• Angel was a normal girl... but her world was about to come crashing dwn.

    I was sore. Like, really really sore. I didn't know why. I was sleeping on the couch in my stepmom Carla's house. That must be why. "Angel, honey, are you awake yet?" my dad called. "Yeah, dad," I moaned. Carla walked out of the kitchen. "Your dad is making french toast." she said cheerily. "About that..." dad poked his head around the wall. "Angel, sweetheart, you're going to your mother's house." I grinned. Mom was all rich and stuff. plus, I had my own room there. "Kk. I'll go pack." I said. As i stood up, Carla handed me a bag. "No need. I did for you." she smiled. I smiled back. My dad took me out to his car and we set off for the four-hour-long drive back to Malibu.

    My mom's house was TOTALLY awesome. It was a huuuuuge white mansion a little ways away from the beach, with a gigantisaur pool around the back, in case you didn't want to walk to the beach. "Hey Angel!" my big brother Damien called from the yard. He and his buddies were playing football. I waved. Mom stepped out of the enclosed porch, dressed all in white. She looked almost like a ghost. Really pale blue eyes, almost-white hair, and a very pale pallor. She waved at me. Dad didn't get out of the car.
    "I am NOT going to put up with that sucubus." he spat. i got out, grabbed my bags, and waved goodbye to him as he sped away. My mother hugged me. I somehow heard one of Damien's friends, Randall, whisper to the guy on his left, "Look. Angel's back." the guy nodded and grinned. Damien came over and trapped me in a bear hug that nearly squeezed the life out of me. I couldn't get my arms around him, so I didn't even try. "Heh heh. Randall's been waiting for you." he said, low enough so only I could hear. Mom gave Damien her famous go-play-football-with-your-buddoes-while-you-still-can looks and he immediately resumed his games.
    "Angel," she said. "May I speak to you?" she gestured to the house. I nodded. I lugged my bags (In retrospect, I guess I should have seen it coming, with all of my things being sent off along with me.) into the house and set them down near the door. "Angel, honey," she whispered. "We're going back to court." The words were like a bomb. "Again? For what?" I asked. "The court wants to decide something. You know how your brother only lives with me?" she asked. I nodded cautiously. "Well, your father and I are tired of sending you back and forth. We're going to decide who you are to stay with. Permanently." I felt like my world was ending. Unfortuneately, I was right. Oh, so right.