I woke up in a room but there was fire burns all of the wall. I remember I was at Charlie's apartment and he tried to take the necklace witch i couldn't take off, off. But then it's all a blank after that.
I looked around and there was no one in the room. Where did Tony and Charlie go? I stood up but when I tried to get up I couldn't. I looked and my foot was stuck. I tried to push what ever it was off me but I couldn't. I was stuck. I looked at my ankle and I saw something like a hand holding on to it.
I tried to loosen the grip of whatever it was but i couldn't.So I tried to lift the thing that was on top my foot off with my hands and other foot.I did it but when I saw what was holding my foot I freaked out and dropped it on my foot again. "OWWWWW!"I yelled. It hurt so bad.
But what I saw was...... Charlie. He was hurt even though hes a vampire somethings can still hurt. But I also saw Tony. He was hurt also. I tried to get up and I did but I had to hold the thing up still so i could try to get the guys out of there.
I kept one foot on the thing put my hand to the hand on my ankle and got the grip off. I pulled him out. He didn't look good but he'd live. I stood up but my foot was probely broken. So I limped to the other side of what I think is a wall. I lifted it with my good foot, up a liitle bit and reached my hand under there. I tried to reach him but i couldn't. I had to get Charlie to come through so he could help me.
I carefully walked to where Charlie was. I bent down. "Charlie. Charlie. Charlie please get up." I said. He wouldn't. What was he thinking or dreaming about.
I woke up. I saw Mia. "Hello Charlie. It has been awhile." She said. "Mia. Where am I?" I asked. "Well your in your inner self. But on the outside your not good. A wall fell on you as a fire almost killed you. But Jamie pulled you out and she needs you to get up so she can get Tony out to. I have a question for you. When the wall fell on you three, why were you holding on to Jamie's ankle?" She asked. Thats when it all came back. "Because I pushed her out of the way when I saw the wall fall and I pushed her legs out of the way but when I was moving her ankle it fell."I said.
"You do care."She said."Charlie. I need you to know that it was not Tony's fault I died it was the towns. They would spy on everyone. So stop blaming him. Know you can do whatever you want know but know this I will always know whatever you do and who you kill so know that you know that you must go back."She said. "No Mia I have not seen you in over a hundred years I can't leave. Isn't there away for you to come back?"I said.
"Yes. But I can't. I have be in the body of a witch and I'm not doing that."She said. "Charlie I love you know that. Goodbye."She said.
"Charlie.Charlie. Please get up."I said. It was useless. Tony was going to die and Charlie was probely dead. But then I felt someone grab my shoulder. I looked it was Charlie. "Charlie. Thank Godd. Tony is stuck under the wall and I can't get to him."I said. "Ok. But first I need a favor."He said and smiled. "What?"I said. "I need you to do a spell."He said.
Ofcourse he does. "What kind of spell?"I said. "A spell that will let me be able to talk to Mia."He said. "Fine give me the spell."I said. He told me what to say. I said it. Then there was a flash of lighting and lots of thunder. I fell to the ground and that was all I remebered.
"Charlie I said NO to doing this. You aree..." She cut-off because I kissed her. "Charlie stop."She said. "Now this is the last time you'll see me because I have to move on. Now I love you." She said but then she look at the wall and said something to lift it up and walked toward it. She put Tony's arm around her and walked him out from there and then she dropped the wall.
It was strange it was Mia but in Jamie's body. "Now goodbye Charlie. I'll miss you."She said. Walked toward me and kissed me. Then she was gone. And Jamies body fell to the ground.
Mia was gone and I was never going to see her again. I was mad at everyone.
I got up. I saw Charlie just staring at me and saw Tony on the ground. He was going to be okay. "Charlie what happened before the fire happened?" I asked. "I really don't know."He said. "Well thanks for saving me."I said.
"Okay well lets leave before someone comes and sees what happened. Can you get one arm and I'll get the other arm." He said. "Okay." I said. I walked to him but when I was walking I tilted to the side against the wall. "Owwww!"I said. "You okay?"Charlie asked. "No not really. When I was trying to get my foot out I dropped the thing on my foot."I said. "Let me see it."He said. He bent down and looked at it."Yaa you broke it. I can try to fix it."He said. I nodded. "Okay but it will hurt." He said. He put his hand on my ankle and his other on my heel. He shifted his hands it hurt soo bad. But I didn't say anything.
"Stop."I said. "Okay." He said. "I'll take him outside I'll be back."He said
He left. I heard a noise outside. Then I looked behind me and saw a shadow. "AHH." "Hello I believe we have some unfinished buisness. Do the spell."He said. "NOOO."I said.
1 Witch 2 Vampires
Part 9 of the story about Jamie, Tony and Charlie.
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