• “Tragic, honestly.” a scowling voice laughed while rubbing their hands up the side of Alexis thigh. The hands were cold, tough yet gentle. This could only be one person in alexis mind. She had felt toughs hands before. Heard the awful voice of this young man. Yet never had she acquired a name for him. She had asked her father again and again what his name could possibly be. Viridian had replied it was out of her concern as she would never come in contact with the man. How ever he was the reason for her leaving. It had been a dark night after the father she hated had sent her to her room in disgust. Alexis had asked her father to let her leave and become her own person. To hunt and drink blood to her hearts content. Viridian knew it was only a plan to escape and find her family. Maybe even try to take him down.
    When she had come to her room she was furious, shaking with anger. She needed a way out. That was when she had spotted him. The young man with scarlet eyes and blonde hair that spiked in weird ways. He had an inviting body. And did not at all look unattractive. He had told her of ways to escape if she’d only give him the jolt he was looking for. Alexis couldn't refuse his offer.
    That night he had drank from her during sex. Thus making her his blood whore. He wasn't exactly a vampire. He was a strigo. Vampire drained another of blood. They were dark creatures that were paler than pale and scurried the earth like the intolerable, horrible things they were. They’d feast off vampires blood.
    They unlike vampires and humans had no humanity, or soul. They were however pure evil. Said to be devils sent from hell.
    She did become his blood whore and he had eventually after servile nights of sex and blood gave her the escape she had been dyeing for.
    Now here he was again.
    Alexis couldn't see a thing, thanks to the blindfold over her eyes. Using her amazing senses to smell the stuffy air, the feel of damp dirt on her feet, and the chilling temperature she had come to conclude that she was in her fathers dungeon, naked. Probably banished here by her father himself. He being fed up with her fourth attempt to escape. The naked part she thought he dint have anything to do with. No, it was just for the strigo’s pleasure.
    Alexis ignored the touch of the evil creature and the vile in his voice. Choosing not to reply to it.
    “ Oh C’mon don't be that way my angel. Or do you not remember the nights you gave your self to me. Don't deny you loved my bite.”
    It was true, she had become a blood whore. She ached for his bite. Almost invited it. It caused intense pleasure, better then sex with any man or creature. The spot on her neck where his lips met her soft skin and where his teeth entered her veins heated on the mention of those unforgiving nights.
    “It was a mistake!” she spat at him.
    Slowly his icy dead hands made there way up her body to her breast. Their they stayed touching and feeling there way around her chest. Hanging on her every breathe. He made a slight moaning sound.
    She froze at the touch, her nipples were hard and she was dyeing to get away from the hands that molested her body.
    “what are you doing...”
    “What does it look like. Oh right you cant see. Well then my dear, dear, Blair enjoy the ride” he laughed. She winced at the sound of her other name. A body slid against her none other the strigos by the feel of his frigid skin. She had to be chains to a wall only able to move her legs above a foot in the air. Her arms however were tightly being pulled down by her body weight.
    “Don't do this!” She tried to figure out a way to distract.
    “Why not my sweet angel you enjoyed it all the times before.” Some how she knew this time would be widely different.
    “ My dad! “ She said trying to grasp any angle she could to find a way to stop his moving dead body.
    “ Weird, you to be thinking of her dad at this moment.” He laughed historically some how unable to control it.
    Now she knew what to do. Make noise. Get some ones attention. And although the thought of some one seeing her completely naked distracted her she let out a soul scratching scream that seemed liked it could awaken the whole castle. Instantly she felt the cold hard body retract form her and scurry away in to the dark.