• Sayomi

    I got my own room, black all over with a few blue spots. It was a room you'd pobably see with the queen of england, only lots of black and blue. I was lying on the bed when Yoichi came in. The highclass feel of the castle didn't change him a bit, he was wearing pants, chain belt, sneakers, and his famouse 'no shirt' look. "Hello, Ms. Goddess." he said, sitting next to me. I smiled and looked up at him. "How long has it been since I left home?" I asked, twirling my finger along with his chain belt. "About a month, I think." he said. "A whole month." I said, wistfully. Yoichi bent down, and kissed me full on the lips. "Y-Yoichi?" I said, breathless. "Rin's back." he whispered. I sat straight up "What?!" I yelled. "Yup. She's in the main hall." Yoichi said. "What should we do?" I asked. "She wants to kill you, you know." he said. "Well, I know that." I said. "You kind of underestimate her." Yoichi said. "What do you mean?" I asked. In response, he placed both hands on my chest. "YOICHI!!!!" I nearly screamed. "Rin's planning on killing you the minute you walk out that door." Yoichi said. "Than bring it on! It's been a month and can beat her up easily, epecially with the new spell I learned." I said. "So, you're going?" he asked. I nodded "Yes. I can't be locked in this room, and even if I did decide to stay, she'd still find a way to kill me." I pointed out. "I geuss that's true. I'm sorry, Sayomi." he said. "Sorry for what?" I asked. "It's kinda my fault. For Rin, I mean." he said. "Not really. It was my choice to be with you and I won't let that whore take you away!" I said, determined. "Whoa! Never heard you call someone anything like that before!" he said. "Oh, uh, sorry." I apologized. He shook his head "Don't be sorry! It's actually pretty sexy!" he exclaimed, squeezing my chest, which reminded me what he was doing. I took both his hands, and bit both of them. "Ah, crap!" he exclaimed, waving his hands. I jumped off the bed "I may love you, but your a real pervert." I said. "Wasn't I always?" he grinned. "I geuss you were, gunna come watch?" I asked. "Sure, why not?" he said, and followed me out the door.


    Sayomi went berserk on Rin's a**! Rin was trained in every matial art possible, but compare that with a godess, and you lose flat out. I watched from the sidelines, I didn't need to move at all. In the end though Sayomi didn't kill her, and Rin ran away, promising to come back. But, I had a feeling we wouldn't see her again. "Hey, Yoichi!" Sayomi said, coming toward me. "You're pretty hot when you go ballistic." I said. "You say that all the time, even when I'm not going ballistic!" she said. "Maybe you look hot all the time." I pointed out. "Now, you're looking for something." she said. "You know what I'm looking for." I said. "Are you serious?" she asked. "I don't kid about this stuff. If I could, I'd want to get you pregnant." I said honestly. She blushed to the roots of her hair "W-Well you can't! I'm immortal. I can't age and I can't die." she said. "I know that. But, I'd like to do it because it feels good." I said. "Okay! Over load in pervertedness here!" she nearly yelled, still blushing. I sighed, "Okay. Nevermind." I said, giving up. As I turned around, Sayomi hugged me from behind. This actually made me blush. "S-Sayomi?" I said, than cursed myself for stuttering. "Hey, let's......go back to....my room." she got out. Sayomi wasn't that good at being daring in this field. "And what exactly would we do back in your room?" I said slyly, though I already knew. "You know what." she whispered into my shoulder blades. "Yeah, I do. But, are you just saying yes because I keep asking?" I asked her. I felt her shake her head "No. I want to do it because I want to." she said, tightening her grip around me. "So, going to ballistic makes you horny?" I asked. "Do you want to have sex or not?" she asked. "Yes, please!" I said, grinning. "Than, come on!" she said, and pulled me into her room, where we did it 'till morning.

    Next, Cat's Paw 42