• Hey Sasuke! I'm here!
    There's no need to fear that pink-headed stalker anymore!
    Why don't you go after Itachi, Sakura?!
    He's the perfect match for you since YOU'RE BOTH STALKERS!
    Finally she's gone... Now Sasuke where were we?
    Oh yeah! You said you had a present for me?
    AKAMARU! Get off my leg! I'm trying to talk to Sasuke!
    WOOOO! I got RAMEN!
    Arigato Sasuke-kun! Daisuki desu!
    Naruto glomp! What?! You're not Sasuke!
    I told you to get away Hinata!
    Sasuke-kun! Where are you?!
    I miss you Sasuke! And Hinata's attacking me!
    Argh! Get off of me! What kind of ninja are you?!
    I mean really! Go after a lonely hobo or something!
    Let's see... Where could Sasuke be?
    I know! Maybe he went back to his house!
    Here I come Sasuke! Just wait a bit longer!
    ...Oh MY GOWD... I just remembered...
    Ino was heading for Sasuke's house!
    That's horrible! Last time she went over Sasuke was all pale...
    And repating "Go to my happy place"!
    Or "I saw a creepy smiley face"... Must run faster!
    Made it! Now to slowly open the door so I don't spook Sasuke...
    OPEENN-- SASUKE! What the-?!
    How could you?! And SAKURA!
    How COULD YOU?!
    OOOOOOO! Is that ramen on the table for me?
    Yay! Super Powerful Naruto Punch!
    Bye Fat Pink Man Cow!