• "Oh,why must you bother with all of this! It's only dinner." I yanked at the gleaming pearls encircling my neck.
    "Princess,dinner is with the King and the lord of Waydel so he expects you to be dressed properly." I glared at her when I heard something like,"Not like that filthy tunic..." The very words seemed to drip with scorn.When she caught me glowering she looked bewildered then it dawned on her and she frowned.
    "Really,Lady.You must admit wearing a tunic like -- a man!-- is out of the ordinary." Lilac placed her hands on narrow hips. I only pursed my lips and muttered for her to hurry.

    When I reached the Great Hall I was still rubbing the sore spot on my head where Lilac had pulled too hard.On entering the hall the lords,ladies,and nobles stood.Some even bowed,but I waved them up with a small smile playing with my lips,deciding whether to show or not. The smile widened when I heard my father's deep voice thunder across the room towards me.
    "Ah,there she is! Xara come and meet Lord Mire. Of Waydel." When I nodded slightly he stood and beckoned me closer.I walked toward him and saw a short,red faced man laughing with his wife,though when I walked pass he looked at me for a while and a strand of unease slithered into my stomach,sending ice water down my spine. Just great.....