• ~ Amelia~

    She was alive. My God, she was alive, here, and just pretended to be dead for seven years. I couldn’t understand why.
    What annoyed me was that she didn’t ring or write to say that she was alright, when she knew she could have, I taught her how. And so did Seth. She worried so many people with her little disappearing stunt and she couldn’t take that one moment to tell the people that loved her that she was fine.
    She looked fine, better than fine actually. She looked as if she had been living in royalty. Her spotless, olive skinned face looked as if they hadn’t seen a fight in a life time. Her purple, rounded nails were well looked after and long. And her hair, there wasn’t a hair out of place. Perfect would be the word you would use.
    Rage consumed me, I hated that she left without saying anything, not even discussing it with anyone. My previous anger towards Seth, Noah, Shaun and Theo returned but returned ten fold on Tory.
    Without thinking, I swung my fist at her pretty little face hoping to cause a big fat bruise to here eye. That would make me feel a lot better. But, sadly and unfortunately, it was not meant to be.
    She ducked my on coming fist, using the wall as a leave to push herself and to gain strength. She pushed off it and took a swing at me, the aim was off and I knew it wouldn’t get my face. But I realised too late that she wasn’t aiming for my face, she was aimed for my neck and shoulder.


    This woman was nuts. Just taking a swing at me out of nowhere and for no reason, well, none that she had voiced to me yet and none that I remembered.
    Just because I didn’t know her, only she seemed slightly familiar, didn’t mean I couldn’t hit back. And I wasn’t going to not defend myself. If she wanted to hit me, she was going to really wish she hadn’t.
    I swung at her again, after my last hit hadn’t got through, but she blocked this one with her fore arm yet again. Unfortunately. I didn’t stop at just one and I sure as hell didn’t slow down my punches for her. I swung again, but this time it was with my left.
    She hadn’t expected that, so she didn’t block in time. Her eyes widened as my fist nicked her should when she attempted to move, then slowly impacted with her face. It collided high on her cheek, her head snapped to the side and she stumbled backwards from the force of my punch. My hand inflamed with pain from the hit.
    ********! She had a bony face, God that hurt like hell. I whined and groaned at the pain in my head moving back slightly.
    She suddenly snapped back into action, swinging again and not waiting this time but I blocked each hit with my arms. Something about this seemed familiar; left, right, left, right, kick out with the leg. Block, block, jump and swing. This strategy felt familiar when fighting with her but where…
    The midnight black hair with the icy blue eyes got me opening the memory bank, the tough, bossy attitude gave her away. Memories of my old trainer popped into my head.
    My eyes widened in disbelief realisation and I lost my focus on the fight.
    Her leg swung out at mine, my legs collapsed and I tumbled to the floor. I caught myself before I hit floor and as my hands touched the floor, I flipped over and away from her.
    Because of the kick to my leg, I had to half kneel, half crouch on the floor. I glared at her from under my hair; she already had a black eye from my hit. Her skin must bruise easy then.
    She seemed so familiar but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Her training style was like mine but the only one that knew what it was was Amelia. But it couldn’t be her, surely she’d moved on to greater things by now.
    “I can see the wheels turning in your head, you’ve figured it out and are now wondering why I haven’t moved on,” she said quietly from her spot standing.
    It was her. Only she could tell what was running through my head, I still glared from my crouch on the ground, not sure whether to get up and hug her or punch her again. I was saved by the bell.
    “Tory, I’m-.” Charlotte stopped, standing in the door way with the doctor standing behind her; concerned look lighting her face.
    Charlotte looked from Amelia to me as I straightened and then back again. No doubt, noticing the already bruised eye on Amelia and my slight limp as I walked back to the door.
    “What the hell happened?” she demanded in her usual way, hands on her hips.
    I looked at Amelia and, literally, lost it. A bubble of laughter erupted out of my mouth and then I couldn’t seem to stop laughing. Amelia started to laugh as the smile she had couldn’t stop spreading.
    Charlotte kept looking back and fourth between Amelia and me; our laughing forms shaking. She wasn’t all too happy with us, even when she didn’t know what had just happened. Although I figured that she guessed already.

    The doc insisted that both of us be checked out, for me it was again. Charlotte wasn’t too happy about waiting for us to get checked out after we had a pointless fight.
    I had a nasty bruise to my upper thigh but it was nothing that wouldn’t heal over night with a healer’s treatment. Amelia’s eye was slowly going back to normal but it would take a few hours to get back to its normal self. Bet it hurt like hell though, my hand hurt like a b***h from the punch.
    Charlotte was giving us glares that would scare a grown man from her seat across from us. Sitting in a big library, chatting away to each other and ignoring her like she wasn’t even there was fun.