• Luna was jolted awake by a loud thud, the sound of someone hitting something. She perked her ears and stood, hearing Sam and Jake argueing outside of the barn. They yelled for a few minutes, before Sam came in with the kennel, Jake at his heels. "Dad, stop! Go put that away! She isn't going anywhere! How do you know that it was her?" He shouted.

    His dad turned and shouted right back. "How many other white wolves live close to them, Jake? His chicken was killed by Luna! I She doesn't even belong here! She wouldn't have even able to stay this tame if we hadn't found her in the first place!"

    Luna shrunk from the loud noises and the cage. Instinctively, she hated it. They usually took her too a building that smelled of other animals, unhealthy animals, and her skin was pricked by those thing, sharp claws the other humans had. It hurt.

    "She's fine! She won't screw up agai-"
    "Enough, Jake! I've been suggesting this for the last year, and now I'm staying true to my word! She won't be helpless, you know that! You've taught her to hunt, and she's obviously showed her skills this morning! The neighbor called and he also said he might call the cops. Do you want Luna euthanized? We'll take her right now, and she'll be fine!" Same argued still, though he wasn't yelling. Gently, he coaxed Luna into the kennel by her ruff. She obeyed, with her tail low, he was the alpha.

    Jake couldn't even speak to his father, and helped carry the cage to the bed of the truck, where jake sat facing the cage's door and the wolf. His dad, silent as well, started up the truck as they started going up the hill, towards the mountains.

    Luna was panicked. She had no idea where they were taking her, her beloved Jake usually comforted her when she whined, but this was different. The overcast clouds reflected his dark mood, and he looked near tears. In an attempt to help her friend, Luna nosed the bars and whined again, tilting her head. Jake just opened the gate a little and pet her gently through there.

    The ride lasted almost an hour, and Luna noticed that Jake still looked terrible. She hated seeing him sad, and felt her eyes stinging as well. The sky was darening with clouds and the truck passed trees and plains, over and over. The she-wolf stood when the truck began to slow, and Jake's hand on her head tightened around a clump of fur. He was clinging to her, she could feel the desperation in the grip, let alone see it in his eyes.

    She heard Sam get out, and then put the tailgate down. He muttered to Jake, who looked to numb to speak. He was. Slowly, he opened the gate wide enough for the white wolf to get out, and they jumped from the truckbed together. Luna looked around, blue eyes wide as could be. They were surrounded by pines and mountains, there was a humongous prairie stretched in from of them, and her large ears picked up the sound of water. Passed all that was directly in front, was the same landscape, repeating and repeating, There were mountains and aspens as well, lots of tall grass that smelled of a familiar prey.

    Cautious, Luna walked around, and suddenly Jake knelt beside her and cried out, she felt his head buried in her ruff and could feel warm tears on her fur. He never cried.Never. And this unsettled Luna all the more. As he said, "I love you, ok? Ok, Luna? I love you." She pressed her head to his should, in a sort of hug, and Jake pulled away, not looking back as he got into the truck's passenger seat. Sam put the tailgate back up, and didn't look back either as he got in the driver's seat.

    Stunned beyond belief, the silvery wolf stood there watching, frozen by confusion. "What the Hell are you doing..?" She whispered, as the truck came to life and started away. Luna gasped out of hurt, and immeadiately took chase, running after the truck over the hard pavement. "Where-where are you going?!" She asked quietly, and started crying as the truck grew smaller and smaller in the distance. "Why are you leaving me, Jake? Why are you not stopping? Stop the truck, turn around! Come back for me!" She shouted, her voice breaking from her tears. Thunder sounded somewhere, and Luna's vision was blurred.

    It had started to rain, and Luna cried with the sky. She had long since lost sight of the truck, but that didn't stop her from running after it. She didn't notice what she was doing to herself, until she tried looking back. Behind her, for a few feet, were bloodied pawprints, barely starting to wash away in the rain.

    Letting out a cry of absolute anguish, Luna made herself walk to the edge of the forest with her bloody, raw feet and lay underneath an overhang. She curled up and cried again, the coldness of the rain helping to soothe her. She sat and let out a scream, a howl, of pain that said one thing, asked one thing, and that thing only. Why did you...Abandon me?

    That thought played over and over in her head, and she would have cried again if running so much hadn't taken all her strength. With torn feet, she fell asleep listening to the rain, wondering why she felt so alone, and why this didn't feel like the first time.