• I saw the tattoo before he could stop his shirt from sliding over it. I was in utter shock. I have seen that tattoo before. The last time I had seen that tattoo this crazy lady was trying to off me. I barely got away with my head intact. She tried to decapitate me and cut out my black heart she was said. The lady was a complete wacko. How could Bryon have the same tattoo. I am sure they weren't popular. Well, maybe to psychos. Was Bryon a psycho?
    Ihoped not. I was really starting to feel him. I mean he was the first guy that really made me feel anything since Sam. Sam had tricked me into liking him and giving him my virginity. After the deal was sealed so to say I didn't hear from him again. Then I saw him withthis chick named Angelique. He said we were just a hook up and I should really get over it. I felt so stupid,so ugly.
    That I went home and cried. I also woofed down a piece of chocolate cake. I had a broken heart and a bad stomach ache for about three days. The stomach ache went away but the broken heart stayed for awhile. The crazy lady incident happened. Then I met Bryon walking home from the store. I had just wanted my life to go back to normal. I was going to college soon enough, things just needed to stay boring until then.
    I was eating a orange creamisicle pop, okay well getting it all over my shirt more to speak. It was frickening hot that day. I thought the soles of my shoes were going to melt to the sidewalk. So I am trying to get some of the ice cream mustach off my lip with my tongue when this super cute guy walks up asking me something. I say that because I didn't hear what was he was saying, I just stood there with my tonuge out ready to lick my top lip. Then he said again, “Do you know where Holstead street is?” My mouth was dry. I had to swallow twice before I could get out the directions. My voice hoarse when I said, “ Around the corner, down four blocks take a right.” He gave me the most beautific smile that I had ever seen. Then he kept walking pass me.
    Now, I that I finally made up my mind to track him down, which by the way made me feel like a stalker. I see he has that same tattoo as the crazy lady did. A vertical line and a horizonital line intercepting in the center. He was out in front of the rental house. I say that because all the other people on the block have been there for years. The Rogers moved to Florida after Mr. Rogers( yes I know) retired. So they rented their house out. He was washing a blue mustang. One of the old fixer uppers most guys have. He had his shirt off, but when he seen me staring he put it back on. “ Where did you get that tattoo? By the way I don't actually know his name. I just decided to call him Byron because he looked like a Bryon when I met him.

    To be continued or not.