• Chapter 5: The human world
    As I entered the human world I walked among them and looked human, but the ring was hiding my black wolf ears and black wolf tail along with the crescent mark on my head. That’s all it had to hide until my full form was complete or I knew how to take the stupid thing off. I ran around a corner and found the address and the house. It was an old apartment…or that’s what it looked like to me. But in fact it was a two story store for the supernatural and projection against it in your own house. I couldn’t help but laugh. They had store’s like this all over the place it’s because a lot of vampire’s, werewolves, or demons. Will try and come down here to kill, eat, slaughter, etc… to the humans.
    As I stepped inside I heard a loud thwack behind me and as I turned around there was a short little human man standing behind me. I saw the broken broom stick in his hand, so I looked at him and he started to shake as he said to me, “You had no business here demon. So leave and never come back!” I just looked him up and down pretending I couldn’t hear him. So and knife went by my face and missed me by inches. I knew that was the intention. So I just watched it fly by and looked at the old lady come from the door way.
    “What brings you to my place demon child? You know demons are fore band here—“She stopped and looked at my hand. The ring she saw it and her eyes went wide. The boy did the same thing and he backed up into a corner. I looked at them both and got confused. “I must tell him I will be right back!” The woman ran to the back of the room jumping and smiling with glee.
    “What a strange woman…” I said out loud as a thought.
    The boy stood up as he said “You don’t talk about my grandmother like that. She’s the greatest witch of all times. You should thankful she didn’t try and curse you when she should have of.” He glared at me.
    I sniffed and I smelt jealousy and fear. And it was the boy’s I couldn’t help but laugh. “You have no need to fear me or be jealous of me boy. A wizard like yourself should be able to take of me easily since you’re the grandson of hers.” I sneered sensing his angry and jealousy grew.
    “You have no right to talk to me like that you evil demon.” He started to shake and tighten his fist. I looked at him and growled. “You have no right to talk to me like that you stupid humagic. You’re the one who started it and besides if I was truly a demon I could have easily killed you back there, but I didn’t did I?” He looked at me stunned and looked down glaring and murmuring under his breath as he went upstairs I just ignored him.
    About that time Akira showed up giggling. “Don’t mind him he’s sensitive to new comer’s especially demons. He was father was killed by one—“she stopped and sighed. I looked at her and was beside her in a split second. “Well at least I know the problem now. He wishes to get revenge that’s for sure.” I looked up the stairs as I heard someone storm off and slap a door. “Yes, well I won’t let him have it he’s not ready…well he’s not ready for anything, which is why I’m sending him with you.” I looked at her and raised my eyebrows. “Yes you heard me correctly I’m sending him with you along with his human/demon friend. Ryukia…I’m sure you two have met before. I turned away and went upstairs barely making a sound, well as I could tell, because by the time I reached upstairs I heard her say quietly “Obviously she has.” Then she walked into the other room.
    As I approached a room I suddenly heard loud music, so I followed it to another stairs and I climbed up. It catching my attention. I soon heard crying and I pushed the door open. Their sat a child crying I felt and sensed sadness but something else. I couldn’t put my finger on it. The child stopped and looked at me and backed up into a corner.
    I heard another thwack and I sighed and turned around. I saw the boy again with another broom in his hand broken up. “Don’t you ever learn that won’t work?” He looked up at me and then the child. “Leave her alone she won’t talk to no one…” He turned and left. I looked at her and she started to shake more. I shut the door and sat down away from the door cross legged and closed my eyes. Thoughts: Great I’m stuck with two idiots, one hates me, one I hardly know but recognize somehow... They both are the best of friends and I’m just an unwanted wolf child…, I sighed out loud and I heard a yelp, but I pretended not to hear it, on top of that I’m the most wanted person in the world..And I’m traveling to who knows where…. I sighed again.
    But I heard footsteps move and something touch my head. I looked up at the child and watched her with one open eye. She flinched and hides in the corner when she realized I saw her. I tilted my head to the side and looked her up and down. “Why do you hide in the corner?” I asked her. She didn’t say anything so I got up, but she suddenly stood up and spoke in a small but compassion voice, “I do it because I’m afraid you might get mad at me like daddy did…” I went over and sat in front of her quickly cross legged. “Now why would I be mad at you?” She sat down and shrugged. “Daddy never told me why he was mad at me either he just was or he tried to hurt me, but the witch lady saved me and took me here.”
    She was a bright child that was for sure. I guess she was about 5 or 6 years old. Maybe a little older. She had long blue hair, bright blue eyes sort of watery looking, she was a little tall for her age slender, skinny, high cheek bones, her teeth looked human, but everything else was fairy or elf looking even mermaid is what I saw. “Umm…sounds like you had a mean daddy.” I told her. She looked at me and then looked down, “The witch lady told me that daddy hated me because I wasn’t human like the rest of the family…but I don’t want to believe it…” Tears started to flow down her cheeks. I grabbed her and held her close she gasped but suddenly started to cry into my shoulder. “I may not know what’s it like for a daddy to hurt you…because I never really had one…but I know what’s it like for people to reject you just because you aren’t what they want you to be or you’re not one of them…” She looked at me and sniffled rubbing her eyes. The witch lady said I could go with you or not to learn my powers and go find my mother when I transform.” I tilted my head to the side, “Well what you want to do?” I asked her. “Would it be ok if I went with you?” Her eyes went suddenly sad and scared like I was going to hurt her. I just picked her up with me and told, “Alright then it’s settled you’ll be my new partner!” I looked at her and smiled I saw her smile and she got on my back. “So what’s your name?” I asked her as we went downstairs. “Daddy called me sierra, but the witch lady called me “moon”.” I looked at her and smiled, “moon that’s a good name.”
    As we reached downstairs and I heard voices agrueing and yelling at each other. We both looked at each other. I saw the boy and Ryukia murmuring under their breath as I reached them. Akira looked at me and smiled, “I see moon decided to go, well that’s great! You two boys ready?” She looked at them glaring and I heard a little growl under her breath. Obviously she was happy with them; I cracked at my own joke. So did moon I looked at her and she gave me the face of I’ll explain later. I shrugged and looked back at everyone.
    “Well where to old lady?” She looked at me and glared, “I’m not that old, and your all going to the demon part of this world and want you all to be careful, especially you Wolf, if that ring comes off and your form is shown it will be disaster for all of you.” As she finished we all went silent for a while. “Well time to go here’s a map to your father’s house. Be careful I’ll be watching the news and if anything happens and I know it’s any of your doings I’m calling Ryukia. I gave him a cell phone so you guys can connect me or anyone you need for help. Alright?” We all nodded. “Alright then. Go! Go!” She shoved us all out the door.