• Chapter 3: Celebration settlers
    I woke up to hearing birds singing. I opened my eyes and rubbed my face tiredly. I stood up and looked at my clothes and then the clock it was almost noon! I quickly changed out of last night clothes into some new clothes. I had a black tank top with black jeans. I put on my bell/cross necklace. And I quickly brushed my hair and teeth. I stepped outside and breathed the fresh air. “You’re out and up great!” Naime came up the steps smiling. My house was a big white mansion, with lots of windows. My room was the top floor upstairs and we lived in the middle of the country. We walked about 2 miles before we reached the Celebration settlers. I ran quickly ahead of Naime.

    “Hey! Wait for me!” she screamed after me.

    I waited for her at the pole. “Jeez! You’re such a slow poke.” I joked.
    She growled and attempted to hit me, but she stopped suddenly and blushed like crazy. I turned to follow her gaze and there that guy was again. What did I do your wondering? I flipped out and turned and ran for my life and hide be hide a pole. Naime caught up eventually but I refused to come out from behind it. She kept pulling me but I refused she stopped suddenly and I heard his voice…

    “You two young ladies having a problem?” His voice was sweet but my sense’s told me otherwise.

    I looked at him and said as politely as I could “No, no problem just you.” I turned and walked away. I caught a little surprise…then it changed to amusement and anger mixed in. I heard him laughing as he was walking away. “Now that was rude!” Naime said screaming at me blushing. I looked at her and smiled “So what do you care?” She stopped and I kept walking she knew I knew. Eventually she shook her head and chased after me glaring and grumbling under her breathe.

    After the encounter with you-know-who everything went by pretty fast that day. I got home and went to my room and lay on my bed sleeping trying to anyways. “Oh! Why do I care about that guy!?!? He’s just like every other guy…ok…well maybe not, but he’s not...even...close…damn him!” I sighed and closed my eyes. “I don’t care about—“I stopped mid sentence when I heard my window opened.

    I jumped up and looked up ready to fight when I saw him step in and look at me smiling. “You don’t care about me right?” his deep husky voice drew me in and shocked me a little. I felt him pleasantly happy and nervous. I shook my head and looked at him growling and pointed out my window. “Get out!” I shouted but he just ignored me and sat on my bed next to me. “I said: Get out!” He still didn’t seem to hear for some reason when I looked into his eyes they seem lost somewhere and I realized he was grasping my bed and it was shaking hard. I looked at him worried and when I went to touch him he shrank in the corner of my room. My room wasn’t big my bed was at one corner, my dresser another, then my closet, and a radio with a desk, TV some game systems and a few games. And a few clothes on the ground.

    I went to touch him again and he growled and pounced on me. He was holding my arms down and had my legs pinned and my hips so I couldn’t turn. He wasn’t hurting me or even gripping hard. I could tell he wasn’t trying to hurt me, but I could sense something move and lurking waiting to get out. He put his face close to mine breathing heavy and hard. I started to breathe heavy and hard as well. His lips brushed mine and he shivered with pleasure. I took my chance and flipped him off and pointed out the window. He seemed to whimper and growl then he was gone. I closed my window quickly and locked it and sat on my bed hard and lie down and felt my eyes close and the energy drained from me suddenly.

    The next day when I went I didn’t see him or the next or the next, but it was the day that I will remember forever. I kept worrying about him like I had hurt him somehow. When I saw him I apologized and Naime jaw dropped. She looked at him and me weird when I walked away she followed. He was shocked and in disbelief, sort of frozen I pretended not to notice. I turned and walked away. The rest of the week went by like a light breeze.