• Chapter One
    The cold, icy wind whipped violently in the land I then lived in, cheering me and the child on.
    The boy beneath my petrifying glare was staring unimpressed into my eyes, obviously looking into my soul.
    This was the normal type of thing young Daemons did, ( or so I was told ) using their abilities for selfish reasons, most of the time just for fun.
    He flinched as I realized what he was doing and started thinking about the most terrifying things I had ever seen or imagined. I silently suppressed a giggle at their horrified face as I thought of all the murders I'd seen.
    “ This is the sort of thing you will see once you become my apprentice, “ I said dramatically. “ If your master would EVER allow such a thing to her little boy! “ I sarcastically faked a look of horror and agony.
    They rolled their eyes, obviously annoyed at the thought.
    Becoming a Daemon was a hard task, but this child had obviously not learned much from death.
    Becoming a Daemon has 6 annoying steps.
    1. You are murdered/commit suicide.
    2. Your wish for life is so greatly powerful that you are able to send a message in a dream to a select person who is told how to bring you back,
    3. They perform the ritual, and, once the last spell is done, half of your soul is transferred to the land of the living, and your colour half of your soul is left in the land of the dead, waiting for return.
    4. You and the selected person say the rites together, sending the selected person's life soul to the land of the dead.
    5. Your two souls are combined, creating a living human once again.
    6. Once the Daemon ( Life half soul ) has recovered from the shock of life, it may, by the will of their master ( selected person ) may leave the body a shadow of their own, no colour but eyes being left behind.

    It was hard to kill a Daemon without killing the master, but it could be done.
    Unfortunately, my license to kill Daemons had been removed years ago after “ the accident “, as it's called in textbooks.
    Nothing I'm ashamed of, just a couple of uncharted jobs, and boom! , there goes an important capital in my people's history! Now, me, I don't really care about my people. They abandoned me, and I try to avoid them, you know? Yeah. No. The Elders, or the boss of all life and death and all that crazy stuff, they say it's my fault. Pfft, yeah, WHATEVER, and I'm the goddess!
    Oh, and, by the way, I worship and insane goddess who lives at the centre of my old planet, waiting to be freed from her icy bonds and be a 16 year old girl once again.
    Sorry if I don't fit your picture of a good little angel, it's just a habit. We worship her because she is the one who causes natural causes on our planet, and we don't want a “spontaneous” flood through dark cliff where someone happens to be having their test, or in Seltistorm field, where someone is practising white magic.
    She isn't just crazy, she ANGERY! Well, you'd have to admit, you would be, too, if you were turning 16 the next day and was about to enter the Πρεσβύτερος class ( or the Elder class ) and then was turned into a planet to forever be 15-16.
    Well, that's about all there is to me.
    Daemon hunter, works for no one, nomad, training daemon kid at the art of killing his own kind, etcetera.
    I'm just your normal crazy nomad.
    " Mystic, when are we going to actually fight a Demon? " James, the daemon boy, whined.
    A demon is like a daemon, but instead, they are the slaves of only the death god, with both of their souls, but no freedom and less shape shifting abilities.
    " I was waiting for you to ask, " i said with a smug grin on my face. " In fact, we are going right now! " Yawning and stretching, i went over to my armour cabinet and took out the usual clothing, chain mail that never clicked together for stealth, and weightless leg armour.
    motioning for James to leave, i let out my long ponytail and let my hair fall silently over my shoulders as the door closed behind him.
    I put away the clothes i had taken out and reached into the back of the closet, making it seem as if the closet stretch forever, which it almost did, for it stretched into another dimension.
    I climbed into the closet, walking a little ways till the lights popped on and the door shut behind me. after about two minutes of walking, i stopped at the door with the word " Mystic " printed in fancy letters on it.
    Taking a deep breath and preparing for what was ( probably ) beyond, i got into and angry pose, scowling and growling in hunched position, looking feral, and kicked open the door.
    a body slammed into me, catapulting me to the other side of the hall.
    " Hey, watch it, " i growled and shoved my sister off of me.
    " Aw Myst won' cha' ever let up off the claustrophobia stuff? " Kisikura pouted and stood up.
    " I'm taking my apprentice on his first hunt," i grinned with a psycho look in my eyes.
    Kura looked at me blankly. I took a deep breath, starting to explain.
    " Whoa whoa whoa there, sis! " she plugged both of her hands over my mouth in a desperate attempt to make me shut up.
    " No need to go that far, eh!?!? " she said, frantically trying to find a reasonable and polite way to say " NO!!! NOT ANOTHER LEARNING EXPERIENCE!!!! "
    Trying as hard as i could to keep a straight face, i sighed in a dramatic way.
    " Uh, " she said nervously, trying to find away to cheer me up again, " Isn't that where you hunt a first demon? " She smiled, frantically looking from left to right as if anything there would help her say the right thing.
    " Why yes, how intelligent of you! " I said in surprise dripping with sarcasm.
    " ok, now, " she crossed her arms. " What are you here for? "
    I straightened up, getting into a more serious state of mind.
    " i need my 10 foot katana, my obsidian scale potion, wait, make that two obsidian scale potions, twin blades for my apprentice, and two stealth potions, pronto, Kay? "
    She stared at me blankly and gave me a sheet of paper.
    "Write that down, please! " she pleaded.