• The rush....God, I love it.

    "Thank you, New York." Hold for cheers. "Now, for our last song of the night, we'd like to slow it down just a bit." I tell the audience. The room was magically altered to amplify my voice, courtesy of my father.

    The guiter starts, slowly, softly. I take a breath and open my mouth. The sound that came out was angelic, even to my own ears.

    I tried to be perfect,
    But nothing was worth it,
    I don’t believe it makes me real.
    I thought it’d be easy,
    But no one believes me,
    I meant all the things I said.

    If you believe it’s in my soul,
    I’d say all the words that I know,
    Just to see if it would show,
    That I'm trying to let you know,
    That I’m better off on my own.

    The band starts in. The crowd cheers. They hold their wands up like the 'lighters' that you see at muggle concerts. This is my bliss. My love. Being on stage, in front of complete strangers, making a impact on their lives. This is my job, making people happy.

    This place is so empty,
    My thoughts are so tempting,
    I don’t know how it got so bad.
    Sometimes it’s so crazy,
    that nothing can save me,
    But it’s the only thing that I have.

    If you believe it's in my soul,
    I’d say all the words that I know,
    Just to see if it would show,
    That I'm trying to let you know,
    That I'm better off on my own.

    On my own...

    Of course, no one knows why they come out of my concerts feeling a warmth inside of them that they can't seem to lose. Other than me and daddy. Daddy said it was best not to let people know what I am. He says that they would feel like I am cheating them. So, I don't tell. I just sing. For Daddy and me. For our future.

    I tried to be perfect,
    It just wasn't worth it,
    Nothing could ever be so wrong.
    It’s hard to believe me,
    It never gets easy,
    I guess I knew that all along.

    If you believe it’s in my soul,
    I’d say all the words that I know,
    Just to see if it would show,
    That I'm trying to let you know,
    That I’m better off on my own.

    The song ends. We take our bow. I am the last to leave to stage.

    When I get back stage, something weird is happening. My father isn't there. That is so bizarre for him. He's always back here, telling me what a good job I did, or scolding me for missing a word, which is rare. I look around for him when I spot a familiar blond ponytail.

    "Hey, Stacy!" I called, running up to her.

    "Yes, Aria?" Stacy has been my Assistant Manager since I was 10. She was this little 5'5 woman (I can call her little cause I'm 5'8.....in four inch heels....) with frizzy blond hair that she usually keeps in a messy ponytail and black rimmed glasses. Most people would think 'geeky' when they saw her, but I always thought she was adorable.

    "Have you seen my dad?" I figured she had. I knew she had this HUGE crush on my father, because as soon as I mentioned him, her face turned bright red.

    "Yeah. He got an owl not that long ago. Four songs before finish. Didn't look to happy about it either." Stacy told me, trying to cover her blush, which didn't work too well, because as she finished her last sentence, her eyes met with something across the room and she blushed even harder, so I kinda knew who it was.

    "Daddy..." I turned away from Stacy and put on my most scolding voice.

    "Hey, kiddo." He walked out to me, but stopped when he saw my face. "I know, I know."

    "You missed the end."

    "Important business. Really couldn't wait." It was then that I noticed something was wrong with his voice. Something was off. Something sounded like it was hurting him mentally.

    "Daddy..." I said again, taking a step towards him. This time soothing.

    "Aria, may I talk to you in private?" He asked, but I knew it was an order. I slowly walked past him and into my dressing room, which was down the hall. He stepped in, took out him wand to lock the door and put up a silencing spell. Now, I was really curious.

    "Okay. Spill."

    All he did was sigh.

    "Look, I know something is up. I know that look and that look equals 'Bad News Bears'. So, spill."

    "Aria...We're moving."

    "So....? We've done that a hundred times."

    "We're moving to England..."