• So far on the road 12 and 13 are trying to find out what the monsters are for and why they are attacking people.
    fat cop says: Well anything yet from this boy, or these monsters
    13 says: We are still trying to find out about the monsters but we have a sample of the two hands of the monsters.
    fat cop says: So what did you find?
    13 says: They are very hairy monsters way it looks from these hands but we have no idea with the face. but as for the boy we are gonna train him to fight.
    12 says: Maby we are dealing with wookies from star wars.
    13 says: Not that kind of monster.
    fat cop says: Oh yea maby we can meet darth vader on the way.
    13 says: Im being serous we are dealing with some killer monsters out there. do we want to stop this or not.
    fat cop says: Yes we do but what else is there to find, where do they live.
    13 says: until we find the same case but in a different place lets hope its somewhere closer right now we need to train the boy.
    meanwhile they get ready to train the boy. big phil got message coming to his place.
    Big phil says: Do you guys ever pay the bills.
    MGuard says: Yes boss but we didnt pay them this time cuz we are low on money.
    Phil crashes too the ground.
    Big Phil says: Then find away to make more money then.
    then the tv screen comes on.
    Gendruff says: Well phil I see your having a little trouble with money lucky you can work with me, I can give you 10k money if that would help your bills out, but first I want you to do a mission for me. I need you as my back up just in case things get edgey. ill be heading out too the woods So I hope to see you there. Few cops were finding out some murder cases and i need you and your men to take them out.
    Big Phil says: Sounds like a great plan.
    Gendruff says: Good ill see you then and make sure you got weapons.
    later on the day time.
    Monster1 says: Master I failed, I tried to kill the boy but my hands got cut off the sharp thing.
    Leader Monster says: Such a shame that you have to fail on this mission, Your out of the tribe, Your nothing but a failer to us.
    Monster1 says: but master give me one more chance.
    Leader Monster says: Just leave you are no longer welcome here.
    contune on chapter 2 of episode 2