• She used to go to sleep next to me every night. I watched her then from the silence. She grew up and moved away. Before she left she looked at herself in the mirror.

    I watched her from the silence. She never knew I was there, but I listened to her laugh and watched her walk to class. Before she left she looked at herself in the mirror. I never took her to be conceited.

    She never knew I was there, but I listened to her laugh and watched her walk to class. Boys looked her up and down and I felt a heat in my lower abdomen that excited and frustrated me. I never took her to be conceited. It was always the boys who were the conceited ones.

    Boys looked her up and down and I felt a heat in my lower abdomen that excited and frustrated me. I took medications to help me stop thinking about her and her admirers. It was always the boys who were the conceited ones. I wanted so much to be connected to them and be connected to her.

    I took medications to help me stop thinking about her and her admirers. My doctor told me that's what gave me my liver condition. I wanted so much to be connected to them and be connected to her. I never looked in the mirror though.

    My doctor told me that's what gave me my liver condition. I watched her night after night as she slept, hoping I could sleep through her. I never looked in the mirror though. Maybe I should have.

    I watched night after night as she slept, hoping I could sleep through her. I wanted to invite the other boys to gather outside her window around where I sat and watch with me. Maybe I should have. I know they wanted her as much as I did.

    I wanted to invite the other boys to gather outside her window around where I sat and watch with me. I think we were all afraid of what we would see in her eyes if she looked outside at us in the darkness. I know they wanted her as much as I did. If I wasn't so sick, I would have taken her, wrapped her up in a bow, and given her to them like Christmas Morning.