• Once upon a time there was a boy who wasn't born nor cloned but he just appeared. He looked like everyone else, but was far from normal. This is not a story that is meant to put a young child to sleep, but show how the world really is. So let us look threw the eyes of Dante Knight a young African American male sitting on top of a building watching the moon above listening to the radio station below.

    The door to the top of the radio station opened, Dante didn't flinch nor move he just kept his eyes on the sky and swinging his foot off the side.
    "You're late Ray," Dante said.
    "You know I didn't mean to keep you waiting. I'm sorry," Ray replied.
    Dante smiled and pulled his beanie down to make his hair cover his eyes more.
    "Why don't you ever look directly at me?" she asked.
    He laughed and shook his head, avoiding the answer, and taking in a breathe of the night air. Dante stood up and dusted himself off, walking to Ray. She noticed he had on black from head to toe, from Air Force Ones to his beanie he looked like a urban dark knight.
    "So I might lose my job for this but I think it will be well worth it to let the world hear your story"
    Dante took a toothpick out his pocket and walked into the building heading for the basement of it. Ray silently followed him; Dante unlocked a door Ray had never seen before down there and followed the shadowy figure into the dark room. She heard his foot steps til a light appeared. There were chains on the floor, it looked like one for each arm.
    "Go get your equipment stuff and bring it down here I have to get ready," He said with his back turned to her.
    "Oh ok," running upstairs she grabbed all the stuff she needed and returned to the room. This time Dante was chained up. They held his wrist but were attached to the floor. He had only but his black pants on and kept his eyes on the floor.
    Ray noticed there were other people in the room hidden in the shadows, Dante responded before she could ask, "They are only here to help so don't mind them"
    Ray set up her equipment and set up right in front of Dante.
    "Hey hey hey this is Ray Star returning back to you on 120.3 Jamz. I'm here with a little surprise guest for you, this young brother has a story few would believe unless they witness it. I was part of it but I'll let him tell you the rest"
    Dante didn't look from the floor nor did he move from his standing position, in a low but clear tone he began, "The streets know me by D.K., but I've made the name Dante Knight, I am not human I do not know what I am. These....people who help me say I was part of someone great. A memory that will long be remembered unconsciously."
    Ray a little stunned remembered her next question, "Who is it and why do you say it like that?"
    Dante lifted his eyes to her to reveal they were glowing a ruby red and he laughed.
    "If I told you would you believe me? Would anyone believe me?"
    "Well tell us and we might"
    "They say people see him right before they die, that he watches over us waiting for our time, others call him an angel many call him death. BUT! What if I said that the angel and death were two different people? That the chills being sent down your spine at the thought is a true insult to the nature of one but a compliment to another?"
    "So you're saying you're a memory to The Angel of Death?" Ray asked confused.
    "You could call him that, but his proper name is Black Nightmare the Gravedigger"
    Dante leaned forward and let the chains tension keep him from falling. He gave Ray an intense look and laughed darkly.
    "What's so funny?" Ray asked.
    "Tick tock tick tock, the clock is ticking till your shadows rise. I'll suffer what you all don't see on a daily. I live in the night world learning the secrets of the night only to run and fight them during the day.," Dante's voice rose, "You don't see the horrors they hold and feel the pain that you all blindly hide deep down inside them!"
    Ray was frozen in her place, but couldnt help but want to know more.
    "The night sings her lullaby to me soothing, want the dawn will reign upon the creatures like me. I am the memory of one the greatest angels to walk this city, protecting all for no reason, but many look at me as the deviant. The thug. The Judgement."
    Ray adjusting her microphones equipment and preparing for a musical break nodded at Dante.
    "Well keep tuned in and you'll hear more"
    Ray hit a button and snatched off her headphones stepping into the circle of light around Dante. She touched his face, he eased into her hands and shut his eyes.
    "Why are you chained Dante?"
    "In order the save the world from those demons, I must first control mine. This isn't a punishment its a freedom and once I can handle my demons at all time I will relinquish my bondage."
    Ray lifted his head and looked deep into his Ruby red eyes behind the stringy black hair and into a soul that was beaten, bruised, and hurt but far from broken.....

    to be continued...