• While i was sleeping i started hearing voices in my head they were yelling no get away from stay away help SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE i woke up in sweat and in fear , "What the heck" i said dryly i checked my alarm clock it was 5:30am "gosh i cant go back to sleep with that terrible voices screaming for help" i said sadly i was thinking who was it. Two hours later i was walking to school when i say Dementia sitting by the gate to our school she was wearing a white shirt and black skinny jeans with Air walks when she looked up she look horrible "What happen?" i asked when i was close " a rough night" i cached a bit of fear in her voice "oh" was all i said , she got up from the floor and didnt look at me she just walk in and i followed, we didnt talk at all not even when the bell rang not even when we sat in are class not until social studies Ms.Low had a very bad announcement "Students we have a case of a murder in are town" she stop and looked straight at dementia and i couldn't help too look back she was bowing her had like she was too blame "Four girl we're murdered Amy Lee Jonas, Katty Mclaim,Floria Jomes and Laly fronder" i was completely dumbfounded all those girl messed with Dementia " and the people who are getting question are the wings" everyone gasped and you can feel the tense in that room "She murdered them her that monster" i heard my friend jackson say and everyone followed him i turn to see dementia quiet and sweeping into her seat with fear it was getting louder people getting up from their seat starting walking toward her desk Ms.Low just watched "ENOUGH" I yelled throwing my chair back "You people are easily pointing finger at people that are different from you" i yelled in plan anger "ENOUGH YOU DONT EVEN ANYTHING" i was breathing heavy now Devin i heard a voice said my head snapped up and i turned to see Dementia Looking at me Dementia are you doing this voice in my head thingy i thought she looked down yes was all needed to ran from my class and out of the school DEVIN was i heard i ran to the same place i go when im sad the graveyard, i stopped running and walked to a very old oak tree and sidled down and buried my faces between my legs "Im sorry devin" i heard a voice say i didnt look up i know who it is "What the heck is going here dementia?" i asked still not looking up and facing her she sidled down beside me "i cant tell you now Devin" she said sadly then i remember the screams of help " that was you screaming for help last night wasnt it" i said finally looking up at her she wasnt facing me she was playing with grass but she nodded in response i was quiet "what did they do too you" i asked quietly she said nothing "dont worry about that Devin we have to save the people of this town" she said looking into the tree, the sun beamed into the trees making Dementia into art "From what and why ?" i asked angrily "because that the right thing to do and from what is from my family!" i was shocked into silences "yeah my family is killed those girls' she said sadly "What" i start to stumble "you killed those people " i yelled in plan terror "NO NO no never" she said almost crying "never i nearly died trying to save Amy " i was thinking those screams are from here trying to save amy lee "im" but i trailed of cause she started to cry " im sorry Dementia i didnt mean to offend you" i said dumbly she covered her face devin she thought i was new to this talking thou our mind Yea i thought im scared Devin she thought "What why?" i said out loud "If i cant save anyone with my ability i cant protect the person i care for" i clenched a fist for some reason "who thats" i asked harshly she blushed and didnt say anything "and what ability your talking about" she want quiet " im not going to show until "but she didnt finish because she laughed which got me confused "ha ah ha ah i wont tell you" she said looking at me her yellow eyes seems to make me feel warm she smiled "no no not at all he heh " she giggled covering her face with her hands i walk in front of her and bent down and take her hands away from her face "ha ah lets get going " i laughed repeat laugh! She nodded and got up with my help "Where going to the library" she said happily and she was still holding my hand so basically i was be dragged "what why ??" i asked smiling "cuz someone there can help you to be able to protect yourself" she said i saw her eyes looking at me while she walked then she turned back. We didnt make it too the library.