• I Stand In The Middle Of This Nice Looking Hall, Where He Stands In Front Of Me. I Walk Up The Stairs That Are To My Left, Not Letting My Eyes Leave Him.My Eyes Couldn't Make Out His Face So I Walk Back Down The Stairs To Talk To Him. Walking Up To His Right, His Head Snaps In The Direction Of Me And Lets Out A Horrifying Scream. Which Startles Me, And So Does His Bloody Face. So I Run Through The Door That's In Front Of Me, Where I Find Four Or Five People Hiding Out With Their Dog (Which Looks Like My Grandma's Dog {Chocolate Lab}). The Zombie Starts To Follow Me So I Slam The Door Shut On Him, While The People Start To Freak Out And Run Around Everywhere. Finally I Get The Door Shut, But Apparently It Didn't Shut Tight Enough, Because He Still Got In Somehow. And He Doesn't Try To Get The Other People, Which At This Point Have Calmed Down And Are Just Sitting There Now (You'd Think That They'd Freak Out MORE, But No). So I Go Hide Out In The Bedroom To My Right, And All Of A Sudden My Brother Is There Making Noises To Try And Comfort Me. Like An Idiot I Encouraged Him Because I Had Some Odd Idea That The Zombie Wouldn't Find Me, Because He Wouldn't Think To Look Where There Was A Bunch Of Noise (And He Didn't). So I Got Up And The Zombie Had Gone Back To Where He Was In The First Place, But Now The Dog Was A Zombie Too. So I Ran To Got Get The Maid From The Second Floor To Help Us (With What I Have No Clue). When We Came Back The Zombie Was Following Us Again, And The Dog Was Going Crazy, I Ran Down The Hallway To My Left And Found A Room That Had Two Doors So I Shut Them And Began To Lock Them, But The Second Door Wouldn't Lock. And Like An Idiot I Didn't Notice That There Wasn't A Wall In Between The Two Doors, So The Dog Just Went Through There. I Ran To The Bathroom And Sat In The Corner, And My Brother Came Out Of Nowhere And Showed Me A Way Out Of There So I Wouldn't Be Killed. So We Went Through This Door That Hadn't Been There Before. Which Lead Us To This Empty Room With A Window, So We Climbed Out The Window And My Brother Had Just Disappeared. All Of A Sudden I Turn Into My Dad Running Down The Road Looking For A Safe Spot. And He Finds A Open Window And Tried To Climb Through It, But The Person Who Had Been Staying There (A Human) Caught Him And Shut The Window. And So My Dad Just Casually Walks On The Sidewalk On The Other Side Of The Road, When The Person From Inside The House Comes And Pulls Him Inside.
