• Prologue:
    Ardimillio screamed in pain. Tears ran down Alyss' face as she yelled, "Ardimillio!" She ran to him, catching him on the ground. All around them, their friends and teachers fought the Demons. Alyss' tears fell onto Ardimillio's face. "No. No! Not you... You aren't going to die!", She screamed. There was a large wound on his stomach. Alyss put her hands right above it, willing her magic to heal it. The wound grew a bit smaller, but it was still too deep to heal. "We can save you. We can! Our magic teacher would know..." Alyss' tears streaked her face. She sniffed. "No, Alyss. Please. I'm already a dead man. Please, don't waste your energy. I love you so much." Ardimillio put his hands on her face and brought her down for one last kiss. She smiled a sad, wet smile. "I love you too." Ardimillio's eyes closed and his hands fell from her face. "No! NO!" Alyss screamed. She picked up her sword and stood, a broken look in her eyes. First her father. Then Aubrey. Now the love of her life was gone. The gold rose they found in the Garden hung on her dress. It still shone with their love. Alyss didn't notice. She stabbed the demon who 'killed' Ardimillio through the brain. Her eyes were crazed, broken, hurt, angry. Lalune noticed Ardimillio on the ground. "Alyss! What-" Then she realized. She grabbed Alyss and yelled at Len,"Take Ardimillio to the infirmary!" She had noticed the still-gleaming rose. Len nodded. Lalune dragged Alyss to the nearest dorm: her's. Alyss fell in a heap on the floor, sobbing and moaning,"He's gone, he's gone..." A mad woman's chant. Lalune grabbed the rose and shoved it in Alyss' face. Alyss took the beautiful thing in her trembling hands. "Len took him. He's still alive! Now you need to get your s**t together and get out there and fight the people who tortured you!"

    Like it? This was the prologue: It happens way later in the story. Yes, I know the main girl in the story here is the same name as the main girl in my other story, but they are not the same people. Not by a long shot. I'll post p.2 for Fallen Roses and p.3 for Adventures in Underland later on this week... I love you! ♥