• Chapter 74: Die First

    I had my cheek pressed to my hand and my eyes wearily focused on the blurring words. Keeping my mind concentrating on what I was reading was hard.
    “What are you doing, Hai?”
    “It’s seriously nowhere in here! No clues, no nothing! All it says is that the Nephilim are the offspring of possibly fallen angels and human women! It says here that God didn’t like the Nephilim. He wanted them destroyed!”
    “Yes,” Edan said sitting down in a flimsy blue chair next to me, “that’s true. As far as you mortals know that is the whole story. But it left out bits and pieces. God did want the Nephilim destroyed but when the Damned showed up he knew that they would find the angels easily. But he couldn’t send humans out there, they would be killed. But what about someone in between? That’s when he ordered the Nephilim not to be destroyed and went to the Guardians. But the humans could only know one story, that the Nephilim were no longer in existence and were extinct. But they weren’t.”
    I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand and sighed, “Why must this all be confusing?”
    “Because God thinks it’s funny when you get confused and frustrated,” Edan laughed ruffling my hair.
    “Yeah because that’s so hilarious,” I rolled my eyes and gave a stern glare to match my sarcastic voice. “But why can’t humans know?”
    “Involving humans would be dangerous. The Damned wouldn’t shy away from their powers. They wouldn’t wear glamours. It’d be a mess, humans would try to fight back and lose their lives.”
    “But if the Damned want the humans gone why don’t they show themselves? Why don’t they fight?”
    Edan looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s because of us. The Guardians have always been stronger. But this generation, we can’t be sure. They are hunting humans and have found the Guardians. It’s not a good sign.”
    “How come I can know?”
    He sighed and pulled his fingers back through his hair, “You’re Nephilim and related to the Guardian.”
    “You didn’t know that when we met, you thought I was an average human.”
    “You thought the same about me, but we both know that’s not true.” He laughed but I didn’t and instead stared up with pleading eyes. Edan gave in and muttered, “It was when Kara said you had something she wanted. I figured then you had a gift of some sort, or that maybe she wanted you for something else.”
    “And what would that be?”
    “You can take a blood relative of a Guardian and turn them into the opposite of a real Guardian with similar powers. And you’d be the perfect person for that job.”
    “Oh… do you have an opposite?”
    “Not as far as I am concerned. I’m pretty positive Serenity and I have no family left.”
    I giggled, “In a sense I guess that’s good. But then why am I still allowed to know?”
    “I know that you would hate it. Waking up in the infirmary wondering where you were and how you ended up there. That’s never a good feeling.”
    “Mm yeah I would hate that. But how would I not know anything?”
    Edan leaned in closer to me, “I can make you forget anything. With my gift, Hai, you are completely under my control. I can still make you forget all of this if you want me to.”
    I shook my head no tossing my hair around, “No! I want to remember this! I want to help defeat the Damned!”
    “Don’t plan on helping; I think you’re fond of living.”
    “I suppose I am.” I paused a moment thinking of more to say. “What other gifts are there? Are they all like yours?”
    “No, they aren’t all like mine. Some have similar gifts. Like Mizuki and Oberon. Oberon can read the unsheltered thoughts of your mind but see the future, while Mizuki on the other hand can get inside your head and read any thought or see any memory you have. But then there are others that aren’t alike. Xiomara can raise the dead to some form of zombie. Candika can turn invisible to both the mortal and immortal eye. Jia Lee can fill your body with pain. And Kamali can put you to sleep- though personally I don’t see how that can help anyone but an insomniac. But seriously how pathetic can you get?”
    “Not many of those sound helpful in battle,” I said after a quick laugh.
    “They aren’t. Legend has is we are supposed to have weapons but so far I see none.”
    “Ok one more question,” I peered up with curious eyes begging that I will get my question answered.
    “Fire away.”
    I had trouble putting my thoughts into words. “How do you exactly… become a Host?”
    Edan shrugged his shoulders as if it were nothing, “You die first.”

    As you can see I got fancy today.

    Well I don't have much of bonus material but this.

    I was in gym the other day and my friend is like "Have I ever told you that I hate Japanese people?" And I was like "Uhm why????" So she gives me this long list of reasons why and once she's done I start cracking up. And my other friend comes up from behind and says "They also smell like Enchiladas." So I'm laughing my head off when a baskett ball hits me in the back of the head and I try to murder the guy who hit me with it.

    Ok thank ya for reading and check me out on Photobucket as DarkMercry14 to see my new pictures that I can no longer hook up to this so sorry about that.