• My name is Rebecca And this is my story. One night as i was walking through the woods i felt that i was being watched. there was nobody else there so i thought it was weird. So i continued on. A little later four girls ambushed me.
    "What have we here"asked the tallest of them all.
    "it seems to be another spirit holder. A very strong one at that." said the one dressed as a ninja.
    "then she will make a good warrior. get her into training immediately." said the one that looked like a pirate.
    "Who are you? And what the hell does all of that mean?" i yelled at the girls. when i did they all attacked me. two of them grabbed my arms and i flipped they off of me and ran. I was so caught up in my worries that i ran right into a low hanging branch and fell unconscious.
    "lookes like she will be out untill morning." i heard one of them say before i had blacked out.