• Azra's POV

    I can hear myself breathing again. And I feel like s**t. I can't remember anything. Yet again. I just remember going to work and encountering that strange guy for the second time... But I don't quite understand why he is the only thing I can recall. It confuses me. A lot.

    I notice my brother Josh sitting on the lounge chair across from me. He looks worried about something.. I sit up and keep the blanket wrapped around me.

    "Josh? Is everything okay? You don't look so well.." I asked him.

    He looked at me rather quickly and replaced his look with a warm smile. "Fine. How are you feeling? You were unconscious at work when I found you." He took the attention off him.

    "Ummm.. I feel fine I guess. Just sick to my stomach. But I'm a little confused..." I said. He gave me a questioning look. I continued, "Well, this is the second time that I've passed out and then only thing I can remember is this strange guy...."

    Josh's POV

    I snap my head up to look at Azra. That guy. She remembers him! Well... Sorta. But not everything. "It's probably just your imagination. Why don't you get some more sleep?" I suggested to her. She nodded and took herself and the blanket up to her room.

    So, Azra recalls remembering him. But nothing certain. 'Why did they have to do this to her?' I thought to myself. Pissed off. I sigh and curse under my breath.

    I hear my cell phone vibrating and answer it. "Hey man.."

    "Does she remember who I am?" He asked, hopeful.

    Sighs "No.. All she remembers is seeing you a couple times and wondering who the hell you are and why you keep showing up everywhere. Look, I've been thinking.. And I think that in order to jog her memory, you need to spend more time with Azra," I explained to him.

    There was a quick pause. "Can I come see her now?" He asked me.

    "No, not now. She is resting. This World makes her sick. Especially now that she is one of Them..."

    "Josh.. What if she starts---" He begins but I cut him off.

    "She won't! She can't..." I stated. My thoughts becoming clear of what would happen if she did. "Hey I'm gonna go check on her. I'll text you when you can come visit." He agreed and we hung up.

    "Pfft...Texting. I am so not used to this World." I say to myself as I make my way up to Azra's room. I quietly peek through her door. Seeing she's asleep, I go in and walk up to her. I check the Brand on her neck and let a sigh of relief out.

    "Good. It hasn't changed yet. That's good. For now...." I say as my mind wonders off to what could happen in the near future...

    Author's Note:

    Uh oh what's going on with Azra???? And this Brand? What the heck is that for? What does it mean? What is Josh and this guy talking about that could happen??!? And this guy. Who is he? What connection does he seem to have with Azra? And why do him and Josh seem to have a good friendship? Find out soon in the next chapters!!