• I could not recognize the breathing. I hung up immediately and checked caller ID. It read "Out Of Area" in the lit up letters on my cellphone. I continued to put my books in my locker and get ready for my next class. Algebra. Why do we even need algebra, I thought to myself.

    I started to walk down the hallway when a loud bell went off. One that was not like the regular bells. One of the teachers elbowed her way through the crowd screaming, "Follow me! Follow me!" so I followed her through the twisty hallways.

    She got to an empty classroom with now windows, and multiple locks on the door. The room was made of cement and hard floors and walls. It might fit the whole school and already had about fifty kids in it. I joined them like the teacher did and nearly fell asleep there, even with the bell going off!

    After a while, a lot more kids crowded around us and after the halls were cleared, the teachers turned off the lights and locked the door. It got really hot fast with all of the body heat and peaple talking about what was going on. Every now and then, a teacher whould "Shhh!" all of the kids. After about the fifth "Shhh!", the room was silent.

    I swear, we just stood there forever. Finally, we heard "All clear" and we all left the large room, as I called it. We were all told that we wouldn't have school for a few weeks. I gathered my things and started to walk home. As I left, I saw a news truck. It was white and had a globe on it that read "WWN NEWS" I continued to walk when I saw a man in black hiding behind a large brick garage.