• Dash was the first one to wake up. He heard a loud bang, like a bomb, somewhere in the mountain. By the time he stood, everyone on the island was in mayhem. People outside were running around in confusion and fear.
    Dash shook Eya awake. She opened her eyes abruptly and stared at him with shocked anger. Dash opened the door to see no one else there. Rose was already gone.
    “What’s going on?” Eya finally catches on. She could hear all the people outside screaming at the top of their lungs. It scared her. “Dash?” her voice was small.
    He grabbed her hand and ran for the stairs. “I don’t know” he says as they left Home.
    Wild animals rampaged out of the forest and mountain. Birds flew away from the trees. Eya’s ears hurt from all the shrieking. Someone bumped her and she fell down hard. Dash helped her up; ready to punch the guy that did this to her, but whoever it was was long gone.
    “I don’t like this!” Eya was close to tears. This never happened before.
    Everyone was frantic. They seemed to be running away from something invisible. Dash grabbed for the closest human being, a man holding two pails of water in each hand.
    “What’s going on?!” Dash shouts over the loud noise.
    The man looked at him with annoyance, like he was wasting his time here. “There’s a fire!”
    Dash and Eya looked towards the mountain and see smoke rising from the trees. No wonder all the animals were running away form the forest. Flames were spreading slowly through the branches and leaf like a wave.
    The man’s expression hardened. “Something fell from the sky”
    They stood baffled as the man ran into the forest. Other’s came out with empty pails, and other’s went in with full ones. They were trying to put out the fire. Someone took Dash by the arm and told him to help. Eya was left behind as the panicking crowd engulfed her brother.
    The crackle of the flames could be heard all the way to the shores. Eya turned to the forest as people rushed in and out. Something fell from the sky, the man had said. But what would fall to make fire? Maybe it was a lightning strike. The sky was cloudless, so it was impossible. Dark smoke blended in with the morning sky.
    Rose was helping out lost children. She had her hands and arms full of kids crying for their parents. Something caught her eye and she turned to see a small figure walking into the forest. It was a girl with short brown hair.
    “Eya?” Rose says uncertain as the figure disappeared between bushes and trees.
    Meanwhile in the forest of fire, men and women tried to kill the flames but it seemed to grow more and more. The work they did made no impact at all. The center of all the destruction was so deep in that no one knows what caused it.
    “More water!” Kiern, the chief, demanded. “Where are the others? We need more help! WHERES THE WATER?” he was the one in charge here.
    Kiern walked the perimeter to make sure nothing went wrong. A woman up ahead was complaining that it was hot. She reached behind her and grabbed thin air.
    “What the—“ she turned to see nothing. “Where did my water go?”
    Kiern was surprised. He told everyone that their pail of water is theirs and theirs alone. They know better than to steal someone else’s. Just as he was about to question the woman, he saw an isolated figure farther ahead. He got a closer look. It was a girl holding a pail over her head.
    “Hey!” he shouts. Children aren’t supposed to be around this area for safety reasons.
    Eya turned and saw the chief coming after her. She dumped the stolen pail of water over her body and, without hesitation, ran into the burning flames. She didn’t know what took over to make her do something this extreme. All she knows is that she has to see the sky being, even if it kills her. This was that important. Maybe if the being is still alive, she could fulfill her dream of flying in the sky. But if it’s dead… no, she didn’t even want to think about that.
    The water on her body was starting to steam off. Her skin was already beginning to burn.
    “Hello?!” Eya yells. “Sky beings, are you there?” she was panting. Her feet charred but she couldn’t feel a thing. Adrenaline pumped through her system.
    A shape starts to form in the flames. It was large. When Eya got closer, she could see it. It looked like a flying bird with no feathers. The wings were broken and there were no legs. The eyes were made out of something smooth and see through. Under the wing was a hole.
    Thick grey smoke starts to consume her lungs. Eya coughs, hands to her throat. Then everything came at once. The burning scorched through her skin and into her veins. It was way over one-hundred degrees here. She dropped to her knees, clutching her eyes. The heat was going to dry it up to a crisp. Next came the screaming. Eya wailed in pain. Her life wasn’t worth this. She shouldn’t have come here just to see the sky being—bad mistake. Think before you act, that’s what Rose always says. Death is her punishment now.
    A blue glow lit up the red ground. It got stronger and stronger, till the glow stops right in front of Eya. She looks up, tears burning her face. What she saw was a boy about her age, maybe a bit older. He looked twelve. The boy had bleach blonde hair and stunning ocean eyes. His clothes were a little burnt and ripped, and his arms were bleeding. The most shocking was the blue glow emitting from him. It was like a protective shield bubble because when he walked, the fire would move away from him.
    “Don’t die” he says as he lifted Eya on his back.
    The glow starts to surround her too. It felt cool and safe against her body. The smoke in her lungs began to fade away and it was easier to breathe.
    “It’ll be okay. Things are going to get better” I hope, he thinks to himself.
    The boy reaches in his pocket and pulls out a cylinder devise. He presses a button that made the cap split open. Inside was a blinking light that gets faster and faster. Eya flinches, shielding her eyes. The light explodes out of the cylinder. It zips straight into the air and sprinkles white powder of light onto the fire. It spreads and flies with the wind.
    Kiern and all of the islanders stared with wonder at the magnificent scene. They stopped trying to toss water into the flames. Dash was standing next to the chief. Never in their life had they seen floating light other than fireflies. The bright powder killed the flames in a beautiful way. It was like a snow globe, calm and angelic.
    Once the fire had all vanished, everyone gasped. The flames had turned the trees into ash. The most shocking was the large broken object. To the islanders it was a featherless, mutated bird.
    The boy could see everyone staring with confusion. His blue glow had already died down, and now he was the same as the others—except for the clothes. He wore clothes made of cotton and cloth while the islanders wore sewed animal hide.
    Just hope they aren’t savages, the boy thinks. He held his head high and walked confidently towards them. Maybe they won’t notice his fear.
    “Eya!” Dash rushed over to her and picked her off from the boys back.
    Dash backed away from the boy like he was a deadly disease. Kiern and the others backed up too.
    “Um…” the boy says with his hands up to show he was harmless.
    Some people gasped with grotesque. Eya’s eyes widened and her mouth hung loose. The boy didn’t know what was going on. He looked at his arms and realized, for the first time, that he was bleeding. Blood flowed down like running water. He looked up to see Eya running towards him. The islanders started shouting but none went to stop her. And then the boy collapsed.

    part 3