• Roan Castor Banes strode down the street hands in his pockets this street was well abandoned a good place for reckless gangs like his brothers. he sighed inwardly as he shoved his has deeper into his pockets and continued down the street in silence. the streets had been unusiely quite as he had been about keeping an out for well known gangs to report to the police like he normally did about activity he saw. he kicked a can that was sitting on the side walk and he stumbled back as he heard a loud "BANG!" "what the.." "BANG!" he looked up as it happened again so it wasn't the can.. he took the time to let out a sheepish chuckle before he became series again. pulling out his hand gun he quickly made sure it was loaded before silently stalking towards the sound gun at the ready. "BANG!" he was close now.. he rounded a corner and saw a tail .. a tail.. he thought confused for a second as it disappear throw a door. silently he started towards it "BANG" the report of a gun was clear this time. some gang fight.. with some one wearing a tail... he thought hesitating perhaps he should go tell the authority's first he shook his head at another shot went off this time with a shout that he could not make out. he crept to the door and peeked in a shot flashed out from one side of the large empty house with a crack it broke a chunk of wood blasting a small hole in the wall. he looked over in time to see a man retreat behind another door "quickly!" he blinked at the female voice and two figures sprinted out of the shadows a thin girl with long and very very pail blond hair and another one a male tall and thin as well with dark brown hair. the man slipped to the wall with his back to it and a gun at the ready the girl was right behind him but suddenly stopped and turned Roan blinked again as she turned to him how did she know he was here? the girl looked just as confused she too had a gun but she had slackened her grip in it in her surprise. "Kayla!!" the male suddenly shouted the girl whorled around but was to late "BANG!" the girl gasped for a slit second then fell back blood splattering the ground behind as the bullet ripped throw her. she hit the ground with a thud and did not move her oddly scarlet eyes open in shock. he scrambled over to her dropping his gun he heard the man yell something as he started to reseal with the man who had shot her. Roan quickly felt her pulse and found that she had none and her skin was cold he looked up picking up his gun and went to help the other man he shot one in the leg but the guy still had a gun and aimed it at him. he moved quickly for some shelter just barely dodging the bullet. he turned around "BANG!" that hadn't been his gun... he looked back the girl was sitting up one hand on her bloody wound the other shaking slightly with the gun held firmly she was breathing heavily but she was.. breathing .. none of his training had prepared him for this... he had always heard the story's like all children do but had never even once thought they were true. he heard a crack and turned back to the male who let the body of one of that last to fighters drop to the floor with his head at an odd angle. "Kayla are you alright?" the girl nodded at Roan stood back watching in shock. the man took kalya's hand away from her wound and inspected it 'you haven't been drinking nearly enough blood" his voice held soft accusation the girl.. Kayla didn't look at him a flash of deep sadness flashing throw her eyes. "what about him?" she asked softly her voice was heavy tired and guarded. the dark hired man looked back at him his silvery eyes narrowed.. it was then Roan noticed the mans ears were pointed. "he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.." the pointy eared man mumbled getting up and helping kayla up gripping her arm to keep her steady "i can walk garth.." she said pulling her arm out of his grip swaying dangerously. "alright kid you have to come with us" pointy ears said roughly "wait.. no im not going any where" the man shook his head "you have no choice" he stated and before Roan could move his gun was taken and he had been hit in the gut he gasped in that short moment the elf had him over his shoulder "can you walk?" he heard him ask while he was trying to regain his breath and then he started walking briskly. once Roan had regained his breath he found fast that struggling wasn't going to help him. eventually he stopped all together trying to get away instead he watched the girl as she walked behind holding her would but other wise seemed perfectly fine. after a time what seemed like hours they came up a large drive after scruting around the mager part of the town he craned his neck around to see the large mansion they were heading to closer and closer they got till finely the tall man set him down and pushed him throw the door. "go to the healers now" he ordered Kayla lowly but Roan could see a gleam of concern for her he watched as she walked away and then was pushed down the opposite direction. he looked around as the.. what he decided to be an elf escorted him down the hall towards the end door. the elf gave a loud knock and in response something heavy thudded against the door Roan winced slightly and heard the elf mutter something in a different language before opening the door and ushering him in before him. "Adelita.." "what?!" the women whorled silver hair flying in a ring around her she looked wild and in rage "garth what is it?" she said again sounding a little more in control "a human saw.." he coughed Adelita studied him under piercing blue eyes so light they were almost white "Kayla spotted him.." "did she now.." the women murmured with some interest "well he's Kayla's charge now.." a knowing look passed between the two before the women sighed Roan had been silent till now "where am i" he asked flatly the women raised an eye brow and the elf shrugged "your are now in the hidden society" she replayed calmly "a place that houses and protects supernaturals and others" Roan went silent so they where real?... no this had to be a really really bad joke suddenly he was being dragged out of the room and back into the hall.