Hmm, I wonder how many times that word has rung through my ears, next he would say how sorry he was, then he would say that the other girl was a mistake, and then my all time favorite, “Please give me another chance” but I wasn’t going to give him that chance. I opened my car door and jumped in; I put the key into the ignition and locked the doors. He knocked on my window begging me to let him explain the situation as the other girl walked out onto his porch with his shirt on, I shut my eyes tight hoping to remove his voice from my mind, I stepped on the gas pedal and sped out of his driveway not caring if I ran over his foot.
I stopped in my parent’s driveway and took the key out of the ignition, ah heartbreak and like the rest, I would treat it as if I was never in a relationship in the first place. I stepped out of my car and walked through the front door, my brother Matt was sitting on the couch with his friends, “Where are mom and dad?” I asked as I placed my keys on the small table near the couch, “They went to go get some food” he said looking at me then he noticed something was off; of course something was off I just found out that my boyfriend of seven months had been cheating on me. “Something wrong sis?” “No” I walked up the stairs to my bedroom and locked the door incase anyone came up to see me; I placed my book bag near my bed and started to clear all the things that reminded me of him out of my room.
Five hours later, I came down the stairs with three trash bags filled with the love letters he wrote me “All done” I thought to myself noticing the sweater he gave me in one of the bags, and to think I wore that sweater to bed every night. I walked out of the house and placed all the trash bags near the trash can, just then my brother pulled into the driveway and got out of his car, “Where have you been?” I asked walking up to him then I noticed the blood stains on his hands, “You need to stop doing that” I told him, “And I don’t like it when people do that to my sister” he replied back, I smiled and looked at the damage, “So how long will he be in the hospital?” “A few hours” I shook my head and walked back into the house “Really one of these days you’re going to get arrested” I told him once he closed the door behind him “And for a good reason too” I laughed and walked towards the stairs, “Night Matt” I said trudging up the stairs and into my room.
I was dreaming again this time it was about a boy I dated last year, at least he had the decency to tell me he didn’t think about me that way, we actually became really good friends, but then he moved half way across the world. My eyes shot open as my mom opened the curtain in my room, “Time to get up before you’re late for school” she said turning to me “And I’m sorry about Jason.” I gave her a weak smile and sat up, “Thanks mom” she waked over to me a gave me kiss on the forehead, “Now get ready before Matt leaves you” We both laughed because we knew that even if he did leave he would always come back to get me. My mom left the room as I got out of my bed “Hmm, what to wear today” I thought as I opened my closet after a few minutes I chose a white T-shirt with two pink stripes running across the top, my skinny jeans that I love so much, and my gray converse. I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs, I grabbed a piece of toast, and ran out the door to my brother’s car.
Thirty minutes later, my brother and I arrived at our school I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the car to be greeted with whispers and stares, apparently the news of what happened between Jason and me had spread to the school. I walked next to Matt as we entered the school and soon after he split off with his friends I arrived at my locker and opened it, I grabbed my school for the day and headed towards my next class. I didn’t have much of a social life at school I had a few friends, but they weren’t considered true friends I turned the corner and was greeted by Ashley, the school cheerleader, “Sorry about Jason” she said to me “Yeah” I moved past her and continued to walk towards math. Everyone at school knew about my past with boys at first they made fun of me because of it, but after being hurt by almost every boy in school they actually softened up a little. Some wonder why I still try, but I do still try to find that one man that would change my life.
I walked into the classroom and sat at my usual desk; I placed my bag on the floor next to me, and grabbed my notebook. Two minutes later the bell rang and the students began to fill into the room, talking about Jason or another rumor they just heard, some even said that I was no good for Jason. I looked towards the window and sighed, today was going to be long. After a few minutes our teacher walked in, unlike all the other teachers, he was fun and let us do whatever as long as we got our homework done. I settled down into a more comfortable position and sat there for the rest of the class.
The bell rang again and I made my way towards my locker hearing the whispers drifting from one person to the next. As I neared my locker I saw someone standing in front of it, I walked up to him and stopped, “Can I help you?” I asked him, he looked toward me and it seemed as if though he stopped breathing, as did I. He had chocolate brown hair and misty grey eyes, he was slightly taller than I was with a firm jaw line and straight nose, he was wearing normal blue jeans and a black T. “Um, yeah are you Charlotte?” He asked, I liked his voice it was calming in way, “Yeah, who are you?” “I’m Daniel, I’m supposed to share you locker until they can find one for me” he replied, my lips parted slightly and I stared at him. I was supposed to share my locker with a boy and at that, I didn’t even know him I hung my head and sighed, “Okay then” I said opening my locker, I mean, our locker I placed my books inside and turned to him, “So where are you from?” I asked him “Manhattan” he replied puttinghis books in as well.
I had only been to Manhattan once in my life and I don’t expect to go back again, “So what brings you here?” I asked, since I’m sharing my locker I might as well get to know him a little, “My dad’s job” he replied “Oh” and yet it seemed he wasn’t much of a talker, “So do you know which way biology is?” He asked looking at me “Yeah, I’m heading there too” I said as I turned around, he walked up next to me while looking at his schedule, “Here let me see that” “Okay” he handed me his paper and I skimmed over it quickly. “We have every class together except for math” I handed his paper back and blew the hair out of my face. As long as he was nice I wouldn’t mind having every class together, but I don’t know him so I guess I’ll find out as the days go.
We walked into Bio and every one looked towards him, some of the girl’s started whispering, “She’s already found another man” “What a loser” they said I completely ignored them and walked towards my seat. I sat down as the teacher came in, he looked at Daniel, and then towards the class, “Everyone this is Daniel Stine” he said some of the girls batted their eyelashes at him, some of them patted the desk next to theirs, and others just said hi. “Daniel why don’t you go sit next to” he looked upon the classroom and finally said, “Miss Ruse” I lifted my hand and he walked over to me, most of the girls gave me glares and snickered.
“It seems you are the life of the party,” he said sitting down “Not really” I sighed and rested my cheek on my hand. Mr. Briggs started on the lecture and Daniel leaned back in his chair. Little did I know what the consequences of meeting Daniel Stine would do to me.
The days, weeks, months, and years passed by I found that Dan could stop and rewind time and as the years passed I fell in love with him and he fell in love with me. At first, I didn’t believe that he could stop and rewind time, but after he showed me that he could I believed him. Daniel told me he that he had five opportunities to rewind time, he used one as an experiment, one to make me believe him, one to prevent the world from finding out his secret, and one to prevent a bad fight between us that ended our relationship. The only problem was that we didn’t see what was coming next and the worst part of it all was that when he used up his five chances he would be stuck in the rifts of time. He would be Time’s prisoner.
Daniel and I had been going for two years now, for once in my life I had someone who really cared about me and would never ever hurt me the way others did. I was happy, I was really, really happy and so was Daniel. We were walking along the street, we had jus finished college and we were looking for jobs he held my hand in his and was telling me about a job he was just interviewed for. I smiled up at him and stopped, “What’s wrong?” He asked me, oh how I loved his voice, “Nothing” I replied he leaned down and gave me a kiss, two years later and he still makes me feel like the first time we kissed.
He pulled away and I kept my eyes closed savoring the feeling, “Charlotte?” I opened my eyes and looked at him, “Yes?” He leaned down on one knee and pulled a diamond ring from his pocket, “Will you marry me?” My eyes widened and I looked at him, now I had to think about this for a moment. I’ve known Daniel for years, I know everything about him and he knows everything about me, I love him and I know that he would never hurt me. Of course I was going to say yes. “Yes” was my simple reply a smile graced his lips and he stood up, after placing the ring on my finger he kissed me again.
I am officially engaged to Daniel Stine and I will become his wife in about two years, now I know most people would think that’s a long time, but he and I don’t have any money and we’re still looking for jobs. We have been engaged for a few days now and I still haven’t been able to tell my family. I was on my way home from a long day of job searching, I was tired and ticked at the interviewers there were certain standards I didn’t meet. The light turned green and I stepped on the accelerator, I was halfway across the road when I noticed the headlights on my right side.
Daniel walked; well he looked more as if he was running, through the hospital doors and up to the counter, “Where is Charlotte Ruse staying?” He asked the woman behind the counter, “Are you her family?” “I’m her fiancé,” she pointed to her right and he took off in that direction. He walked into her room and saw everyone huddled together, “Daniel and I are getting married, soon,” I said to my mom; she covered her mouth with her hand and just looked at me, “That’s great honey” she said I saw Matt walk up to Dan and whisper something in his ear. His faced turned pale and all the color from his eyes disappeared, they talked to each other for a minute before he walked over to me, “Hey, love” he said leaning down and giving me a kiss; my mom and Matt left the room and I looked at him, “What’s wrong?” I asked “Nothing” I squinted my eyes at him and started again, “Don’t give me that, what’s wrong?” He looked at me and I noticed that he, well it looked like he made a decision he didn’t like at all.
“The doc says you’re not going to make it” he said looking down, my lips parted slightly and I just stared at him, “No” I thought, “Doctor shmockter, I’m gonna’ be right as ray in the morning” I told him with enthusiasm in my voice he looked at me again like he was taking his last look at me, “Daniel?” I asked with worry in my voice, if he was thinking what I think he was thinking, “No, he wouldn’t.” I looked more closely at him and I knew what he was thinking, “Daniel, don’t you dare!” I demanded, I was still weak, but I did the best that I could, he wouldn’t do such a thing, he couldn’t! “Daniel!” He continued to look at me, “Sorry, love.”
And that was it, I tried to yell at him to stop but it didn’t reach him. Soon I began to see all our memories fade from my mind. I saw yesterday disappear, I saw us graduating from college disappear, I saw us getting together, I saw our fight, I saw him when his secret was discovered, I saw us meet for the first time. And it all disappeared. I saw him disappear and then I didn’t know anything at all, I didn’t even know what I was thinking about in the first place.
I was dreaming again this time it was about a boy I dated last year, or at least I think that was what I was dreaming about. Anyway, he had the decency to tell me he didn’t think about me that way, we actually became really good friends, but then he moved half way across the world. My eyes shot open as my mom opened the curtain in my room, “Time to get up before you’re late for school” she said turning to me “And I’m sorry about Jason.” I gave her a weak smile and sat up, “Thanks mom” she walked over to me and gave me kiss on the forehead, why does this seem so familiar? “Now get ready before Matt leaves you,” We both laughed because we knew that even if he did leave he would always come back to get me. My mom left the room as I got out of my bed “Hmm, what to wear today” I thought as I opened my closet after a few minutes I chose a white T-shirt with two pink stripes running across the top, my skinny jeans that I love so much, and my gray converse. I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs; I grabbed a piece of toast, and ran out the door to my brother’s car.
Thirty minutes later, my brother and I arrived at our school I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the car to be greeted with whispers and stares, apparently the news of what happened between Jason and me had spread to the school. I walked next to Matt as we entered the school and soon after he split off with his friends I arrived at my locker and opened it, I grabbed my school for the day and headed towards my next class. I didn’t have much of a social life at school I had a few friends, but they weren’t considered true friends I turned the corner and was greeted by Ashley, the school cheerleader, “Sorry about Jason” she said to me “Yeah” I moved past her and continued to walk towards math. Everyone at school knew about my past with boys at first they made fun of me because of it, but after being hurt by almost every boy in school they actually softened up a little. Some wonder why I still try, but I do still try to find that one man that would change my life.
I walked into the classroom and sat at my usual desk; I placed my bag on the floor next to me, and grabbed my notebook. Two minutes later the bell rang and the students began to fill into the room, talking about Jason or another rumor they just heard, some even said that I was no good for Jason. I looked towards the window and sighed, today was going to be long. After a few minutes our teacher walked in, unlike all the other teachers, he was fun and let us do whatever as long as we got our homework done. I settled down into a more comfortable position and sat there for the rest of the class.
The bell rang again and I made my way towards my locker hearing the whispers drifting from one person to the next. As I neared my locker, I had this strange sense of de ja vu like had walked down this hallway before with the same things going through my mind, it seemed as if something was missing from all this. I stopped at my locker and looked at it; it almost seemed as if someone else should’ve been standing here. “Nah” I shook the thought out of my head and opened my locker.
I went through high school, college, and found my first job. I had managed to get into more bad relationships, but I got over them. The strange thing was though, was that I always had that strange sense of de ja vu up until I was almost in a car accident, the driver was drunk and he was a truck driver, but luckily I had forgotten something and stopped a few feet from the man, who was going a eighty in a fifty zone. I met and married this great guy named Tom and had a family, me and Tom stayed together the rest of our lives. And after the almost accident I never had that strange sense of de ja vu again. I always wandered why my life felt like that up until that one point, I think I almost figured it out on several occasions, but I never did. I got over it and lived a happy life.
- by TheOnlyBean |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/04/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: A Series of Endings; Stop.
- Artist: TheOnlyBean
This is the first story in my Series of Endings, hope you like it! Bean out XD
- Date: 06/04/2010
- Tags: series endings stopchapterfirst
- Report Post
Comments (4 Comments)
- FoxxTheSleepy - 07/10/2013
- ....amazing....just beautiful... ^-^
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- slaghoople - 06/15/2010
- The story itself was REALLY interesting!! Just watch where you space your sentences and paragraphs because sometimes it gets jumbled like a run-on. But definitely unique. I enjoyed!!
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- TheOnlyBean - 06/07/2010
- Thanks! ^^
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- FoxyXNinja - 06/06/2010
awesome story!
5/5 - Report As Spam