• "I liked the book a lot!" exclaimed Equius, "but the movie could have been better."

    "Yeah, I agree," commented his best friend Nepeta. She had recommended a book series to him, he loved it but he couldn't remember the name though. He saw Aradia approach them.

    "Hey Nepeta," She said gloomily, ignoring Equius.

    "Oh, hey Ari!" Nepeta replied cheerfully. Equius shifted from foot to foot, feeling uncomfortable. Aradia had never felt any kindness towards Equius, but he attempted a somewhat-friendly greeting anyway.

    "Hey," he mumbled, his voice cracking. Crap! He was trying to not be awkward but had failed miserably.

    Aradia utterly ignored him, turning to Nepeta again. "Um... Can I talk to you over there, Nepeta?" Aradia said as she pointed to a close to empty corner of the crowded hallway, purposefully separating herself from Equius.

    "Sure! Hey Eq, can we continue this later?" Asked Nepeta. Equius nodded his head, what else could he do? If he protested he would make Aradia hate him even more. Watching them walk away, a dejected feeling washed over Equius. Why did he have to screw everything up?!