• ‘Hey Taylor’ I smiled and waved.
    ‘Oh, hey there you are Emi’ he replied. ‘Hey bet you'll never guess who just asked me out for prom!’
    ‘Ummm... I don’t know, who?’ I asked as I awkwardly held the bear hidden behind my back.
    ‘Bryce! She broke up with Diego and asked me out!’ he said and beamed happily.
    ‘Oh, that’s great!’ I faked a smile and started to back away, ‘Hey I actually have to go, just wanted to say hi.’ Not turning, I quickly backed away then turned and almost ran away when he asked “Wait-what’s that?”
    Knowing he was to far away to see it properly I lied “It’s nothing. Just a toy I picked up for the kids I baby-sit”
    “Cool, see you!” he replied.
    Turning the corner I slid down the wall behind me and sobbed, looking at the small bear holding a note with Taylor’s name. I knew that inside it would read ‘Go to prom with me?’
    Still sobbing I looked at the boy who I had always loved, and was about to lose. And to the girl who claimed to be my best friend forever. Crying softly I looked down at the tear stained bear and note and made a choice.
    Wiping my eyes and standing up I checked to make sure nobody could tell I had just been crying then ran back to Taylor.
    ‘Taylor! TAYLOR!’ I yelled
    Turning around he saw me and waved then came over, “I thought you said you had to go,” he said jokingly.
    I smiled at him and said “I do, but I wanted to give this to you,” and held out the small white bear.
    He looked at it, confused. “Isn’t this for the kids you baby-sit?’
    “No, I lied. Its for you.” I said softly then walked away.
    As I walked away I started shaking and turned around the first corner I came to, sat down, and cried some more.