• Chapter 58
    I ran down the stairs placing the black head band in my array of neatly pressed curls that made my strait black hair seem less unnaturally choppy. I stuffed my shimmery pink lip gloss in my pocket and jumped the last two steps landing in the white fluffy carpet. My backpack jabbed into my back as I landed.
    “Morning,” Cana smiled stuffing The City of Bones into her backpack and pulling it over her shoulder brushing her wheaten hair that was pulled tidily into a side ponytail.
    “Morning Cana, where is everyone?”
    She brushed a small piece of dangling hair from her face, “Jerri went to go help Drea cram for that history test today. I have no idea what Maureen is up to, and I guess Luna is just a morning person.” We paused for a moment, “I was on my way to breakfast you wanna come?”
    “Sure,” I beamed realizing that all the intimidation I had left for her flew off of me in an instant of her offer. She plugged in the earphones of her IPhone and shifted through her playlist.
    “So uhm what kinda music do you like?” she said trying to engage in some form of conversation while pulling out one of her earphones to hear my response.
    “Well uhm,” I muttered getting abashed, “I never really got into music it was just something I didn’t quite get the time for.” I reached for the door letting Cana and I exit allowing the fresh air beat against my face.
    Her foggy eyes widened, “Gasp! You seriously need some music right now!” she rolled down the list and pressed the screen with her index finger letting the music burst as she handed me the other earphone. “Bleed It Out by Linkin’ Park.” I nodded trying my hardest to listen to the words accompanied by the electric guitar. “Favorite color?”
    “Silver, black, and red.” We started to walk down the sidewalk and in the October air that was killing the grass and making leaves fall.
    “Lavender and black,” she shrugged.
    “Well black goes well with everything.” I paused before realizing I should ask a question so it would be less awkward for Cana. “What type of books do you like?”
    “Horror, mystery, thriller, and fantasy, how about you?”
    “Same but I’m also into romance and manga, pretty lame huh?”
    “Haha, depends on what you read. Movies? I like comedy horror, thriller, and action.”
    I smiled “,Same.” We walked up to the cafeteria double door both opening up a side. I adjusted the strap that hung on my shoulder and ran my fingers through my awkwardly cut bangs. “Future Career?”
    Cana sighed and switched the song on her Iphone, “I wanted to be a detective, but that dream is long gone. So I’d want to be a Theologian.”
    “Theologian that’s cool much more fascinating than me; I want to be a journalist or maybe a poet I’m not sure yet.”
    “Fun,” Cana said turning off her IPhone, rolling up the earphones, and stuffing it in her bag as we entered the cafeteria.
    “Hello!” Drea shouted jumping behind Cana. “Good morning my lovely Cana and Hai I have arisen from the death of history!”
    “So you’re a zombie?” Cana said sarcastically giving Drea a playful smirk allowing the florescent lights to glint off her teeth and shimmer in her blue glassed eyes.
    “No I’m a hologram get it right oh my gosh can’t you tell I’m wearing the latest holographic fashions,” she said putting on a dramatic façade and gesturing to her navy uniform.
    “Whatever I’m hungry and I don’t feel like spending my time listening to you talk about popular technologic styles,” Cana said walking away from Drea. She turned around swiftly, letting the pony tail flop behind the white shirt beneath her blue blazer, “You comin’ or what?”
    “Yeah I’m comin’ hold your ponies.”
    I glanced over my shoulder as Edan smiled and motioned me over.
    “Hai are you coming?” Cana said as I focused my attention back on her.
    “Yeah,” I breathed looking over my shoulder, “I’ll be there in a minute.” I dashed over to him.
    Edan grabbed my hand and smiled, “Good morning.” He leaned down and kissed my cheek and sighed heavily, “Listen I don’t have much time till Isaiah comes to bother me again.” I giggled lightly at the remark. “It’s not funny it’s so frickin’ damn annoying. But anyway,” he dug into his blazer pocket and pulled out a neatly folded piece of lined paper and placed it in the palm of my hand, “here.” He squeezed my hand tight and walked away.
    I grabbed a muffin off of the counter and ran over to Drea and Cana who were sitting down in the plastic chairs. I slid quietly next to Drea and opened up the note under the table. Pressed across each line was Edan’s neat script.
    真の愛 Ren'ai Junsui .
    Curious to what that means? Figure it out.
    - Edan
    “Ohhhhhhhhhh! What’s that?!?!” Drea said yanking the paper from my hands.
    “Drea what the hell give it back?” I shouted right before Drea let out an excited squeal. She slapped the paper on the table and pointed at the swift black pen marked characters on the page.
    “What’s that? Pictures?”
    “No Drea,” I growled, “it’s Japanese.” I knew it wasn’t Chinese, I already was fluent with my Chinese and could easily tell the difference.
    “Wait what’s Japanese?” Cana said peering over Drea’s shoulder. Drea pulled the paper from my grasp and handed it to Cana whose misty eyes immediately scanned it. I reached for the page as Cana gave it back to me.
    “Cana! Don’t give it back we still need to show it to Maureen and Jerri.” Drea snatched it again and stuffed it in her pocket looking around for Maureen and Jerri.
    “Drea give it back,” I moaned being far too tired to slam my hand into the back of her head.
    “Nope,” she smirked, “not until Maureen and Jerri read it.”
    “Ok let’s change the subject!” Cana suggested. “Drea say something off topic.”
    “Are you guys as excited for the Homecoming as I am? I mean guys, pretty dances, and romantic slow dances! It’s like being a princess for the night minus the whole being locked in a tower or whatever they do for fun, until we get to go to prom then that will so outrank it.” Drea yelled getting dreamy eyed and resting her cheek on her hand. “We should all go dress shopping this weekend! It will be a girls’ day out!”
    “Sounds like fun, but I don’t have anyone to go with,” Cana said with a sigh.
    “Neither do I,” I added.
    “That’s ok we can go in a big group of girls!” Drea suggested happily clapping her hands together and showed off a smile that went with the overly joyous blue-green eyes.
    “I guess last year I went with my friend Anna, after I said that if we go together doesn’t mean we are dating.” I remarked remembering how Anna said ‘Will you be my date to the dance?’
    “You obviously won’t need to, Hai. I betcha fifty bucks that Edan will ask you,” she smirked and tapped the tips of her fingers together menacingly.
    “Were you watching me?” I shrieked.
    “I thought you would have learned by now that Drea is creeper. She goes under incognito as a goat farmer. The she gets ya!” Cana laughed.
    Drea gave an unpleased look, “I’m also a hitman you forgot that part Cay. You have deceived me.” I wondered for a minute if I would ever be allowed to call Cana Cay. It was such a playful nickname, only used by here good friends, of which obviously wasn’t me.
    “Uhm ok?” I half laughed.
    “Yup and I see all things Hai, there ain’t now way to keep something from me,” Drea leered again.
    “What do you mean by that,” I almost cowered.
    “I saw it all.” She gave the most frightening glare and tucked the piece of chocolate brown hair behind her ear. “All of it… and I’m so happy for you!” She yelled embracing my shoulders. I gave Cana a look that was screaming for help as she shrugged her shoulder and mouthed “Sorry.”
    “Drea let go,” I pleaded. Drea let go of my shoulders and smiled. I gave Cana a relieved glance.
    “Like I said,” Drea swooned, “I betcha fifty bucks that he will ask you to the dance.”
    “Drea leave Hai alone,” Cana declared.
    “Fine I’m leaving but only to find Maureen and Jerri ok?” Drea said stubbornly standing up and heading for the double doors.
    “Thanks Cay,” I said with a sigh as I realized I called Cana her nickname.
    “Your welcome,” she spoke with relief (most likely for the fact that Drea had left), “and just for the record I didn’t see anything. Would you care to tell me?”
    “Later,” I sighed. “Defiantly later today.”

    ok well Im gonna tell you a lot of stuff
    today lets talk about CHARACTER HISTORY AND CREATION!!!

    ok well Hai's story is a good memory of mine. I started writing in 6th grade when I was going to write a story for my friends. But Hai always wasn't Hai. Her oringinal name was Liliana Marie Wedenburg and then went all the way to of course Hai Shay Gao. She went fromo being daring, headstrong, and fearless to shy, quite, and full of fear. From red hair and green eyes to black hair and brown eyes.
    She's changed a lot but I do love her the same. Her story changed a lot too. Instead of her mother dying she sent Hai away to live with her dad.
    There is more to her back story but I dont have all the time in the world so PM me if you want to hear the rest.

    he started off a nonentity just this character to make Hai's life more intresting. Until we made he and Max natural enmies. From the moment I introduced the thought of Edan to Rainbow he and Max HATED each other. Which bloomed into the CRAZIEST STORY EVER!!!!!! I got the thought for Edan while reading you guessed it... Twilight. Thats why I always say Twilight killed me (after Edan I never thought straight again) but really Edan became a more common character on November 1st and 1:07 am. Lots of his personality was inspired off of Kyo from Fruits Basket (of which you see more of on Rainbows side).

    I wasn't planning on going through with Serenity until I read the Hunger Games. The character Rue inspired me to add a character who was younger than all of them and she'd add the child like innocence (but Ren isnt as innocent as I thought) so I took that idea an combined it with another Fruits Basket character Saki. So after that I just played with Serenity until I thought she was good to go. But the fun thing about her is how she got her name. Serenity's orginal name was going to be Ami until I was watching Sailor Moon on my Ipod and heard the name "Queen Neo Serenity" and I loved it so much I gave her the name Serenity.