• One dark windy,cloudy day in somers at a camp called somers camp there were 5 red-ish brown-ish chickens and on one christmas eve and 1 christmas only(never again)the somers camp instructors cooked one of their chickens and had chicken for their roast with some tasty vegetables and gravy,it was very tasty and they even had seconds...maybe even thirds.
    Then one year later they discovered ghost chickens,
    on january third the last night of camp #1 somers camp when they had their campfire and it wasn't cold or windy so they had the campfire in their usual spot,they sang their camp songs and some extra songs and while they were happily singing their campfire songs something else was happening the other side of the camp. The Ghost chickens was clucking their way to them and then when the ghost chickens got there the children heard a noise so the chickens hid then the children were whispering quietly amongst themselves then the ghost chickens were waddling again then the instructors and the children went quiet and they heard a noise but then all was quiet so they went back to singing their campfire songs and being merry but then one of the children looked up at the moon and something flew past it and then the child heard a chicken cluck and he realised it was a chicken but he saw something fly past the moon and then he realised it might possibly be a ghost chicken but then he thought he might be seeing things and hearing things and he might be crazy but then his best friend that was sitting next to him told him that he heard a chicken cluck and he saw something fly past the moon so then they discussed it and decided to tell an instructor so after the campfire on the walk back to camp they told an instructor and then the instructor told them about the rumour about ghost chickens and the instructor sed' on the last night of every camp the ghost chickens come out to search the camp for the instructor that cooked them but they do not have a clue about what one cooked them so they just cluck around the camp' then the two boys spread it and it was a rumour around that years camp and then it became a camp rumour!
    _of the_
    _ghost chickens_