• We sat on a porch on the Miami coastline. Together. I smiled at his flawless face. I sighed happily.
    "Isn't the beach just beautiful?"
    "Mmhm,"he answered."Aren't those dolphins?"
    "Those are mermaids. Dolphins aren't real."
    He smiled warmly at me. Then his face softened into remose at what I was about to say. I pretended not to notice.
    "I love you"
    I took his face in my hands and kissed him full on the lips. He pulled away.
    "We can't. I'll lose publicity. My career will be ruined.I'm sorry, but I can't take that kind of risk."
    "Not even for me?"
    He looked at me sadly. I slapped him, knowing it would hurt me more than him. Tears streaked down my cheeks, blurring my vision crying . I stumbled onto the powdery sand, and almost slipped, but his hand caught mine.
    "I'm sorry."
    I pulled away, and plunged into the ocean that some how got deeper as I fell.
    Water swirled around me as I fought for my life. He watched me drown.