• Hikaru walked carlessly about the tree's, looking for something to entertain him. he would usally just play around with some helpless girl, messing up her life, but they bore him. he also had just gotten over a fight with his younger brother. it would have been more...fun if his younger brother was stronger. his younger brother was no match for Hikaru, and he should have known it.
    Hikaru smiled to himself, he could not wait untill he tried again. but the next time, both him and Hikaru would be stronger, with new found abilites and skills.
    he heard something off in the distance and stoped. it was childs laughter. intrested, he fallowed it swiftly, unfolding his bat like wings and flew. soon he landed on a large branch of a thik tree. folding his wings back in, he took a look around.
    in a small feild of flowers of white and purple whre two small girls. one looked around five and the other looked around 9. the younger one had short black hair with a small braid in the front. cat like ears were atop her head and she had a cat like tail. she had grey-silver eyes. she wore a pail yellow dress that fluttered in the breeze. she smiled as the older one chaced her around the faild.
    the older one had long black hair that seemed to glisen in the suns light. Hikaru was sertin that her hair would look wonderful in the moonlight as well. she also had cat like ears and a more bushy wolf like tail. her eyes were a deep blue that seemed to go on for ever. she wore a pritty white dress that made her seem so...cute.
    Hikaru watched them play in the suns glow with intrest. they ran around playing and laughting, just having a grand time. sometimes the little one would stop to point out something, like a small snimal.
    they looked like they were having fun, until the smaller one triped on her dress and ripped it. she fell to the ground with a thud and started to cry. the older one ran over to her.
    "Ritsuka!" she cryed, whiping at her eyes, "i ripped dress mommy made me!" she just sat there bawling. Hikaru did not like crying children. he was about to leave when the older girl clapped her hands together.
    "Don't cry Yuuki! crying never fixes anything! now, lets go home so mama can fix the dress." she took the younger sisters hand and they walked off towars home, smiling. Hikaru staired of into the distance. he liked the older one. Hikaru smiled to himself and stood up, spreading his wings, taking off for home.
    All the way, he could not stop thinking about Ritsuka. Even the next day, found himself wondering about her. it was so strange to him, and it was just wrong. he was so much older, and she, only nine! but Hikaru could not help it. he kept thinking about her, and he liked it...

    days later, he found himelf at the flower feild, but Ritsuka and her sister were not there. but hikaru felt that he should stay a moment longer. Hikaru steped into he feild and layed down. closing his eyes, he drifted into his thoughts.
    Ritsuka. so small and sweet...if only he could see her more. but she was so young, unlike the other girls he played with. he thought about how much fun it would be to "play" with Ritsuka. Hikaru lay there in deep thought, daydreaming about her.
    his eyes shot open as his hand closed around something small and furry. he looked over to see that a rabbit had wondered too close to him and he had involentarly snached it up. the rabbit squirmmed around in his grip, unable to get free. Hikaru squezed hard, feeling tiny bones snap.
    Dead, Hikaru tossed the rabbit into the trees. standing up, hikaru started to leave when he senced someone comeing. he dashed into the cover of the trees and watched to see who it was.
    the little girl, Yuuki, came running into the feild laughing. she was fallowed by another woman. Hikaru watched to see if Ritsuka would come out. when she didnt, he turned around to leave.
    sudenly Yuuki laughed laudly, "sister Ritsuka! you are so slow!" Hikaru whipped around to see ritsuka walk in the feild holding a yellow flower.
    Ritska wrinkled her nose, insalted, "i'm not an insane person like you! i like to take my time and look around." she sniffed the flower then snezed. the woman laughed
    "my Rituska, you are so young, yet you are just like you father" Ritsuka smiled "i love daddy just like i love you mamma and sister Yuuki." the woman, who was the mother, smiled and stroked her cat like ears.
    someting stirred inside Hikaru, he did not like it. he watched unsettled as the three girls made flower crowns out of the flowers and tall grass. the moment they were out of sight, Hikaru walked out into the feild and picked up the crown that Ritsuka had dropped. it smelled of freash flowers, grass, and...Ritska.
    Hikaru held the flower crown in his hand staring at it. he looked into the sky to see that it was getting darker. he spread his wings and flew home.

    every day, Hikaru would go down to the feild to see Ritsuka and her sister play. sometimes there mother would come, or two twin sisters, Hex and Chi.
    one day Hikaru fallowed Ritsuka home. he would often go there to watch her. when Ritsuka was not there or if he got bored, Hikaru would play around in her mother, Rei's head. her father, Ryuu, would just work all day on there small farm. he was the most boring. Ritsuka also had a big golden white dog named Akamaru
    days turned into weeks and weeks turned into monthes and so forth. Hikaru had watched Ritsuka grow for six years. Hikaru had fully driven her mother mad by now and Ritsuka no longer liked her as much. all semmed well to Hikaru, but one thing bothered him so much. Ritsuka's crush a boy named Kaito.
    Kaito was tall and hansome boy. than one day, he asked Ritsuka to date him. as much as it upset Hikaru, he alowed the boy to have his glory. he had no idea how lucky he was that Ritska even looked at him.
    on Ritsuka's Fifteenth birthday, Hikaru finally showed himself.
    Akamaru barked like crazy as Hikaru held Ritsuka's fathers dying body. anoyyed at the dog, Hikaru threw Ryuu, and snapped the dogs neck like a twig. Rei, ran to Ryuu, not to help him, but to kill him. Hikau had complet control over her.
    Yuuki cryed in the arms of Ritsuka trying not to look at their dead friends, Hex and Chi. Kaito lunged himslef at Hikaru, knife in hand. Hikaru easly knocked him over. Yuuki gave out a fritened scream as Rei came towards them, a crazy look in her eye and a bloodly knife in hand, laughing slightly.
    Kaito tryed again to get at Hikari, but he grabed the boys arms and broke it. he shouted out ugly words in pain, spitting blood to the ground. Hikaru looked over to see Ritsuka trying to fight the knife away from her mother. Rei pushed her daughter aside and grabed Yuuki by the arm and held the knife to her throat.
    Kaito threw his knife at Hikaru, but he easly doged it. he sudenly was in front of Kaito and punched him in the stomach, making Kaito double over, coufghing up blood. Hikaru grabed the knife and stood over Kaito. then he drove the knife into Kaito, like it was nothing. Hikaru watched as the life left the boys eyes.
    Ritsuka screamed, defeted. she turned to him, tears streaming down her face. she looked so scared, so helpless...Hikaru loved it. "please..." she begged, "please, dont kill my sister, shes...shes the only thing i have left..." Ritsuka looked down falling to her knees. a sab escaped her lips and shook her trembling body.
    Hikaru smiled, "but Ritsuka, you havent lost everything, you have me and i have you, thats all we need, is it not?" Ritsuka quickly looked up at him, eyes whied, blood at the cornnrt of her mouth from fighting with her mother.
    "if it's me you want, then take me!" she shouted, then looked at a very scared and crying Yuuki, "just...just let Yuuki live...." Hikaru knelt down by Ritsuka, who refused to look at him. he lay a finger on the side of her cheek, forsing her to look at him. "Ritsuka, i would do most anything you say" a deadly smile crossed his lips as he posesed Ritsuka's body. she screamed. Rei fell to the ground, uncounsus. Yuuki ran away.
    Hikaru felt about her mind as bloody tears took place of other ones. Ritsuka cryed blood now that Hikaru posesed her body.