• Pain.
    It's all the same yet so different to everyone.
    For this young boy it was possibly the worst he would ever feel.
    Witnessing the murder of your own parents.
    His memory will lingers and for that, this willl be a great read.

    That morning I woke up like normal to go to school. My mother was there making my peanut butter and jelly sandwich like always.
    "Hey momma, you making my lunch?" I asked casually
    "Hey honey, yes do you want chips and salsa or chips, pudding and a cheese stick?"
    I thought about what I wanted in my lunch before gently saying.
    "Chips, pudding and a cheese stick"
    With that my mother put my lunch together as I gathered my shoes, jacket and backpack to the table.
    My cereal was already sitting there waiting for me to eat.
    When suddenly my dog started barking and the windows were all breaking.
    Before I knew it I was hiding out in the washing machine listening to my brothers, sisters and my parent's screams.
    The pain that came within me was more than I can bare to unveil.
    I opened the washing machine door a tiny bit to see blood strewn everywhere.
    The shock of it all nearly made me throw up.
    After I was sure the man had left the room I got out and ran to my mothers body.
    Sobbing I sat there looking down at my mother. Her neck was pouring blood onto my clean jeans, my dog wouldn't stop barking and that's when I saw my youngest sister Clarice.
    She was sitting in the living room absolutly still and quiet. I knew something had to be up for her to be as quiet as she was. I realized the killer had walked right by her and with that she didn't know what to do. I quickly grabbed her and ran out of the house dying to save at least one persons life in this house. I took her to the neighbours house behind us before running back into the house. I may have been a child but I had to save my family!
    With the sudden adrenaline rush I ran up the stairs to my older brothers room, all the kids were huddled there and the killer was across the hall killing my father. His screams is what made me move.
    "Jasmine, Derek, Micheal, Garet and Siera, Get downstairs now. Forget about everything. RUN" I screamed running into my fathers bedroom with a knife. I ran up to the man and cut his knee forcing him down.
    I grabbed my dad's hand and pulled him up, starting to run towards the house where I had put Clarice.
    "Josiah son" My father spoke in labored breathes.
    "Yeah dad?" I asked just wanting to get him out of the house.
    "Is the kids alright"
    I gently nodded yanking him out.
    That's when I saw my younger brothers bodies.
    Garet and Micheal were laying on the ground, blood coming from their throat. I saw my sister Siera next, I tried yanking my dad faster!
    I knew Clarice was fine so I was happy about that, but when I saw little Jasmines body I started screaming and running. I left my father to die as I just wanted to save my own life.
    I must've fainted because the next thing I know I'm in the hospital and my grandma and grandpa are there with Clarice whom was crying to curl on my bed.
    That's when I realized my sister and I were the only ones to survive.
    Tears were shed for my slain family, but what came next was even more fearful

    To Be Continued......

    (This is something I wrote after I just woke up, I dreamed of this happening and figured I might write something about it. Tell me what you all think.)