• Roan looked up as the door opened. kayla came in looking the slightest bit tired he felt just a little bad for getting her in trouble as she stood and listened to the one lady rant at her. she just stood there scarlet eyes half open once the lady paused to take a breath kayla spoke softly but the lady seemed to listen closely. "im sorry shara i didn't realize he would make a run for it" she glanced at him he thought he thought sympathy and sighed as she focused on shara "ill try to keep it from happening again" "ya you better" mumbled the lady. kayla waved for him to follow as she turned and went out relentlessly he did he felt shara's eyes watching him till the door closed behind him.. even then he thought he could feel her eyes on him. he gave a slight shiver as he turned to kayla... she had her back to him just a few steps ahead as they walked.. she didn't say anything and didn't seem angry ether. she just walked with her hands in her coat pocket looking on ahead presently she stopped in front of a door that had a sweet smell coming out of it. "are you hungry?" she asked in a soft voice almost a whisper that seemed how she normally talks ..softly.. he didn't deny it this time he just nodded and then followed as she headed in. "ka-day!!!" kayla was suddenly picked up and hugged so tight her heard her back pop several times. she staggered back a bit when she was set down again the man who had picked her up was about 7 feet tall with short brown hair and .. wolf ears? roan peered at him while kayla talked to him "hi sammy.." she said a bit breathlessly. he has a tail!!! roan thought seeing the large brown tail swinging back and forth behind him. "who's this?" roan staggered a bit when a heavy hand slapped him in teh back "Roan.." kayla answered for him "hes a human..""well i know that" sammy smiled down at him "im sam but every one calls me sammy nice to meat you Roan" Roan shook his hand a bit dumfounded "still getting used to it eh?" kayla nodded "it well take him a while" Roan blinked back to himself and opened his mouth to say something along the lines of 'im right here you know' when sammy turned and bellowed "oi! get a good sized blood shake ready and a nice sized mac!" kayla nodded her thanks as she moved past sammy and set down at a small table in the corner roan followed and sat across from her as sammy took a chair and turned it around straddling it and rested his arms on the back. "so how have you been kayla?" sammy asked with a nice smile "good" he saw kayla flash a real smile at it still held sadness but it was real. sammy nodded that good then looked at him "what do you think of our little home down here?" he asked roan looked from sammy to kayla "i really haven't been here long enough to say" sammy nodded understandingly "don't worry kayla here has been there before" kayla looked down at the table eyes clouded over in thought. a moment later a large red shake slid across the table and stopped just in front of kayla startling her out of her thoughts. roan was sure.. that blood was mixed in with all that ice it made him just a bit sick a plate was placed in front of him and he was surprised at how big the burger was on it. "im not going to eat all that.." he said eyes a bit wide sammy laughed "eat what you can ill take the rest" roan just blinked at the large sandwich before him before picking it up and taking a small bite. It was good very good despite what he had thought sammy watched him closely "well?" roan swallowed slowly taking his time before answering "its very good.." sammy raised an eye brow at him with a smile "just good?" roan shook his head ruefully with no real words to describe it. sammy patted him on the back roughly "aw well..eat up" he said cheerfully then stood. "take care ka-day.." he said softly with an even softer smile. she looked up with her own small smile "sure thing sammy..". roan watched sammy move throw the restaurant and then out the door. roan could almost believe that he was still back on the out side world except.. he could see the difference clearly with all the new races wandering around between the tables. girls with long cat like tails men with large wings on their back in all sort of colors. there where kids down here that looked human but he also saw them doing tricks like making fire in the palms of there hand and then one of them freezing it. he was still taking every thing in when kayla got up pushing her chair back touching his shoulder lightly and started to walk to the door. he looked over at her blood shake and saw it was less then half gone... he quickly got up and followed her she still didn't speak as they walked back to what he recognized to be the way to 'their' shared home. Roan walked in after her and stood back and she slipped off her coat and tossed it in the closet. He looked around again i guess... he thought silently this is my new home he let out a heavy sigh and he could feel kayla's scarlet eyes on him holding sympathy. He shrugged deeper into his jacket and walked over to his new 'room' shutting the door behind him. It was dark and empty he felt for the switch and found it flicking on the lights. He was he admitted to himself surprised that they worked. He looked around the room again since he hadn't really looked the first time. The bed was in the far corner empty but made a small desk set in front of it wit a night stand to the side. The bath room was just the same empty but clean the closet was a bit dusty but not to bad. He set down on the bed and put his head in his hands for a long moment. He would have to make the best of it he was determinant how ever to make it back to the outer world. Weather this hidden society meant well or not... he had to get out.. even if it was just to see his family he had little interest in ratting them out. But he still couldn't help thinking why did they hid? All this time he thought they were just story's.. and come to find out at age 23... that they were real in fact beings that lived and breathed jut like him.