• I thought I’d type up some random one-shots that me and my friends wrote while we were still in school and had nothing better to do.

    Disclaimer: If you don’t know them… then I own them. ^_^

    Author Note: Warning! Characters may be OC!

    ~(The Movie Scene)~

    ~TAKE 1~

    Asuuka Riska ran out in front of the camera waving her arms dramatically. “Cut, cut, cut!” she screeched into her megaphone. She headed toward the actors. “That’s all wrong!”

    Blinking his brown eyes cutely, Sho held up a live tuna fish. “So,” he began slowly, “I’m not supposed to whack Zane with this fish.” To emphasize the question he wiggled said fish.

    She combed her fingers through her long tri-colored hair. “Of course not, you dote!” She whacked the younger on top of the head with her script. Behind her Zane Truesdale gave a sigh of relief. “Use this hammer instead.”

    Giggling like a mad man Sho took the hammer and looked at his fellow actor with a devious glint in his eyes. “This wasn’t in my contract,” Zane groaned as he attempted dodge the giant hammer.

    Just outside the camera view, Atticus Rhodes shouted, “Come on, Zane! You’ll have a blast!” As Zane attempted to leave, his “best friend” shoved him back onto the stage. “You can do it!”

    The bluenette stumbled back just as the gigantic hammer crashed down onto his pretty little head. “You are so dead meat, Atticus!” Zane managed to spit out between the painful swings Sho hit him with.

    Atticus just grinned. “Love you to, buddy!” He flinched and made a funny face between each of his words.

    His buddy then fell to the floor in a bloody heap. Everyone stared at his body. Asuuka then broke the awkward silence, “Way to go, fellas!” She stepped on to the set, beaming. “Take this,” she indicated to Zane, “to it’s trailer.” Sho dragged the poor teen out of the room. “Where’s my water, monkey boy? Don’t you know telling people to beat others half to death is exhausting?”

    Suddenly, Naruto Uzumaki skidded up to her with a bottle of water in hand. As she drank heavily, he asked her a serious question, “Um.. I’ve been meaning to ask you… uh, why are we shooting a movie?”

    They all turned to the door as Yugi Mutou rode in backwards on a unicycle. “No, Naru-chan, the real question is: why haven’t we already shot one?” They all stared at him as he continued to ride it in circles around them.

    As they watched him, Sasuke entered the room with the script in hand. His dark eyes watched Yugi wobble back and forth on the odd vehicle. “I’m not even going to ask.”

    Yugi beamed at the darker boy. “I’m practicing!”

    “What for?” Sasuke asked shaking his head in disbelief.

    The smaller boy just continued to smile. “For the movie, of course!”

    Ripping the water bottle from her lips, Asuuka spun to glare at Yugi. “For the last time… YOU ARE NOT RIDING A STUPID UNICYCLE!” Her face turned a dark red as she spewed bits of her water in the smaller boys face.

    Yugi pouted and jumped off his unicycle. “Fine,” he leaves the room disheartened.

    Shaking his head, Sasuke turned back to the script. “That aside… I need to ask you about my script, Asuuka.”

    Asuuka already knew what he was going to ask just from the look on his face. “Yes, you have to be shot from a pink cannon.”

    “Why?!” he screeched.

    Naruto stood up after picking up Asuuka’s dropped bottle of water. “It was a request, teme.”

    Dark eyes narrowed at the blonde boy. “From who, exactly?” At that moment the requester entered the room whistling. After spotting Sasuke, he then backed out again. “ITACHI!” Sasuke darted out of the room and after his older brother.

    Asuuka patted her monkey boy on the back. “Nicely played, Naruto, nicely played.” Naruto just beamed from ear to ear.

    Just then Sho re-enters the room with Cazuuki Yoko and a big box. Atticus pops up beside them. “Oh, what’s that?” he asked with a big grin.

    The brunette looks at him with a look of horror. “It’s the chicken costume… duh!”

    Sheepishly, Naruto scratched the back of his head. “Uh, why the heck do we need a chicken costume for?”

    Cazuuki and Sho exchanged shocked looks. “To dance in, of course!”

    Everyone’s favorite star-headed midget popped out of nowhere. “Or to ride unicycles in!”

    “NO UNICYCLES!” Asuuka screamed. She picks Yugi up by his head and throws him out of the room, fury evident on her pale features.

    Itachi darts through the room like an upset cat. His little brother was hot on his heels with a brandished kunai. “Get back here! I only wanna murder you a little!”

    Nonchalantly, Sho picked up his giant hammer again. With a single swing he knocked out Sasuke. Everyone stared at his body as Sho pulled another unconscious body out of the room. After an awkward pause Chazz Princeton said, “Okay.”

    Everyone turned to him startled. “Where… where did you come from?” Yugi asked from the doorway.

    They all stared at Chazz expectantly. “Uh…” his eyes shifted uncomfortably, “up there.” He slowly pointed up to the rafters above them.

    Blinking, Yugi asked, confused, “Canada?”

    Cazuuki gave an exhausted sigh as she headed over to our innocent duelist. “Yes, Yugi, Canada.” She patted him softly on the shoulder.”

    His big purple eyes widened even further (is that even possible) and he ran away screaming, “The Canadians are coming! The Canadians are coming!”

    They watched the small duelist run away screaming in mild amusement. “Should we tell him?” Sho asked in a bored voice.

    Asuuka just shook her head. “Nah!” A loud bang could be heard over her. “He found out.”

    The monotone boy’s eyes widened in fear. “My precious brick wall!” He immediately darted out of the room, but quickly returned.

    “So?’ Chazz asked after a moment of silence.

    The other boy just smiled. “The wall’s fine.”

    Chazz narrowed his dark eyes. “What about Yugi? You know, the midget duelist with marijuana hair?”

    “Oh, him!” He paused. “He’s just bleeding profusely from his head. Should be fine after he has a glass of milk.” His grin widened as if he had solved all of their problems.

    They all turned to face the door as Kakashi Hatake walked in with a puzzled look on the parts of his face that they could see (his one eye). “Can anyone explain to me why there is radioactive goo in my hair?”

    Cazuuki gave a frustrated sigh. “It’s to give you superpowers for the movie. Do I have to explain everything to you people?”

    “…………… sweet.” He poked his finger into the blue goo. “Do I get to have meat vision, like I requested?”

    “No,” Cazuuki replied.

    “What about spaghetti fingers?” Kakashi asked smiling.

    “No,” Sho replied, this time.

    Naruto waved his hand wildly in the air. “I know. You have the power to…………… willingly knock yourself unconscious.” He pouted cutely. “You’re so lucky.”

    Atticus scratched his head. “Big words. Me no comprehend.” Chazz whacked his co-worker, hard, on the head.

    The silver haired jounin nodded understandingly. “You mean like this?” He then proceeds to knock himself out.

    “It actually works!” Asuuka shrieked. “Mwhahahaha!” Menacing lightening flashed behind her scaring her employees.

    Chazz sighed. “On with the movie, please. Where’d the main character go?” He waved a random script as he looked around the room. “He has to be here.”

    At that moment, Marik Ishtar walked in dragging Zane’s dead weight and another large black bag. “What did you do?” Cazuuki asked angrily with her hands placed gingerly on her hips.

    “Nothing, this time, I swear! I actually found him like this in the dumpster out back,” he waved his tan arms defensively.

    The blond demon chirped in, “Why were you in the dumpster?”

    Marik placed his hands on his hips. “Dumping Bakura’s body, like Asuu told me to.”

    Boom! Asuuka whacked the blonde Egyptian on the back of the head. “That’s part of the scrip you nubtard!”

    His face drained of all color. “Oh, maybe I should…” He begins to reach for the zipper of the black bag.

    From inside the bag Bakura begins to yell at him. “Let me outta here you bloody tart! All I want to do is rip you f*beep*ing face off!”

    “Then again…” his hand began to retreat.

    Chazz shook his head. “Just let him out.”

    Marik glared at the younger duelist. “Fine!” He slowly unzips the bag. “I’m sorry, Bakura.”

    Chomp! Bakura sinks his fang-like teeth into Marik’s outstretched hand. The blonde begins to scream. “Where’s Marik and Ba-” Ryou walks into the room and spots the duo spazzing out. “Never mind.” He walks over and leans against the wall nearest to the unconscious Kakashi.

    Everyone’s favorite midget stumbled back into the studio, only to promptly pass out again. This caused Bakura to release his friend’s hand. “What’s the kid’s problem?”

    “The great vengeance of the invincible brick wall,” Sho replied in his usual monotone.

    Off to the side Kakashi finally began to stir. “Wh-what did I miss?”

    “Not much,” Ryou told him. He slid into a sitting position against the wall.

    Just then the door flew off the hinges. Everyone turned to inspect it. “Who in there right mind filled my shoes with cottage cheese?”

    Everyone immediately pointed their fingers at Marik. “I thought they were hungry,” he replied sheepishly.

    Seto twitched. “Well, they weren’t, you baka!” Sakura yelled at him from behind Seto. She pulled off one of Seto’s cottage-cheese-filled shoes and through it at the Egyptian.

    “Ahhh!” Marik grabbed Bakura and ran out with his friend dragging behind him.

    Asuuka groaned. “Such a wuss.”