• *JoAnna is walking along the path, following the signs to the place Karine and Vince went to. The sun is setting.*

    JoAnna: (walking) Vince? Karine?

    *She walks more, seeing the house.*

    JoAnna: Oh God..


    *She walks up to the side of the house.*

    JoAnna: Vince?

    *She then walks to the front door and knocks on the door.*

    JoAnna: Hello?

    *No reply*

    *She knocks on the door again.*

    JoAnna: I'm looking for my friends who may have wondered around here...

    *She knocks again.*

    JoAnna: Hello..?

    *She suddenly hears a voice from inside.*

    JoAnna: Karine? Is that you?


    *JoAnna slowly opens the door and slowly walks inside.*

    *She hears the voice again.*

    JoAnna: Guys, if this is some kind of joke, cut it out...seriously.

    *She hears the voice again from behind the door down the hallway.*

    *She slowly walks down the hallway looking around.*

    JoAnna: This place is disgusting...

    *She opens the metal sliding door and first thing she sees are the hooks..but Karine isn't there anymore.*

    *JoAnna looks around.*

    JoAnna: Hello...?

    *She suddenly hears banging inside a fridge next to the wall.*

    *JoAnna turns to the fridge and looks at it.*

    *She hears the banging again.*

    *JoAnna goes and opens and suddenly sees Karine laying there. She then opens her eyes and twitches and falls to the ground, dead.*

    *JoAnna screams and falls back.*

    *The killer suddenly comes from behind the curtain with a sledgehammer.*

    *The killer strikes at JoAnna, but she turns over, dodging the hit.*

    *JoAnna screams, gets up and runs out the room.*

    *The killer grabs the chainsaw and turns it on and runs after her.*

    *JoAnna screams and runs out the house.*

    *The killer runs out the house as well and begins chasing her.*

    *JoAnna runs towards the woods, screaming.*

    JoAnna: Somebody help!!

    *The killer runs fast after her.*

    *JoAnna runs aimlessly in the woods.*

    *She starts jumping over branches.*

    *The killer chases her, not losing sight of her.*

    *She screams and looks back, she looks forward and jumps over a log.*

    JoAnna: Someone pleasee!! HELP ME!!

    *JoAnna then sees a small shed.*

    *She runs faster toward the shed.*

    *The sound of the chainsaw begins fading away.*

    *JoAnna is crying as she runs and quickly enters the shed.*

    *She rushes in and slams the door shut and falls on the floor.*

    *She then crawls to the corner and cries, covering her mouth...*


    *Nighttime. Holly beeps the horn from the van.*

    *She then gets out.*

    Luis: God..where the hell are they?

    Ryan: I have no idea...

    *Tiffany is walking in circles.*

    Tiffany: We've been waiting for hours, what if they're lost?

    *Short pause.*

    Luis: What, should we go looking for them?

    Tiffany: Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

    Ryan: We shouldn't wait a little more?

    Luis: Well, Tiffany's right..they're taking forever. They might be lost.

    *Holly gets out of the van.*

    Holly: Guys, I really don't know what to do. I'm starting to get a little worried.

    Ryan: So what should we do?

    *Pause. Tiffany continues walking in circles.*

    Luis: Well, we can't just leave the van here by itself.

    Tiffany: It's not like anyone's here anyway.

    Luis: Yeah, but still...

    *Another short pause.*

    Holly: Should 2 go and should 2 stay?

    Ryan: I don't know I think it's best if we stick together...


    Tiffany: So what do we do? Sitting here isn't gonna do anything.


    *Holly goes in the back seat of the van and grabs two flashlights.*

    Holly: We only have 2...but we can all go together. I'll take the keys for the van.

    *Holly takes the keys out of the ignition.*

    Ryan: Okay, let's go...


    *Luis, Ryan, Holly and Tiffany are in the woods, seaching for them.*

    *Ryan and Holly are holding the flashlights.*

    Tiffany: (yelling out) Vince??

    Holly: JoAnna?

    *Luis trips over a branch.*

    Luis: Dammit.


    Ryan: (yelling out) Karine? Vince?

    Luis: They could be ANYWHERE..this is so pointless.

    Holly: There's nothing pointless about looking for them.

    Luis: Yeah well, who knows how big these woods are.

    Ryan: My God...

    Luis: Guys, seriously, they could be back at the van right now.

    Ryan: Luis, come on.

    Luis: Guys, why can't we just go back to the van and drive around for help?

    Holly: I'm not going anywhere without my sister.

    *Luis stops, which makes the 3 of them stop and look at him.*

    Luis: Guys, i'll just go back to the van...you guys can keep looking.

    Holly: Luis, now's not really the time...

    Luis: I'm going back to the van.

    *As he begins to walk, Ryan grabs his shoulder and Luis jerks away.*

    Ryan: Listen man, calm down! We just need to stick together, we dont need you getting lost by yourself getting back to the van...


    *Everyone looks at Luis and Ryan turns around to walk more.*

    *Suddenly the killer pops out behind Luis with the chainsaw and strikes his shoulder.*

    *Luis yells in pain as Tiffany and Holly scream. Ryan yells out and curses.*

    *The chainsaw is slicing down Luis' body diagonally, with blood splattering everywhere. The killer slices him in half.*

    *Holly then runs away and Ryan and Tiffany run another direction.*

    *The killer begins chasing after Ryan and Tiffany.*

    Ryan: Go! Run!

    *Tiffany screams and as they run the killer is getting closer and closer to them.*

    *Ryan gets scratched by a branch on his leg, but he keeps running, behind Tiffany.*

    Ryan: Move! Move!!

    *The killer begins getting even closer.*

    Tiffany: My God!

    *They both looks back and look forward.*

    *The killer starts swinging the chainsaw at them.*

    *The killer then slices Ryan's arm. He yells and falls on the ground, unconcious.*

    *Tiffany screams and tries running faster.*

    *Tiffany runs under and arch of branches and the killer stops and tries cutting the branches, to get across, slowing him down.*

    *Tiffany runs faster and she looks back, and falls into a ditch.*

    *She hits the ground, but stays in in the corner, and covers her mouth.*

    *She hears the engine of the chainsaw getting closer.*

    *The killer tries spotting her, but can't.*

    *Tiffany then gets so scared, that she begins to blackout, and passes out on the ground....*

    TO BE CONTINUED! biggrin