• CHAPTER 1 written by: Kaleigh Whalen
      "u know maybe u should start listening to me every once in a while,jez!!!!!!!" mikki yelled. i was startled out of my daydream.
    "what were u saying" i said
    "that u should come over to my house tonight!" she said,
     " umm i don’t think thats such a good idea " i said
    “but why not” she asked
    “because i have to study and am really tired”
    “ughhh for crist sake were16 this is the time were we have fun not study!”
    “well if u want to get into collage on a scholarship than you do!”
    we were siting in the cafeteria at  riddle high school eating lunch. it was after 5th period on friday july 7th.
    i jumped up startled when the bell rang signaling that lunch was over. i rushed out of the lunch room throwing away the trash 2 my chicken sandwich. and hurried to my 6th period teacher mrs.wane. and sat  in my seat up front and got out my trig book. i glanced across the way to see daniel duli watching me! and if i do say so my self he sure is yummy! anyways i was working my way through a complicated string of problems when daniel tossed a wad of paper on my desk. i unfolded it inconspicuously and read wat it said “wat r u doin saturday night” i blushed but looked at him shaking my head nothing. he mouthed “talk to u after class”, i nodded
    when the bell rang i looked up and saw him leaning against the wall
    “so im not doin anything” i said nervously,
    “ya” he said “so listen i was wondering if u wanted to go to see that new movie the guardian with me?”
    “um sure” i replied
    “cool i’ll call u with the deats!” he said turning to walk towards his next class i headed in the opposite direction thinking to my self how lucky i was, but thinking back on it now it i seemed completely UNlucky
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    as saturday came around i was totally excited about going on a date with the hottest boy in school ! ! i was pinning up my pixie cut black hair with a butterfly clip when i received a text from daniel saying what time he was picking me up “7:00” it said. i excitedly answered him “ok” then i applied some makeup to my pale complexion and to top it of some eyeliner to make my emerald eyes pop,when i was done the doorbell rang i hurriedly ran down the stair’s yelling to my my mom that i’d b back at 11:00. then answered the door there he stood looking absolutely handsome
    “hey” i said
    “hi” he replied
    i walked down the porch steps to where his big black hummer was “wow is that yours? ” i wondered
    “yes got it for my birthday” he answered
    “cool” i walked up to the truck and hopped into the passenger side door. he walked around to the other side and climbed in, starting the engine. we drove to the theater talking about school and work and what not arriving at the theater we got out of the car and walked up to the counter to get tickets then went inside to get snacks for the movie, and walking into the theater i got to pick out the seats , as the movie started daniel put his arm around me, the images flashed in front of my face but i wasn’t really paying attention all i could think about was that i was with Daniel Duli! when the movie finally ended, i walked out of the theater hand in hand with daniel when we got to the truck he asked me what my favorite part was
    “ummmmm the part when the angels are trying to protect the book of past lives and they are in the really cool armor and r fighting the intruders!” i replied “and when the boy angel finds out he’s in love with a human and gets banished but doesn’t care because he’s with the girl of his dreams the one thing he thought he could never have.....human love” i said with a flourish
    “o i liked it when the angels got sent down in the beginning and one of the angels opened the book of past lifes and got sucked in!” he said “so what do you want to do now” he asked suddenly
    “ummmmm go home i guess” i replied
    “well sorry jez,but thats the wrong answer” he said
    “huh” then he turned and whipped a needle out of his coat and injected it into my neck
    i scream, but by then i am already feeling sleepy and i slump over the seat and blackout, i never made it home that night.

    i awoke on a small cot in a dark and moldy room i sat up rubbing my head “where the heck am i???” i muttered to myself. i tried to get up but found i was chained around the ankle to the wall
    “great” i muttered i lay back on the cot, then suddenly all the events from last night came to me and i started to cry how could i have been so stupid, i went out with a guy i didn’t know!
    i cried for a while before i heard someone open the door and clomp heavily into the room and set something on the opposite cot and i heard a chain rattling and then the door closed again.
    i looked over to the person on the bed it was a girl that looked around my age with dark brown hair with tan skin. she was still out cold from whatever they gave her. i felt bad knowing that this happened to her to and not just me. i wondered what had happened to her but for now i just went back to laying on my cot and thinking what a mess i’ve gotten myself into. when was i gonna get out i wondered to myself. suddenly i heard a noise from the other cot it sounded like moaning. i looked over to the other cot to see the girl rubbing her head and looking around, her gaze settled on me and a look of pure fear came into her eyes.
    “who are you?” she asked fearfully
    “Jezabell” i replied “who are you”
    “my name is Ember” she answered “where am i”
    “i dont know” i said “when i woke up i was in this room”
    “what happened to you” she said
    “well i went on a date with a guy and when we were driving home he pulled out a needle and jammed it into my neck” i answered “what about you”
    “well someone was chasing me when i was going to my friend mays house and shot me with like a tranquilizer gun and i blacked out” she replied
    “oh well i wonder why we’re here” i wondered
    “i think maybe we got kidnapped” she said fearfully, i had to bite my tongue to keep from saying
    ‘no duh, ya really think so” but i knew that would make her more scared
    “so what do u think will happen to us?” she asked
    “i dont know, but how old are u” i ask her
    “im 15” she answered me
    okay so she was younger than me so that made me instantly protective over her

    when i heard the door to our really small room open,someone came into the room wearing a long white coat he had someone following him with a stretcher. they walked over to me and unchained me, but before all that the guy grabbed me and put me on the stretcher and rolled me out of there i was to scared to fight the wheeled me into an all white room were there were more people in long white coats. “what is your name” said a short,tubby man with a bald head
    “jezabell wright” i replied angrily
    “okay jezabell you were captured by daniel duli, right”
    “yes” i snarled
    “okay then we are just going to do a few tests on you then we will begin our experiments
    “um what experiments” i asked nervously
    “just a couple to see if they actually work” well long story short they made me run,jump, lift weights, and read a vision chart.
    “okay you can take her back now” the short man said to the guy that brought me here. i was loaded onto the stretcher and taken back to the room i awoke in. they chained me to the bed and walked over to ember. they strapped her onto the table and wheeled her away, the door slammed shut behind them.
    it was around an hour later when they brought her back
    “hey how did it go” i asked her
    “they made me run on a treadmill for ten minutes then made me jump over a bar that got higher and higher every time i jumped it, then i had to left weights and read a vision chart. but other than that nothing really.
    “thats the same thing that happened to me” i said. but wondering to myself why did they do it to begin with and why did they do the same things to us. but for now i just kinda stayed quite until i fell asleep then i heard the door open once again