• Gunners #22 Christmas Rock
    Dark Gothic Judgment Order

    Onimaru sits on his chair quietly as Hakuru stands. She looked at him with hate as she stares into him. Her eyes were wide open but her skull eye was deep into an abyss of hatred.

    Onimaru: you wanted your files right?

    Hakuru: that’s right, I want my files. Everything about me, and my family, the clone of Rukina Sakura, Tomoka Minato and Sukya Sakura.

    Onimaru: very well then.

    Here are the files.

    Onimaru: oh and take this too.

    Hakuru: whats this?

    Onimaru: her names Doctor. Rebecca Laura, I letted her lead the project called Gunners Terror. Your mother was the most successful subject to be implied to the military science and human technology. After the nuclear bomb from 1945 in April of the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Rukina was the only person who was not infected by any radiation.

    Hakuru: wait…. Are you saying that she was…

    Onimaru: yes, she was a human being.

    Hakuru: so you lied about my mother and my father being clones then huh?

    Onimaru: yes…. Your father Tomoka Minato, moved into America. To start as an engineer.

    Hakuru: an engineer huh?

    Onimaru: however, when the project captured Rukina, they’ve used her blood for DNA samples, we’ve even so used her as training subjects. Her body was ten times more stronger than a Gunner. She keeps growing, her age system has a body of a 22 year old.

    This is her with the rest of her group.

    Hakuru: this is…

    Onimaru: yes, the first Gunners group that saved the world.

    Hakuru: my god, that’s Yamota’s mother.

    Onimaru: yes, unfortunately she has personalities just like Yamota, next to her is her husband.

    Hakuru: whos he?

    Onimaru: Itsuki Ryan.

    Hakuru: theres more too…

    Onimaru: the last thing they’ve did was stopping an unstoppable ancient rocket.

    Hakuru: a rocket?

    Onimaru: it was an ancient ruin created by the Gods. The very first Gunners. They’ve built it just in case if disaster came. It would actually destroy the whole continent.

    Hakuru: how did my mother do it?

    Onimaru: basically she blows it up mid air.

    Hakuru: that’s actually coool….

    Oh yeah I forgot one thing.

    Onimaru: hm?

    Hakuru: what happened to Laura?

    Onimaru: oh Laura, that name has been stuck in your head for a very long time hasn’t it?

    Hakuru: yeah, what happen to her?

    Onimaru: she decided to live in Australia, in NSW in the capital city called Sydney.

    Hakuru: shes still alive?

    Onimaru: yes, she has been helping Rukina and Tomoka and the rest of the group a long time now, if it weren’t for her, they would of failed saving the world.

    Hakuru: hm… guess I’ll go to Australia then. Hey how are those clones of yours?

    Onimaru: clones? They’ve haven’t been active for awhile now, they been offline and off duty after the desutrction of Tokyo.

    Hakuru: put htem back on duty then, besides I can’t rebuild the city all myself, we pretty empty handed now, we need more people, civilians don’t have the energy to build so I kinda reckon we need more support. You think you could do that?

    Onimaru: I believe I can.

    Hakuru: alright, well I’m off.


    Hakuru: oh man….

    Onimaru: wait Hakuru, if you go I need to tell you one last thing.

    Hakuru: what?

    Onimaru: your mother, she too possessed the Evil Energy…

    Hakuru: …..

    Onimaru: she was known as the unknown being, either she is a devil or a human, we I can’t say.

    Hakuru: I don’t care, if she possessed the Evil Energy too, then what does it matter? She was strong right?

    Stronger than me.

    Hakuru…. Hakuru!


    Hakuru: what?

    Yamota: your ready or what?

    Hakuru: oh yeah.

    They’ve opened the door as they saw a bunch of people out there.

    It was known as…. Christmas Rock.

    Yamota: woo! Your guys ready to rock!!!!!!


    Yamota: lets hit it!

    Hakuru: one two three four!

    Yamota was playing the electric guitar as Hakuru was playing the bass. As Kanome was playing the drums. Then Sukya was being the back up singer and Yukina was playing the piano guitar.

    Hakuru: in the night in the high sky, you and I will head high!

    The music was louder!

    Yamota: you and me, you and I will head to the road sky!

    And louder!

    Hakuru: lets get….

    Sukya: LOUDER!


    The crowd cheered on.

    Yamota: ******** YEAH I LUV THIS SONG!

    As they played Rev was way at the back on top of her truck.

    Rev: heh, this is a good song….. maybe we should make a concert of our own….

    Ritz: you mean like Beyounce’s?

    Rev: yeah something like that.

    Ritz: when was the time you last sing a song?

    Rev: four years ago.

    Ritz: and what happen after that?

    Rev: don’t get to that part man.

    Ritz: whatever.

    Meanwhile at the other side of the concert.

    Saya: nice song. Good in english too.

    Kikio: would of better in JPOP rock

    Saya: nah I like it this way.

    Maybe we too should make a concert. We should totally need a band. Whos up for a JPOP band?


    Hakuru: thank you Tokyo!!!

    Yamota: we hope that we can rebuild Tokyo and make it back the way it was again!


    Hakuru: also we hope to have as many supporters we can to rebuild back our home, and our awesome city. Even so get back that has been destroyed.

    Anyways have a merry christmas guys. Also don’t let anyone ******** with your life!

    Yamota: lets rock!

    Rev: they’re playing more songs?

    Pence: wow



    Sukya: DIEE!!!!


    Yamota starts to jump as she does a solo sound.

    They started to head band.

    Saya: well look at that…

    Kikio: GO YAMOTA!!!!!

    Kasumi: your ******** loud!

    As the concert was on break…

    Hakuru: cheers everyone!

    Yamota: yeehaa! That was ******** awesome!

    Hakuru: heh yeah. Oh yeah also Yamota, I gotta show you something

    Yamota: what is it?

    Hakuru: look at this picture, guess who this is.

    Yamota: holy s**t! Is that my mum and dad?!

    Hakuru: yeah!

    Yamota: woah, my dad looks…. Kinda….

    Hakuru: young?

    Yamota: yeah.

    Hakuru: well they’re the first Gunners group.

    Yamota: awesome.

    Hakuru: and that’s my mum and dad.

    Yamota: woah your mum and dad look like a great couple.

    Hakuru: and mum isn’t even a clone! Shes a human!

    Yamota: a human?! Haha! Cool!

    Hakuru: its so surprising as well, also, I’m going to leave Japan for awhile

    Yamota: what? You are?

    Hakuru: yeah, theres this doctor name Rebecca Laura, she helped my mother and my dad and the rest of the group, if it weren’t for her, my mothers group would of failed in saving the world.

    Yamota: hey want me to come?

    Hakuru: sure why not? Actually….

    20 minutes later.

    We’re all going to Australia!

    Kanome: Australia?!

    Hakuru: yes, and its in NSW Sydney

    Sukya: I heard that the city is really cool!

    Yamota: and a lot of manga too!

    Fuka: maybe I should order more Tsubasa Chronicles hm….

    Hakuru: hang on, wheres Asuka?

    Asuka: ……

    Hakuru: oh there you are, hey have you seen Yukina’s medical books and all of her equipment? They’ve all been missing.

    Asuka: ….

    Yamota: I’m gonna take that as a no.

    V: somethings not right with Asuka, shes acting…. Weird…

    Hiyane: what do you mean?

    V: shes been quiet for the whole time, and she hasn’t shown up these times lately…. Somethings not right…

    Yukina: yeah like… my books….

    Hakuru: can we stop glaring at her….

    Yukina opened up a portal as they head to Sydney.

    Hakuru: alright, lets go.

    Yamota: wait, where does she live?

    Hakuru: just follow me, I got her address its in the files.

    Yamota: you bring them with you?

    Hakuru: well I haven’t even finish reading them all, besides they got a whole lot of stocks of information.

    Yamota: holy s**t! It’s a size of a brick!

    Hakuru: even so it has information about your mother and your father Yamota. Care to look?

    Yamota: ah…. Yeah sure.

    Hakuru: time to find Laura…..

    As they started to walk they hidden they’re weapons inside of they’re bags and body.

    V: hm….

    Eyes of the Four Paths….

    Hakuru: Eyes of the Four Paths?

    V: Four Paths are North, East, West and South, these are the Four eyes…. Just in case if we get lost or an income enemy tries to get us.

    Hakuru: heh, just like a compass huh?

    V: kinda like a computer. Yukina can actually use that power easily, right Yukina?

    Yukina: I don’t use powers or magic that much in battle, I only count on science and my own technology.

    Hakuru: hey who knows, some day you might use em, I use mine recklessly. Yamota only use Flare techniques.

    Yamota: hey I can use other techniques too!

    Hakuru: Kanome uses spell techniques and spell attacks, Fuka uses flame techniques, Hiyane uses wind and gravitation techniques which combines with her body and skateboard, Asuka uses her inner techniques with her strength and Sukya uses heavy techniques. And one and not least, Rizumi uses shadow techniques with Ninjutsu. And for me, I use Dark techniques.

    Hiyane: you sure do your research on us.

    Hakuru: are you kidding? We’ve fighting along side for a long time and I still know what you guys can do, well not all of them.

    V: hm…. I think we’re close.

    Hakuru: oh yeah your right, I can sense it too. Its in this… hotel.

    V: look like shes in the tenth floor.

    Hakuru: heh….

    Yamota: alright then, lets go.

    Five minutes later.

    I’m sorry but the list says that she doesn’t has any visiotrs coming today.

    Yamota: ah yeah well uhm…. No that’s… that’s because she forgot to tell you that! You know what I’m sayin here man….?

    Hakuru: no he doesn’t know what your saying Yamota, and secondly Laura is a smart women and she “doesn’t” forgets….

    Yamota: well how the hell did you know that?!

    Hakuru: read a little bit of her in the file.

    Yamota: you said you haven’t read any of the files yet!

    Hakuru: well when we were off walking I started to walk behind and read, I walk very slowly when I read files… Yamota… you were too busy babbling about some hentai manga with Asuka.

    Yamota: aw come on! Asuka loves hentai manga’s! right Asuka!

    Asuka: …… (totally doesn’t know what hentai is)

    Yamota: and besides! I gave her heaps of hentai manga’s!

    Asuka: ….. (doesn’t even understand each bit of it)

    Yamota: and also! She even masturbates to hentai!

    Asuka: (still doesn’t get it)

    Hakuru: Yamota she doesn’t really get it.

    Yamota: how do you know?!

    Hakuru: well those words next to her head says.

    Yamota: what the ********?!

    V: ah… this is a waste of time…. Can we get up to the tenth floor already?!

    Um… excuse me…

    Hiyane: huh?

    Laura: did I actually expect some visitors?

    She was actually an elderly women, with white hair with a pony tail at the back, with a coat and with a purse.

    Hakuru: wait… are you Laura…?

    Laura: oh yes that is me.

    Hakuru: Dr.Laura my name is Hakuru… I think we have a lot of talking to do, please do you have some time to spare?

    Laura: well yes actually I just came back.

    Hakuru: great!

    As they head up to Laura’s apartment they saw an awesome hotel that was like a size of a mansion, well sort of.

    Yamota: ALRIGHT!!!!!!


    This is a….


    Hakuru: really? Cause I didn’t really pay any attention to the building.


    Laura: oh files?

    Hakuru: oh yeah, uh… I heard about you a few years ago. Your name was stuck in my head and all.

    Laura: ah…. Now I remember…. You’re the daughter of Rukina and Tomoka!

    Hakuru: yeah that’s me!

    Laura: your mother sented me the photo of you and your big sister. Ah… what a lovely family.

    Hakuru: so uh…. I have this photo of the whole Gunners group. Would you like to see?

    Laura: oh yes this! I remember this now! This was before we began our very last mission to stop the ancient rocket

    Hakuru: it seems new, what happen to the original one?

    Laura: oh silly, I have the original one, in fact I have a lot of photo albums of your mother and the whole group.

    Hakuru: you do?!

    Laura: yes!

    Yamota: hey Laura!

    Laura: yes dear?

    Yamota: tell me about my mum!

    Laura: oh yes her! Shin Akada! She was an energetic women! She never gave up, she beaten your father in wrestling fifty times in a row.

    Yamota: YEAH THAT’S MY MUM!

    Hakuru: Yamota keep it down.

    Yamota: oh come on Hakuru! My mum’s the greatest!

    Laura: haha! Just like your mother…. And you too Hakuru, you resemble a lot of her, even so you have her personalities.

    Hakuru: I do….? What? No way! Come on…. Besides I don’t like men….

    Laura: oh one day you will, Rukina and Tomoka began to become closer and closer every day they began new missions and even so on breaks.

    Hakuru: oh my god…. Then… who am I gonna be with then?

    Laura: you will find him soon enough….

    Suddenly she looked at Kanome.

    Laura: aw! You are Kanome Fukiyama correct?

    Kanome: oh yeah that’s me, why do you ask?

    Laura: now I remember! Your mother!

    Kanome: what?! You remember my mother?!

    Laura: yes she was part of the group as well! She was known as the Moon Witch Sphere.

    Kanome: what does she do?!

    Laura: apparently she can change the shape of the moons light into a sphere shape. She can transform her attacks into anything, even so she masters every spell of the witch’s generations.

    Kanome: woah!

    Laura: apparently her sniper rifle was torn apart in a fight, she used the ultimate attack which torned it apart, it was known as the 5th Phase attack: Crimson Blaze.

    Kanome: Crimson Blaze?

    Laura: her weapon was the ultimate creation, no other witch can use it except her. One day you too shall create your own weapon.

    Kanome: what about my father?

    Laura: well I never heard of your father.

    Kanome: oh I see….

    Hakuru: so my mother was a human being just like my dad right? She survived the destruction of Hiroshima and also she was not infected by an radiation, she was chosen for Gunners Terror… what next?

    Laura: well actually…. You may not believe this but….. take off your jacket and your shirt.

    Yamota: what the?

    Hakuru: yeah sure okay.

    Yamota: your really gonna do that?!

    Hakuru: what’s wrong? Its like taking your clothes off with another girl in the bathroom isn’t it?

    Yamota: uh....

    She took off both of her jacket and shirt as Laura examine her back.

    Laura: hm…. You do have the blood of your mother

    Hakuru: what?!

    Laura: during the clone creation, Onimaru most’ve ordered one of the scientists to combine Rukina’s blood into his daughters blood, making a mother and a daughter being into one.

    Yukina: what?! That’s impossible! When I checked the blood samples I’ve took from her it was just bio-cells!

    Laura: that’s because the bio-cells were hiding the whole blood cells. The blood was inside the bio cells.

    Yukina: wait if she has both of her and her mothers blood then that means.

    V: then that means that’s how her powers kept on moving and growing onto greater levels.

    Laura: correct, normal Gunners would have to gain they’re levels, for Hakuru her powers keep growing, like a human baby growing to a younger age, to a teen age, to an adult life and to an elderly life.

    Hiyane: if that’s so how does Hakuru always come back even so she always dies?

    Laura: because…. Her mother never dies….

    Hakuru: what are you saying?

    Laura: your mother….. possesses Evil Energy from the start she was “born”

    Hakuru: your kidding right?

    Laura: its true, you possessed Evil Energy from the start you were created as well, since now, that Evil Energy beign must’ve began consuming your heart already. You’ve gain a lot haven’t you?

    Hakuru: yeah I did.

    Laura: I guess you are just like your mother….

    Hakuru: hey you did say that my mother never dies right? I saw her sacrificed herself against some Immortal Vampire. Are you sure shes dead?

    Laura: sacrifice hm? She always does that….. shes not dead Hakuru.

    Hakuru: ……..

    I KNEW IT!

    Hakuru: Shes not dead!

    Yamota: woah this is the first time we’re seeing you happy!

    Laura: yes but shes kept somewhere, I don’t know where. Its been awhile, I’ve created a Gunners sensor device. Hmph. Oh well… that things useless now, I miss the past.

    Yamota: no offense but you look really hot in the past.

    Laura: oh uh…

    Sukya: Yamota!!!!

    Yamota: come on!

    Hakuru: wait…. Weren’t you suppose to meet Hachi?

    Yamota: um…. s**t….

    Hakuru: oh well.

    Laura: now back to examining your body hm…. You haven’t released your real wings yet haven’t you?

    Hakuru: real wings?

    Laura: your mother had the same wings. However they’re not feathered wings or angel wings.

    Hakuru: what are they then….?

    Laura: ….. mechanism wings.

    Yamota: wait… she has mechanism wings?!

    Laura: not ordinary ones. If she releases these wings they would actually boost up her energy ten times or probably so, more than 100 times.

    Hakuru: how do I even possibly carry a lot of energy?

    Laura: basically your body has enough storage. You see this spine? This spine is known as a “Tunnel Energy” inside theres a tunnel running through with energy. Any kind. So as your bones. With Dark Blood. It runs through your veins. If one of your bones would break the tunnels in them would explode with a lot of energy, which means you would actually lose an arm if it breaks.

    Hakuru: why didn’t I do that on Saya…. Damn….

    Laura: don’t worry, with you, you have a lot of calcium within you. Even if one of your parts did explode you can regenerate them back.

    Yamota: is Hakuru an Immortal or what

    Laura: well actually Hakuru “can” die, no one just hasn’t even discovered how.

    Hakuru: heh, I wonder what the hell are the heavens are calling me now.

    Laura: hm…. Your shoulder blades connect to the wings. There are three joints on each wing. These six joints connect to each power. You can power your energy through your bones and to your wings. They operate them very well. When you fight do you feel heavy?

    Hakuru: when I’m tired….

    Laura: hm…. Maybe a few adjustments.

    Yukina: how does Hakuru releases these wings? If she does I could actually re-arrange some tools and fix them.

    Yamota: hey how about leave the Engineer to me!

    Laura: its best not to touch them for awhile. To release your mechanism wings Hakuru, you must release a lot of your Evil Energy with your emotions.

    Hakuru: my emotions?

    Laura: yes, I don’t know how, but that’s how your mother did it when your father almost died with a powerful bullet wound.

    Hakuru: well that’s my dad…. He already tooken five bullet shots, hard ones too….

    Laura: damn that Tomoka…..

    Hakuru: well if you wanna visit use Yukina’s device here. There’s a lot of things to talk about….

    Laura; yes indeed there is.

    Hakuru: well I’m off. Oh yes also listne to our song, we made a band!

    Laura: a band?

    Yamota: we named our band The Skull Gunners!

    Laura: its funny, Hakuru’s mother actually had the same group name as well.

    Hakuru: wow thanks mum haha…

    Yukina: well portals ready, we’re off!

    Laura: oh also, these are your mothers guns…. Take care of them well.

    Hakuru: thank you.

    Laura: oh and Kanome!

    This is for you, your mother wanted you to wear this.

    Kanome: thank you Laura!

    Laura: oh and Yamota, those magnums of yours…. They’ve been melted away haven’t they?

    Yamota: oh yeah…. I tired fixing them…

    Laura: your mother always tries to do the same thing, these are from your mothers, they’re really rare

    Yamota: woah! 19th century revolvers?!

    Laura: take care of them.

    Yamota: thanks Laura!

    Hakuru: see you again Rebecca!

    The portal closes.

    Laura: see you too….


    To be continued.

    Next Chapter: #23 Asuka X Hakuru