• Eva was lying in her bed staring up into the darkness. She turned on her side and looked to her alarm clock it read 11:30. She rolled on her back again. She couldn’t sleep

    Adem would be in school tomorrow. Eva wasn’t sure what would happen when she saw him tomorrow. But it probably wasn’t going to be fun. Over the last three weeks when she visited him in the hospital. He was always looking at her when he thought she wasn’t looking and there of course was that hug he given her. It was defiantly not a lets just be friend’s hug it had been some thing more. And when he touched her she felt her heart start to move out of the darkness. What was this she was feeling?

    She rolled herself into a ball and she started to weep again. Then after some time sleep finally claimed her.


    At that same time Adem was finding sleep just as hard to catch.

    It was his first night back in his room. But that wasn’t the reason he couldn’t sleep. It was because he had school tomorrow but the real reason was because he was going to tell Eva tomorrow how he felt. If she accepted how he felt about her life would be great. But if she rejected him he didn’t know what would happen. And that scared him. He didn’t want his dark side to hurt her in anyway. He rolled on his side and tried to sleep.


    The next morning Rafi picked up Adem. “Man you look beat! Are you sure you are up for this?” Rafi asked as Adem got in the car.

    Adem new he looked like crap his sleep when he had finally got some had been filled with nightmares about Eva and a little girl with flame red hair. “I’m fine I just couldn’t sleep. Any way I have to go so I can get the work I missed.” And also so I can finally tell Eva I love her he thought to himself.

    They drove in complete silence. Rafi tried to start up several conversations. And each time Adem just grunted a reply. He was still trying to keep his never. They finally got to the school.

    As Adem was getting out of the car Rafi asked him, “are you sure you are up to doing this?”

    Adem shook his head this was like the hundredth time Rafi had asked that same question. “Yes, I will be just fine.” Adem let a little of the anger he felt creep into his voice. It had the desired effect Rafi backed off.

    “Jezz man, no need to bite my head off. I am just concerned about you as any friend would be,” Rafi said as he held up his hands to show that he meant no harm.

    Adem slung his book bag over his shoulder and the two of them walked to the front of the school.

    Adem felt his uninjured arm grab, “Hey! So you made it.” Marie said in a squeal of joy. Then she danced over to Rafi and jumped on his back. “Now trusty stead lets get a move on.”

    “Get off my back woman! I am not your personal horse!” Rafi yelled as he tried to shake her off.

    “It’s good to see you back at school Adem,” Marie smiled at Adem as she clung to Rafi’s back.

    “Yeah,” Adem said as he looked around for Eva. “Hey Marie was Eva on the Bus to day? I have some thing to tell her.” Adem felt a blush burning his face.

    “Yeah, but she was asked by an administrator to go to the principals office.” Marie slid off Rafi’s back and looked over at Adem. “What is it you have to say?” she asked but her eyes showed that she knew the answer.

    Adem looked away trying to cool his face down. “It is a personal matter.” He head into the building.

    Marie and Rafi exchanged a look. “He is finally going to ask her out!” They yelled at once in joy.