• It was a dark stormy night,Morrigan had awoken from her slumber when she sensed an omnious presence.
    She left her safe haven and looked up at the sky,only to see her nemisis,Dynasty.Dynasty flew down from the darkened sky and landed in front of Morrighan.
    Morrigan glared strongly at him."What brings you here Dynasty?"Morrigan replied in a cold tone."I came here to kill you"
    Dynasty smirked.Morrigan just let out a sigh and a sword materialized into her hand.Dynasty smirked once again before he pulled his rather large sword from his back and swung it at Morrighan.
    Morrigan expertly dodged it,then attempted to stab Dynasty but he blocked the strike then flipped back.Morrighan lunged forward for another strike but Dynasty dodged it by taking to the sky.Morrighan took to the sky as well.
    They stared at each other for a few minutes,both only meters apart from each other.Then both in a great burst of speed of flew at each other,there swords raised.In a split second Morrighan was on the ground blood leaking from from the spot where her wing used to be.
    "Heh,this is all i wanted.Your wing will make me more powerful"With that Dynasty opened a portal and left Morrighan there to suffer.

    1 Year Later.....

    It was early morning and Elaia was having a mysterious dream.In the dream Morrighan was standing on a small round alter,light shining down on her.There was something odd about her though.She was missing a wing.Morrighan turnd her gaze to Elaia.
    "Elaia,i need you to get my lost wing back...from the one called Dynasty."Elaia nodded."Where do i find him though?"Morrighan was about to answer when she started slowly fading away."I'm sorry....but i don't have enough time to tell you...you'll have to search yourself..."With that Morrighan disappeared and Elaia woke up."Are you all right Elaia?" Elaia's boyfriend Seru asked in a worried tone."You were talking in your sleep." Elaia looked up at Seru as she sat up in her bed. "Yeah i'm fine,i just had a weird dream." -Seru leaned closed and kissed Elaia's forehead."What was your dream about?"Sora asked as he snuggled Elaia. "I dreamt about Morrighan,she asked me to find a man named Dynasty and retrieve her lost wing from him"Seru scratched the back of his head."Hm that is weird,maybe Duncan would know who this Dynasty guy is.Let's go ask him."
    Elaia nods and gets out of bed.They both leave the house and find Duncan in his usual spot outside his house."Duncan do you anything about a man named Dynasty?"Elaia asked cutting right to the chase.Duncan brought his hand to his chin and he stood there think for a moment.
    "Well yes and no."Elaia at Duncan strangely."What do you mean yes and no?"Duncan scratched the back of his head awkwardly."All i really know is the incident that happened between him and the Goddess Morrighan a year ago." "What happened during the battle?"Elaia asked in a curious tone.
    "I'm afraid for once i don't know but if you go to Dunbarton you can find out.Stewart has a book that tells all about it."A smile played across Elaia's face."Thank You Duncan,we'll be heading to Dunbarton now,bye."Duncan waved bye and watched them walk away before he went back into his house to return to what he was doing before.
    Elaia and Sora headed to the horse stable that was behind their house to retrieve their horses.Once there Elaia climbed onto her creamy white Shire,Cassian.Seru walked over to his chocolate brown throughbred Semiaz and mounted it in one quick motion.They left the stable and headed to Dunbarton.It didn't take them long.
    When they arrived they guided their horses into the square."Hey Elaia,over here!"An all to familiar voice calls out.Elaia turns her attention to the person that called."Hi Robundai,selling dyes as usual?"Elaia giggled- "Hell yeah i get tons of cash from these little babies,but nevermind about that.What brings you guys here?"Robundai asks as he gets to his feet."I had a vision about the Goddess Morrighan."Elaia replied as she looked around."Hm,you get those visions alot,so what was it about this time?"Elaia raised her hand and ran it through her hair."Morrighan asked me to retrieve her stolen wing for her from someone named Dynasty.That's why we came here,would you be interested in joining us?"
    Robundai stood there in thought for a few seconds,his hand raised to his chin."Sure why not i have nothing better to do."Elaia smiled. "So you guys have any leads so far?"Robundai asked as he packed up his wares."We do,Duncan told us that Stewart has a copy of the book."Let's head over there then"Robundai said as he headed to the school.Elaia and Sora followed.
    When they got to the school they headed up to Stewart's classroom.Stewert looked up from the book he was reading and turned his gaze to Elaia.Seru and Robundai."You have the book that tells about the battle between Morrighan and Dynasty right?" Robundai asked as he looked around the cluttered classroom. "Yes i do" Stewart got up from his desk and headed over to the bookcase.He grabbed the book and handed it to Elaia."Thank you Stewart we'll return it when we're finished"
    "You can just leave it in the library i'll pick it up later" Elaia nodded then they headed to the library and sat down at a table.Upon reading the book,they discovered that after the battle Dynasty had gone to Tailltean to visit the Shadow Realm. "Why would he go to the Shadow Realm?"Elaia asked. "Maybe to visit someone?"Sugessted Seru. "If that were the case then the only one he could possibly see is Elatha"Robundai said as he tilted back in his chair."Let's go to Tailltean then,its our best bet and we've got nothing to lose from checking it out"
    Elaia said as she got up from her seat and left the school.Robundai and Seru followed.Once outside they mounted their horses and headed to Tailltean.Once they arrived in Tailltean,they headed to StoneHenge to enter the Shadow Realm.Elaia pulled out a black orb and started chanting in an unknown language.In a matter of seconds they started dissipating into thin air.They reappeared in the shadow realm which was shrouded in darkness.Elaia looked towards the large lake that sat in the middle of the whole area.
    Elaia saw Elatha standing by the shore.She walked over to him,Seru and Robundai followed."Its been a while Elatha"Elatha turned around at the sound of Elaia's voice,a slight smile on his face."Yes it has,may i ask what brings you here?"Elaia looked intently into Elatha's eyes."You know Dynasty don't you?"Elatha stayed silent for a few seconds before letting out a sigh."Yes i do" "Is he here?"asked Robundai as he stepped up beside Elaia. "Yes and no"Robundai looked at Elatha strangely."What the hell do you mean yes and no?"Elatha rolled his eyes."I sealed him in a dimention within the shadow realm"Elatha crossed his arms over his chest. "Is there a way to get there?"Robundai asked as he picked a rock up and threw it into the lake.It skipped over the surface of the water five times then sank to the bottom."There is...only i can open access it though"
    "Will you open the portal for us Elatha we need to see Dynasty"Elaia said as she ran her hand through her short bobbed hair."Why do you need to?"Elatha asked curiously."I had a vision about the goddess,she rquested that i get back the wing that Dynasty stole from her."Elatha brought his hand to his chin in thought."Ok but you gotta be quick,there's a limited time that the portal can stay open and the minute it opens the seal i placed on Dynasty will break temporaily,so be careful"Elaia nodded."We will, don't worry"Elatha started chanting in an unknown language,in a matter of seconds a black portal appeared."Remember it can only stay open for a limited time"Elatha warned the group once last time before they ventured into the portal.Elaia nodded then approached the portal as did Robundai and Seru.They were sucked in the moment they got near it.In just a few seconds they were on the other side of the portal.It has the appearance of a cave."Look over there"Seru pointed to a man with long flowing hair,long pointed ears.He was wearing a long robe with a simple pattern on it.
    The man was chained to the to a tall piller,but he wouldn't stay that way for long.The chains shattered off his body and he jumped down from from the piller that he only moments before been chained to."Who are you people?What do you want with me?"Elaia glared at Dynasty."We came to retrieve the wing you stole from Goddess Morrighan"Dynasty smirked."It won't be an easy task you know"-Dynasty chuckled. "You shouldn't underestimate us"Seru said as he stepped up beside Elaia drawing his wakizashi as he did so.Dynasty closed is eyes for a minute."Schatten Schlange"Small snakelike shapes slithered out from Dynasty's shadow and slithered up Elaia's body.
    "Light Coverage"A circle of light surrounded Elaia causing the snakes to dissipate into thin air.Dynasty smirked."Your very skilled just as i was told"Elaia just glared at Dynasty.Seru glared at Dynasty as well."Enough we came to fight not engage in pointless conversation"Sora said in a venomous tone."Then lets get this over with"Dynasty held his hand out in front of him.As he did a wave of black matter shot out and knocked Elaia and Seru to the ground.They hadn't been expecting that but they shook it off and quickly got to their feet.Fire swirled around Elaia's arms for a moment then surrounded Dynasty and steadily closed in on him.Dynasty just stood there unmoving.Robundai pulled his sword from his sheath and stabbed Dynasty through the back."So you snuck up behind me i see"Dynasty glanced down at the blade that was through his chest,he grabbed the sword by the blade and thrusted it backwards.It hit Robundai in the chest and sent him flying a couple feet.Robundai caught his footing and glared at Dynasty."He's so strong..."Robundai thought as he wiped some blood from his mouth.Dynasty pulled the sword from his chest and tossed it to the ground."You'll need to do better then that if you want to the wing back..."Elaia walked towards Dynasty. "Flammenpfeil" Four arrows made entirely of fire descended down upon Dynasty and pierced his body.
    Dynasty let out a agonized scream of pain.All of a sudden a colum of fire shot up from the ground and burned him even more severly then the fire arrows.Dynasty spread his wings and managed to escape from the torrent of flames.He fell to his knees in pain,his whole body was pretty much burned.Elaia walked over to Dynasty and placed two fingers on his forehead."können Sie in der Hölle brennen für alle Ewigkeit Flammen verschlingen seine Seele"Dynasty's eyes widened when he all of sudden started distengrating into particles.He glared at Elaia before he fully disappeared.As soon as he was gone,Morrighan's wing appeared before there very eyes encased in a veil of light.Robundai and Seru looked at it in awe as did Elaia.All of a sudden the cave started to crumble."Its collasping we gotta get outta here"Said Robundai no hint of panic in his voice.Elaia nodded and grabbed onto the wing and entered the portal once again.Robundai and Seru followed.Once they made it back to the shadow realm,Morrighan approached them,a grateful smile on her face."Thank you for getting my wing back,all of you"The wing dissipated into thin air then reformed on her right shoulder.Elaia smiled."It was really no problem,right guys?"Robundai and Seru nodded,smiles on there faces as well."Yeah we were glad to do it"Robundai looked over to Morrighan."You won't have to worry about Dynasty anymore either since Elaia sealed that basterd in hell"Morrighan giggled."I thank you all once again but i must be going now"Morrighan gently flapped her wings as she flew into the sky.Elaia,Robundai and Seru watched her as she ascended into the sky,until she disappered from view.

    Elaia stretched and held her hands behind her head."Now that thats done with,how about we hit a dungeon?"Robundai smirked."Sure how about Coill?I'm in the mood to kick some werewolf a**"Seru chuckled."Let's go then"Robundai thrust his fist into the air."Yeah!!!"Elaia started to chant and they dissipated into the air and returned to Tailltean.From there they mounted their horses and headed to Emain Macha,the memory of that moment still fresh in their minds.None of them would ever forget that grand moment in their lives.
    The End