I think that this story began in the '60s, where the source of all the drama and the evil that ensued was designed. But I will not go down that path, because many factors are at all or partially unknown to me. So let me start by a simple event that forever changed the course of many lives, if not the direction of all life as it was known.
We were in the 80's, in a small English place called Godric's Hollow. In this quiet area lived a very special family: a young couple and their two children. So far everything seems very common and many might wonder how this family was more special than any of the others who lived here, well, this was a family of wizards.
James and Lily Potter lived happy in this cozy home with their two infant twin sons, Harry and Jamilly. Although the two children were twins would be difficult to relate them: Harry had raven wing black hair, like his father, and very bright green eyes, as the mother; Jamilly had red hair, like her mother, and eye with the same color as hazels. This family was happy and not easily you would find two children so loved and cherished as the small twins.
On a cold night in autumn (on Halloween night, if I remember correctly), the greatest dark wizard of all time, Lord Voldemort, toured the streets leading to the Potter family's house, entering into it and killing the whole family. Or at least that was the plan … Voldemort killed Lily and James but failed to kill the two brothers who were sleeping at that time, being forced to flee because his powers were extremely limited.
Amid all the fighting a fire started leaving Harry and Jamilly sorrounded.The fire was about to reach the room where they were when a very large character came through the door blocking any light caused by the flames. This is huge being approached the cradle, at which time Harry opened his big bright eyes without realizing what was happening. But his sister did not wake. The giant took the boy and ran out the house.
Once outside, he got a little ball that was within his overcoat, but the ball began to shake. In the palm of the giant, a little owl stretching their wings in the cold wind that was felt at that moment. He put her on the shoulder while rushing scribbled a note that he gave to it.
“Delivery this to Dumbledore as fast as you can. "
And the little owl took flight at the precise moment a monstrous bike landed on the sidewalk.
"Black, what 're you doing here!?" Asked confused the giant.
The second man came out of his ride.
"Hagrid!?" Gasped Black. "I came to see James, Lily and little ones." At that time looked at the house that was still burning. "What happened? Where are they? Please Hagrid, tells me they're safe...”
"Dumbledore told me to come because he thought it could be problems. When I arrived I found the house slike this... "began the giant.
"But where are they, Hagrid?" Black insisted.
"When I entered I found them dead, James at the bottom of the stairs and Lily near the crib. But little Harry was alive." He said at the precise moment that a mound that was staying in his huge arms move.
Black deep and fondly looked at the little baby who was in a huge pile of blankets. "And Jamilly?" he asked, looking up in time to see a tear run into the stubble that framed the face of Hagrid and mingled, to some extent, whith his indomitable black hair.
Without speaking the giant shook his head.
Black looked back at Harry, "What will become of him now!? I'm his godfather, I could raise him..." he said more to himself than to the giant.
"Dumbledore told me that if something like this happens, I should take the little ones to him." said Hagrid embracing more pile of blankets, as if to protect the boy who was in the middle.
"Oh .." said disappointed Black. "At least take my bike, Hagrid. You should arrive sooner and the journey will be safer. "
Hagrid went to the bike, accommodating little Harry. When she looked back, already in the heavens, he didn't saw Black that, in the meantime, disappeared. The giant went to Priver Drive, as Dumbledore had instructed.
Meanwhile, the small Jamilly awoke from his deep sleep, and feeling completely alone, began to cry. At that moment, in the street, passed a couple of Muggles who heard the crying.
"John, is someone in this house," said the terrified woman as she looked at the house that was still being consumed by the flames.
At cost and, I might add, in an act of great courage, the couple got into the house, followed the crying and went to the top floor, faceing the whole scenario of terror on the way. When they arrived at the nursery, which inexplicably had not been destroyed by the fire, they found a little girl into the crib.
"Who would do this, John?" The woman said as she picked up in the small Jamilly.
"I do not know, Hellen. But one thing is certain: someone really didn't like this family..." he said looking around.
"So little ..." said Helen, looking with tenderness for the baby. At that moment she noticed one thing: through the girl's clothes she could see a scar on her chest. "I do not know what happened here, but we can't let her alone, John." she said looking at her husband, in a caring way.
"But Helen...
"John, it is safer to not tell anyone. We are news in this village.The neighbors do not know us and it won't be strange to see us with a child." she said in a sweet but determined voice.
John knew that there would be no way to make the woman change her mind; since they had lost their daughter, she never had smiled in the way she was smiling now to get that girl.
"Okay, but let's get outta here. We are already abusing a bit of luck and I not know when the house will collapse completely. "He said, looking unsure at the ceiling and the floor.
So the couple and the little Jamilly left the house that a few hours before was the symbol of home and family, but that now was nothing but the remains of the happiness that once had been lived here.
As they walked down the street, Hellen cuddled the girl with her own coat and a little later the baby slept peacefully. "Margarett!" she said.
"Hum ..!?" John looked confused for his wife.
"Margarett. She will be called Margarett." She said tenderly, stroking, with her velvet hands, the girl's soft hair.
And thus the small Jamilly was removed from her life and taken to a completely different one that did not include her brother, losing even her own identity.

- Title: The truth behind the legend
- Artist: JEP13
A fanfiction about harry potter
You can check out the portuguese version (original) in http://a-verdade-por-detras-da-lenda.blogspot.com/
Sorry for any error you may find and please leave your opinion - Date: 04/23/2011
- Tags: truth behind legend fanfiction
- Report Post
Comments (2 Comments)
- Saxgrrrl - 05/03/2011
Besides the syntax and diction being common fanfiction like, which may be becauste of the translation, it is an interesting read. The only thing is, it is terribly just out there and a very different branch from the real universe. If harry had had a twin, she would have been mentioned in some form. Someone would have spilled it and there would have been a grave in Godric's hollow...
Sorry, just ranting
very good, thumbs up - Report As Spam
- JEP13 - 04/23/2011
- Sorry I forgot to say one little but important thing: Chapter 1 - The child from whom no one heard about
- Report As Spam