• The three of us are now inside the church with nothing to lose. It may be small, but probably there could be survivors hiding under the seats... then again, maybe not. But there is one discovery that will soon trigger a bigger event....

    [entering the church...]

    Me: [dead pause] I wonder if anyone's here?

    Baruch van Austins: Looks abandoned. This empty church gives me the creeps just like what we've seen outside.

    Me: At least it's still standing.

    Soren Whisperwind: Don't let your guard down, men. If anything shows up here, we might as well be ready for it. Besides, even if the monsters DO locate us and surround this whole church, we can STILL escape the hard way. They can't leave us trapped forever!

    Baruch van Austins: Well, whatever works, Soren. We should investigate.

    [the three of us are looking around, trying to find anything suspicious. After some time...]

    Soren Whisperwind: See anything?

    Baruch van Austins: Nope.

    Me: Not where I am.

    Soren Whisperwind: Same here.

    Baruch van Austins: [pause] Well, this is kinda stupid. I don't see anything around here. Maybe we should head outside and run to the next safest area as possible.

    Soren Whisperwind: There must be something useful we can find.

    Baruch van Austins: Like what?

    Soren Whisperwind: I don't know... weapons and armory, maybe?

    Me: But we've already got the weapons we need: Rings.

    Soren Whisperwind: Well, we can use them to arm people who are inexperienced using rings.

    [Baruch and I just stare at him...]

    Soren Whisperwind: Ah, who am I kidding? Your losses.

    Me: I guess that's settled. All we need to--Baruch, look out!

    Baruch van Austins: Huh? [turns around to see a zombie holding a huge axe, but Soren blasts him with fire at the last moment to save Baruch. Baruch dodges]

    [the three of us stare in shock]

    Baruch van Austins: What the hell was that?

    Soren Whisperwind: Must have been an infected host.

    Me: Hideous!

    Baruch van Austins: [stares at the burned corpse of a zombie, then looks at Soren] Well, you could have fried me, there.

    Soren Whisperwind: You're just lucky that I saved you, man. Whatever the hell that thing was, it was coming to slice your head off.

    Baruch van Austins: Well.... [looks around the empty church] Are there any more?

    [we all look around for a few moments...]

    Me: I don't see any more, but I think there could be others hidden around here.

    Soren Whisperwind: Agreed. Let's just get out of here, quick.

    [the three of us head to the backdoor of the church to go outside only to find more zombies]

    Me: O_O

    Baruch van Austins: D:<

    Soren Whisperwind: Oh, no... that can't be good.

    Baruch van Austins: I think they've discovered our presence.

    Soren Whisperwind: Well, I guess they leave us no choice.

    Me: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

    Soren Whisperwind: [nods]

    Baruch van Austins: I'm going along with your only plan, Soren.

    Soren Whisperwind: Good. [prepares his rings] Alright, men... get ready! We push forward and we stick together, NO HOLDING BACK! D:<

    Me/Baruch van Austins: Right!

    (End of Chapter 1, Part 3)