grasses just
    bow their way out of my way. A cliff was waiting for me. How nice.

    I bolted off the cliff, and it felt heavenly to here them scream to me.
    "Come back!" Their angry voices following me to the bottom of the cliff.
    And get this. I smiled.